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προβλημα στο grub με ubuntu και vista


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εχω εναν σκληρο 500 gb και ειχα vista. το εχω χωρισει σε 4 partition. το ενα ειναι για τα Linux. εγκαθιστω στο free space ubuntu 7.10. και οταν κανω restart και βγαζει το grub δε μπορει να μπει στα ωιστα. μου λεει error 18: selected cylinder exceeds maximum that bios can support και μετα δε μπαινει πουθενα. μονο αν πατησω να μπει sta linux με τη πρωτη φορα θα μπει. αν πατησω να μπει vista που δε θα μπει και μετα να μπει linux δε μπαινει. ξερεισ κανεις γιατι????


Δεν ξέρω άμα σε βοηθήσει αυτό αλλα, εγώ όταν έκανα dual boot με Vista και linux Εγκατέστησα πρώτα τα Vista στο πρώτο partition μετά μπήκα με live Cd τον Linux τα εγκατέστησα στο άλλο partition ext3 και ένα swap και δούλευε κανονικά.


Εγκατέστησες εσέι πρώτα τα Vista?


Για ρίξε μια ματιά στο παρακάτω:


Error 18


Error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS

This error is returned when a read is attempted at a linear block address beyond the end of the BIOS translated area. This generally happens if your disk is larger than the BIOS can handle (512MB for (E)IDE disks on older machines or larger than 8GB on others.). In more practical terms this means the BIOS is unable to start executing the kernel because the kernel is not located within the block it can access at boot up time.

This can be circumvented by creating a boot partition at the beginning of the disk that is completely within the first 1023 cylinders of the harddrive. This partition will contain the kernel.

The kernel itself does not suffer from the same limitations as the BIOS so after the BIOS has loaded the kernel the kernel will have no problem accessing the whole harddrive. Newer BIOSes will automatically translate the harddrives size in a way that it can be completely contained within the first 1023 cylinders and hence modern computers do not suffer from this problem.

The same error can happen when the BIOS detects a disk in a different way as Linux does. This can happen when changing motherboards or when moving a GRUB-bootable disk from one computer to another. If this happens, just boot with a GRUB floppy, read the C/H/S numbers from the existing partition table and manually edit the BIOS numbers to match. If using a SUSE linux and installing on VM Ware this problem is solved by creating a small partition at the very beginning of the harddisc, and mounting it as /boot.


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