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Linux Foundation promises a quantum leap forward is coming for Linux standards.


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July 31, 2008

By Sean Michael Kerner: More stories by this author:


Linux Not all Linux distributions are made with the same components, which can make it difficult for software developers to write applications for multiple Linux distributions. That's where the Linux Standards Base (LSB) comes into play.



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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Για να γραφτεί αυτό το άρθρο έγινε πλιάτσικο σε πληροφορίες που διατίθενται ελεύθερα και δωρεάν από τη Wikipedia και ειδικούς κόμβους. Βέβαια οι πληροφορίες εκεί είναι ακόμα, μπορείτε να τις χρησιμοποιήσετε και εσείς ή όποιος άλλος ενδιαφέρεται, οπουδήποτε και αν βρίσκεται στον κόσμο.


Η πρόσβαση έγινε μέσω του Firefox που προσφέρεται δωρεάν, αν και δεν είναι αυτός ο λόγος που το προτιμούν εκατομμύρια χρήστες του δικτύου - είναι απλώς πάρα πολύ καλό πρόγραμμα. Το κομμάτι γράφεται σε Open Office που, για έναν απλό χρήστη, είναι ουσιαστικά ίδιο με την αντίστοιχη πλατφόρμα της Microsoft, μόνο που διατίθεται ελεύθερα. Ο υπολογιστής, πάνω στον οποίο γίνονται όλα αυτά, λειτουργεί με Microsoft Windows. Υπό άλλες συνθήκες μπορεί να «έτρεχε» σε Linux, αλλά, δυστυχώς, κάποια συγκεκριμένα προγράμματα που χρησιμοποιώ δεν έχουν έκδοση για το δημοφιλές ελεύθερο λογισμικό.


Συνέχεια : http://www.e-tipos.com/newsitem?id=46641

Foxconnʼs position on this matter is clear - The board is only certified for Vista, and not certified for Linux, so the board is working as intended and there is no fix planned.




Hello every enthusiasts on Linux,


My name is Heart Zhang from Foxconn China, these days I and another Foxconn guy in UK names Carl Brunning contacted Ryan Farmer with each other at all times by email and phone on the big issue happened on our Foxconn MB G33M-S.


Yesterday evening I sent one debug version BIOS about this issue to Ryan, ask him to help us verify again. This morning Ryan replied me his testing result. Almost bugs are fixed by this BIOS.


Here is Ryan's testing result about the development BIOS




New York -- The Mobile Internet Devices (MID) market is likely to be the first real example of a greenfield situation in which all mobile operating systems start on the same equal footing, without the baggage of previous histories such as existed in the smartphone market. The Linux OS, in the form of Moblin, LiMo and Maemo, looks ready to take the lionʼs share of the MID market and is set to capture unit volumes of 50 millions units per annum in 2013.




schliz alerts us to a story out of the UK PC distribution channel. It seems that the percentage of systems pre-installed with Linux has gone up 28 times since Vista shipped, from 0.1% in January 2007 to 2.8% last June. Still not huge numbers, but Apple did OK for years with similar market share figures. Linux's headway comes in the face of the marketing money that manufacturers pass out to distributors, money that has historically been important to their profits: "In the late 1990s competition was so keen that distributors were said to sell at or below cost and take their profit direct from the marketing funds they received from vendors. Vendors nowadays keep watch to see their marketing funds are actually spent on marketing, but distribution runs on single figure profits and vendor marketing funds are a crucial aid."





Why an Internet Explorer Boycott

The advent of the WEB brought its batch of new technologies since years.

In order to guarantee a service Internet of quality, a consortium was created, the W3C, in order to provide a standard to be respected for the creators of site. The conformity of a site rests on these standards which must be accessible to any person who sails on the Net.

Almost the whole of navigators Internet tries to yield to these standards. Seul Internet Explorer does not respect the standards and imposes technologies constraining on the developers but also to the users.

To quote only this one, we can propose the SVG and the Canvas beacon which are not supported by Internet Explorer. These technologies, free and powerful, are non-existent on Internet Explorer. Instead of that, Internet Explorer uses a vectorial language not standardized, the VML, or imposes plugins owners governed by commercial editors (Flash, ASV…)

However, 95% of the Net surfers use Windows. Internet Explorer being provided with this last, we count nearly 80% of users Internet using Internet Explorer. Whereas tens of thousands of site could be technologically advanced, the creators of sites are forced not to implement these technologies not to deprive 80% of the users of their contents.

The ideal would be to use navigators advanced and more respectful standards. To quote only they, you can use Opera, Firefox, Safari… You will find more information on this page:Advised navigators

So as we you wish to be opposed to this optics, we propose several modules to you to be placed on your site. These widgets proposes several modes to you:

a simple icon informative

an attentive popup that you do not manage Internet Explorer

a blocker of complete access to Internet to explore

Visit this page to use the modules (widgets) to boycott Internet Explorer on your site.

Thank you.

Page Informations

Dernière modification par admin le 04/08/2008 10:47:13

Auteur original: admin




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Built on the latest SUSE Linux Enterprise platform, SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time is a fully supported, real time operating system, specifically engineered to reduce latency, increase the predictability and reliability of your time sensitive mission critical applications, and lower costs.




SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Now Certified and Supported on IBM Hardware and Middleware

Press Release


WALTHAM, Mass.— 05 Aug 2008— Enabling customers to run their time-critical business applications faster, and with more reliability and predictability, Novell today announced SUSE® Linux Enterprise Real Time 10 is now certified on select IBM BladeCenter hardware and supported by IBM WebSphere Real Time middleware. Utilizing best-of-breed products, Novell's real-time operating system and IBM's real-time Java hardware together ensure enterprises running latency-sensitive applications have the highest possible performance and availability across their entire solution stack.


“IBM and Novell are leveraging their strengths to deliver complete Linux-based solutions for customers looking for ways to reduce latency and increase the availability of their time-sensitive applications by running them on a certified and supported open source-based solution stack,” said Inna Kuznetsova, director of Linux at IBM. “Real-time Linux enables customers to prioritize processes and allows for a predictable period of completion on many time-sensitive projects, including critical tasks such as derivatives trading.”




At LinuxWorld, IBM threw its support behind Microsoft-free PCs for business and introduced a package of open source software for Linux-based supercomputers.



IBM (NYSE: IBM) on Tuesday put its industry muscle behind Linux distributors Canonical, Novell (NSDQ: NOVL), and Red Hat (NYSE: RHT) in building Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT)-free PCs for business.


Also at the LinuxWorld conference in San Francisco, IBM announced its first certified package of open source software for Linux-based supercomputers.


In the Microsoft-related announcement, IBM and its partners said there's market demand for less expensive PCs than those that ship with the Windows operating system and Microsoft's Office suite of applications. The four companies see Vista, the latest version of Windows, as opening the door for OS rivals.


Among the complaints of Vista is that it requires more powerful computers than those running XP, the previous version of Windows. As a result, many businesses have delayed upgrading to Vista until the end of their hardware life cycle.


IBM said this gives it and the Linux distributors the opportunity to work with hardware partners to offer PCs preloaded with Linux and IBM's Open Collaboration Client Solution, which includes Lotus Notes, Lotus Symphony, and Lotus Sametime.


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