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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Broadcom Switches to the Light Side: The Start of a New Era?








-----Προστέθηκε 3/10/2008 στις 12 : 00 : 42-----



CeBIT 2009 to Focus on Open Source: Call for Projects






-----Προστέθηκε 3/10/2008 στις 12 : 06 : 41-----



How often do we need GNU/Linux releases?




Επεξ/σία από gtroza
Αυτόματη ένωση μηνυμάτων
Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

The Embedded Linux Conference (ELC) is the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using Linux in embedded products. The main sponsor of ELC is the CE Linux Forum (CELF). Each year two conferences are organized. In Spring, ELC - CELF's main international event - is organized in the USA. In Autumn, ELC Europe is held targeting a European audience.

CE Linux Forum is an international open source software development community established in 2003. It is a forum of like-minded software engineers dedicated to the development and enhancement of Linux-based embedded devices through the irreplaceable resource of shared knowledge. These engineers bring their ideas and finest skills to such missions as decreasing system size, startup/shutdown time, and power consumption; improving compatibility to various CPU architectures, and developing middleware.






-----Προστέθηκε 5/10/2008 στις 01 : 58 : 16-----



GIMP 2.6.0 RELEASED 2008-10-01


GIMP 2.6 is an important release from a development point of view. It features changes to the user interface addressing some often received complaints, and a tentative integration of GEGL, the graph based image processing library that will eventually bring high bit-depth and non-destructive editing to GIMP.



Επεξ/σία από DIMITRISG
Αυτόματη ένωση μηνυμάτων



Google's Linux software repositories make it easier to download and stay up-to-date with current releases of Google Linux applications. Please choose one of the guides below to help configure your system to use these repositories.

Step-by-step GUI Configuration

For step-by-step instructions using graphical tools, please choose your distribution from the list below. If your distribution is not listed, please try one of the command line guides.


Command Line Configuration

If your distribution is not covered by the GUI guides, or if you prefer to work with command line tools, below are instructions for several common package managers. Choose the one most appropriate for your system. Alternatively you could use the automated installation script to perform these actions.


Additional Resources

Repository Contents


  • Picasa for Linux 2.7
  • Google Desktop Linux 1.2

For more information and updates, please join the Google Linux Repositories Help group.





-----Προστέθηκε 6/10/2008 στις 02 : 21 : 19-----



τα links δουλευουν; εμενα μου εβγαλε not found !! :shock:


From: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@...>

To: Linux Kernel Mailing List <linux-kernel@...>

Subject: Linux 2.6.27-rc9

Date: Monday, October 6, 2008 - 7:52 pm



I know, I know, I said that -rc8 was supposed to be the last -rc, and that

I'd release 2.6.27 this weekend.


I lied. Sue me. I merged two subtle regression fixes today, and while both

looked perfectly fine and had been tested by the people involved in the

regressions, I just couldn't bring myself to then just slap a "v2.6.27" on

it without some more testing.


So I'd like to get at least a couple of days of feedback on those fixes.

It also felt like a good idea to have an -rc with the patches that should

fix the (much-publicized) e1000e firmware corruption bugs. I know people

inside Intel are still looking at it, so there may be more changes in that

area, but I think we're set for 2.6.27 - but again, let's just do an -rc



If things go well, I might do a final release mid-week, otherwise it's

"next weekend" again.


The dirstat looks like the normal one: half arch code (mainly due to some

mips updates), and 30% drivers, with a smattering of other things (eg

sctp). But the things people would likely _care_ about are the e1000e

patches and the HP Turion-based laptop performance regression thing and

an GART mapping issue.


But here's the dirstat for an "overview" anyway:


35.3% arch/mips/kernel/

4.5% arch/mips/sibyte/swarm/

42.5% arch/mips/

3.7% arch/powerpc/boot/dts/

4.4% arch/powerpc/

52.9% arch/

11.3% drivers/ide/mips/

11.8% drivers/ide/

4.9% drivers/media/video/

6.6% drivers/media/

3.8% drivers/net/e1000e/

29.2% drivers/

5.0% include/asm-mips/

5.4% include/

3.5% net/sctp/

4.4% net/


and the shortlog is appended.




PS. I already bugged people on the git lists with this, but since I'm

totally shameless and can't help but hope that some random kernel person

also does tcl/tk or just wants to help improve my kids-time-tracker, I can

just point to




and hope that somebody would like to make that GUI better and/or feel like

they really want to do a "management interface" too ;)





-----Προστέθηκε 8/10/2008 στις 07 : 29 : 06-----



Το σημαντικό της ανωτερας ειδησης ειναι το blog του Linus :lol:

Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

απ' blog του Miguel de Icasa



Five Second Linux Boot


I loved this LWN article on the changes necessary to make Linux boot in 5 seconds on the Asus EEE PC (a relatively slow computer).


Hopefully all Linux distributions will adopt these changes for custom deployments.

Posted by Miguel de Icaza on 04 Oct 2008


LPC: Booting Linux in five seconds




--------------"αυτοσυγκόλληση" απο χρήστη--------------------:mrgreen:

First ALP Linux smartphone?

An Israeli firm will ship a smartphone that runs Linux to the Russian market, according to industry reports. Possibly manufactured by Sharp, Emblaze Mobile's "Edelweiss" phone will offer GPS and an unprecedented 854 x 480 touchscreen, while running the Access Linux Platform (ALP), reports suggest.





Επεξ/σία από gtroza

Taipei, Taiwan October 9, 2008—CyberLink Corp. (5203.TW), innovative solution provider for the connected digital lifestyle, today introduces its high-definition digital media solutions on Linux for Netbooks and Nettops— CyberLink PowerDVD Linux and PowerCinema Linux. With CyberLinkʼs solution offerings, consumers can now enjoy exceptional HD digital media experience on Linux PCʼs.


CyberLink PowerDVD Linux is a compact video playback software derived from CyberLinkʼs award-winning HD movie player, PowerDVD. PowerDVD Linux supports DVD-Video playback with menu navigation, subtitle, and video rewind and fast forward. To provide the best high-definition video and audio experience on Linux PCʼs, PowerDVD Linux incorporates CyberLink TrueTheater™ Lighting for automatic video lighting enhancement, and support for CyberLink TrueTheater™ Surround and Dolby audio technology for excellent audio quality.



Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Video and photos show Linux booting on the brazilian voting machines




The hardware is publically bought (in recent years, Diebold has been the main provider), but the software is developed in house by the Electoral Justice. All political parties have access to the source code, and digitally sign the executable code, and thus can confirm, at any individual machine, that the running software is the official one.


----------------αυτοσυγκόλληση απο χρήστη---------------


Copyleft and closed dual license ethics






-----Προστέθηκε 15/10/2008 στις 08 : 16 : 47----- * "φτώχια" και στο Insomnia ? :mrgreen:



How Linux Helped 5 Poverty-Stricken Governments




Επεξ/σία από gtroza
Αυτόματη ένωση μηνυμάτων

Θύματα των κλιματολογικών αλλαγών είναι και οι πιγκουίνοι, καθώς το λιώσιμο των πάγων – κυρίως στην Ανταρκτική – απειλεί το 75% των αποικιών τους, όπως καταδεικνύει έκθεση της WWF.




Η οργάνωση αναφέρει ότι τον μεγαλύτερο κίνδυνο αναμένεται να αντιμετωπίσουν δύο είδη πιγκουίνων: ο Αυτοκρατορικός (Emperor) και ο Adelie.

Στην έκθεση της περιβαλλοντικής οργάνωσης τονίζεται επίσης ότι, λόγω των πάγων που λιώνουν θα εξαφανιστεί και ένα είδος γαρίδας, το οποίο αποτελεί το βασικό στοιχείο της διατροφής πολλών ψαριών. Η έλλειψη θα οδηγήσει μεγάλο αριθμό πιγκουίνων στην καταστροφή, καθώς θα μειωθεί και ο αριθμός των ψαριών που τρέφονται με αυτό το είδος γαρίδας.

Η WWF απευθύνει έκκληση προς την παγκόσμια κοινότητα να φροντίσει για το μέλλον όχι μόνο των πιγκουΐνων αλλά και των άλλων θαλασσίων ειδών της Ανταρκτικής.

Για τον λόγο αυτό, επιστήμονες και νομοθέτες συναντώνται στο Χόμπαρτ στα τέλη του Οκτώβρη σε Συνέδριο για την προστασία των Θαλασσίων Πόρων της Ανταρκτικής.



Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

να, αυτά κάνει η micro$oft ! B)


άσχετο :

The State of Linux Docks





-----Προστέθηκε 18/10/2008 στις 12 : 17 : 11-----



Russia's Open Source Revolution




Επεξ/σία από gtroza
Αυτόματη ένωση μηνυμάτων

το έβλεπα το ALT linux αλλά δεν ήξερα ότι είναι ρωσική διανομή!

Μιλάμε για εθνική υπόθεση πλέον, και σημαντικό ρόλο έπαιξε το γεγονός ότι υιοθετήθηκε το linux στα σχολεία


Why Brazil Loves Linux




When I was growing up in Brazil, paying for software licenses was about as natural as a third arm growing out of your back. Whenever you needed software, youʼd dial up a friendly pirate and buy a “collection” for, uh, $30. That included, my friends, instant home delivery: the guy would drive to your house and deliver the collection. If you were programming at night, he might even bring you a pizza. The best pirates had good access to the warez scene and could find anything in case you had a custom request. In the collection youʼd find cracked versions of several major pieces of software from various manufacturers. How convenient. Borland Delphi? Check. Visual Studio? Check. Windows NT 4.0 Server, Workstation? Check. Linux? Check (saves you the download). It was like MSDN for the whole computer industry! The piracy happened regardless of income levels - people “buying” the software were by no means poor (otherwise they wouldnʼt have a computer in the first place, at that point in time). Many could easily afford licenses, yet felt absolutely no qualms about piracy. The whole culture disregarded copyrights deeply. To most people, the pirate was doing honest work: downloading all this stuff, burning it, delivering it. An honorable job.


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