DIMITRISG Δημοσ. 12 Απριλίου 2009 Μέλος Δημοσ. 12 Απριλίου 2009 Ο νικητης των βιντεο λινουξ The wait is over! After receiving nearly 100 entries from all over the world, The Linux Foundation is exceptionally please to announce the winners and runners-up for the "We're Linux" Video Contest. These videos reflect the best of what was truly a global community effort with videos being submitted from Asia, Europe, North America and South America. http://video.linuxfoundation.org/category/video-category/-linux-foundation-video-contest http://video.linuxfoundation.org/contest/winners
dark_banishing Δημοσ. 12 Απριλίου 2009 Δημοσ. 12 Απριλίου 2009 Απογοήτευση εντελώς τα βιντεάκια... Μηδέν πρωτοτυπία. Περίμενα κάτι πολύ πολύ καλύτερο. Αυτό με τον πιγκουίνο κάτι έλεγε αλλά όχι πολλά πράγματα.
DIMITRISG Δημοσ. 16 Απριλίου 2009 Μέλος Δημοσ. 16 Απριλίου 2009 γαλλική προφορά; ή μήπως ινδική; μπερδεύτηκα δεν μπορω να καταλαβω αλλα μαλλον ινδικη ειναι ή αλλη ασιατική γαλλικη δεν ειναι με τιποτα, θα το ειχαν κόψει το βιντεο ---------- Το μήνυμα προστέθηκε στις 19:32 ---------- Μπορεί να τρέχουμε κάθε μέρα non-free προγράμματα χωρίς να το ξέρουμε μέσω του περιηγητή μας ιστού. Ιδού : The JavaScript Trapby Richard Stallman You may be running non-free programs on your computer every day without realizing it—through your web browser. In the free software community, the idea that non-free programs mistreat their users is familiar. Some of us refuse entirely to install proprietary software, and many others consider non-freedom a strike against the program. Many users are aware that this issue applies to the plug-ins that browsers offer to install, since they can be free or non-free. But browsers run other non-free programs which they don't ask you about or even tell you about—programs that web pages contain or link to. These programs are most often written in JavaScript, though other languages are also used. JavaScript (officially called ECMAscript, but few use that name) was once used for minor frills in web pages, such as cute but inessential navigation and display features. It was acceptable to consider these as mere extensions of HTML markup, rather than as true software; they did not constitute a significant issue. Many sites still use JavaScript that way, but some use it for major programs that do large jobs. For instance, Google Docs downloads into your machine a JavaScript program which measures half a megabyte, in a compacted form that we could call Obfuscript because it has no comments and hardly any whitespace, and the method names are one letter long. The source code of a program is the preferred form for modifying it; the compacted code is not source code, and the real source code of this program is not available to the user. Browsers don't normally tell you when they load JavaScript programs. Most browsers have a way to turn off JavaScript entirely, but none of them can check for JavaScript programs that are nontrivial and non-free. Even if you're aware of this issue, it would take you considerable trouble to identify and then block those programs. However, even in the free software community most users are not aware of this issue; the browsers' silence tends to conceal it. Συνέχεια... ---------- Το μήνυμα προστέθηκε στις 22:20 ---------- Ο νικητης των βιντεο λινουξ The wait is over! After receiving nearly 100 entries from all over the world, The Linux Foundation is exceptionally please to announce the winners and runners-up for the "We're Linux" Video Contest. These videos reflect the best of what was truly a global community effort with videos being submitted from Asia, Europe, North America and South America. http://video.linuxfoundation.org/category/video-category/-linux-foundation-video-contest http://video.linuxfoundation.org/contest/winners Και στα ελληνικά: http://ndigital.in.gr/tech/werelinux ---------- Το μήνυμα προστέθηκε στις 22:21 ---------- επισης μολις διαπιστωσα τον πιγκουινο στον browser μου οταν ανοιγω ενα τοπικ στο linux section καλό ! ---------- Το μήνυμα προστέθηκε στις 13:22 ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vista/7 more secure than Linux and Mac OS X Vista today, post-Service Pack 2, which is now in the marketplace, is the safest, most reliable OS we’ve ever built. It’s also the most secure OS on the planet, including Linux and open source and Apple Leopard. It’s the safest and most secure OS on the planet today. Everything that we’ve learned in Vista will be leveraged in Windows 7, but certainly when we broke a lot of the compatibility issues to lock down user account controls, to lock down the ability to manipulate states and all the things, that was a very painful process for us to grow through, but we had to do it. And the reason that Windows 7 will be successful is because of the pain we took on Vista. Because from a compatibility standpoint, if it works on Vista, it will work on Windows 7. If it doesn’t work on Vista, it won’t work on Windows 7. [emphasis added] http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=4146&tag=nl.e539
gtroza Δημοσ. 16 Απριλίου 2009 Δημοσ. 16 Απριλίου 2009 "Υπερπαραγωγή" απο Βουλγαρία ! * Slax 6.1.0 * Puppy Linux 4.2 * System Rescue CD 1.1.7 * Clonezilla 1.2.1-53 * Parted Magic 4.0 όλα σ' ένα cd The 696MB Ultilex is said to both install from a USB flash device and allow users to save changes they've made during the live session. Users can modify files and even install or remove modules, and all the changes will be saved to the USB flash drive, says Davidov. Bulgarian distro offers Live CD greatest hits http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS8823605878.html?kc=rss Ultilex 3.0 http://ultilex.linux-bg.org/ .
DIMITRISG Δημοσ. 21 Απριλίου 2009 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Απριλίου 2009 για τους προγραμματιστες που θελουν να συμμετασχουν θα τους διατιθεται ο οδηγος και το kit SDK NVIDIA Releases OpenCL Driver To Developers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SANTA CLARA, CA—APRIL 20, 2009—NVIDIA Corporation, the inventor of the GPU, today announced the release of its OpenCL driver and software development kit (SDK) to developers participating in its OpenCL Early Access Program. NVIDIA is providing this release to solicit early feedback in advance of a beta release which will be made available to all GPU Computing Registered Developers in the coming months. “The OpenCL standard was developed on NVIDIA GPUs and NVIDIA was the first company to demonstrate OpenCL code running on a GPU,” said Tony Tamasi, senior vice president of technology and content at NVIDIA. “Being the first to release an OpenCL driver to developers cements NVIDIA’s leadership in GPU Computing and is another key milestone in our ongoing strategy to make the GPU the soul of the modern PC.” At the core of NVIDIA®’s GPU Computing strategy is the massively parallel CUDA™ architecture that NVIDIA pioneered and has been shipping since 2006. Accessible today through familiar industry standard programming environments such as C, Java, Fortran and Python, the CUDA architecture supports all manner of computational interfaces and, as such, is a perfect complement to OpenCL. Enabled on over 100 million NVIDIA GPUs, the CUDA architecture is enabling developers to innovate with the GPU and unleash never before seen performance across a wide range of applications. Developers can apply to become a GPU Computing Registered Developer at: http://www.nvidia.com/opencl http://www.nvidia.com/object/io_1240224603372.html
light360 Δημοσ. 23 Απριλίου 2009 Δημοσ. 23 Απριλίου 2009 Vista/7 more secure than Linux and Mac OS X [..] http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=4146&tag=nl.e539 Καλα, ο πινασμένος καρβέλια ονειρευευται.:-D:-D
lef50 Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2009 Δημοσ. 26 Απριλίου 2009 Aπο ερευνα που εγινε σε συνεργασια Red Hat και του πανεπιστημίου Georgia Tech για την υιοθέτηση του λογισμικού ανοιχτού κώδικα παγκοσμιως ειμαστε στην 53η θεση η Γαλλια 1η! http://elkosmas.gr/2009/04/22/world_opensource_map_greece/
DIMITRISG Δημοσ. 29 Απριλίου 2009 Μέλος Δημοσ. 29 Απριλίου 2009 10 λογοι για να βαλει καποιος την Mandriva 2009 Spring More updates Faster and mobile Easy Secure Your double All the applications you need Free! Your own version Taking part Your reasons? http://www2.mandriva.com/linux/overview/ Στη Mandriva ως συνηθως η spring ειναι παντα καλυτερη της χειμωνιατικης. Νομιζω και σε αυτη την εκδοση με νεα χαρακτηριστικά όπως την εκκινηση αστραπή με χρηση του Speedboot και μια απο τις καλυτερες αφομοιωσεις του KDE 4.2.2 επιβεβαιωνει τη φήμη της.
Members gsarig Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2009 Members Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2009 Αν και δεν είναι θέμα που αφορά άμεσα το Linux, πιστεύω πως ενδιαφέρει αρκετούς χρήστες Linux (ως χρήστες του OpenOffice): το SP2 του MS Office 2007 υποστηρίζει πλέον το ODF. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, δίνει τη δυνατότητα απευθείας αποθήκευσης ενός εγγράφου ως ODF (στο save as) αλλά και ορισμού του ODF ως προεπιλεγμένο φορμάτ για τη δημιουργία νέων εγγράφων. (πηγή: http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/05/02/199203)
soturin Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2009 Δημοσ. 3 Μαΐου 2009 πολύ ευχάριστο αυτό, να μη χρειάζεται να παζαρεύεις κάθε φορά σε τι σώζεις τα αρχεία σου
iant Δημοσ. 4 Μαΐου 2009 Δημοσ. 4 Μαΐου 2009 Αν και δεν είναι θέμα που αφορά άμεσα το Linux, πιστεύω πως ενδιαφέρει αρκετούς χρήστες Linux (ως χρήστες του OpenOffice): το SP2 του MS Office 2007 υποστηρίζει πλέον το ODF. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, δίνει τη δυνατότητα απευθείας αποθήκευσης ενός εγγράφου ως ODF (στο save as) αλλά και ορισμού του ODF ως προεπιλεγμένο φορμάτ για τη δημιουργία νέων εγγράφων. (πηγή: http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/05/02/199203) Υποστήριξη της ODF δεν ήταν απολύτως σύμφωνο με την ISO ODF ! Δεν την διόρθωσαν και είπαν πως μόνο στην επόμενη version θα είναι πλήρες συμβατό!
gtroza Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2009 Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2009 Famous Reverse Engineer Bade Farewell _________________________________________ Fjalar Ravia, famously known for his pseudonym "Fravia", is one most distinguished reverse engineer in the world. He is best known for maintaining a web archive of reverse engineering techniques and for leading people from becoming "crackers" to "reversers". μας άφησε μεγάλη κληρονομιά ~ Opening Windows ~ (the legal approach) http://www.fravia.com/bangla.htm No kidding: Try it, and check what's going on with a good firewall: any search on your own harddisk trough MS start-->search will trigger a hidden connection trough port 80 to sa.windows.com ( Why? Well, simply in order to deliver to microsoft's spymasters both your IP and what you are searching for... on your own hard disk. http://www.fravia.com/intro.htm http://www.fravia.com/srtools.htm .
DIMITRISG Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2009 Μέλος Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2009 Οι mainteneurs του Debian αποφασισαν να αλλαξουν βιβλιοθηκη C. δεν θα χρησιμοποιουν την glibc αλλα την eglibc λογω «κακων» σχεσεων με τους developers glibc, ελειπη υποστηριξη ARM στην glibc... http://www.eglibc.org/home http://blog.aurel32.net/?p=47
jim_p Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2009 Δημοσ. 8 Μαΐου 2009 Το οποιο για εμενα τον απλο χρηστη του debian σημαινει...?
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