Προς το περιεχόμενο

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Την ντουμπλαρανε στο αλμα λες? Ισως γιατι δεν δειχνει πανω απο την μεση, και οταν προσγειωνεται που την δειχνει στο πλαι κατιψιλοφαινεται να φουσκωνει!


Δεν σκεφτηκα το ενδεχομενο να την ντουπλαρανε, απλως ειπα πως θα γυρισε την σκηνη αυτη αφου γεννησε..


Πηγή: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0460649/faq#.2.1.23


Where did Lily go in the last few episodes of Season 4?


Alyson Hannigan (as well as Cobie Smulders) was pregnant during Season 4, and early in March 2009 left the show to have her baby. Her absence is partially explained at the beginning of #4.20 ("Mosbius Designs") when she is so offended by a joke Barney tells that she refuses to hang out with the guys for four weeks (presumably she still spends time with her husband and with Robin offscreen).


Hannigan gave birth to daughter Satyana on March 24, the week that #4.23 ("As Fast As She Can") was produced. The season finale (#4.24, "The Leap") was filmed in January to accommodate the actresses' pregnancies and to ensure Lily would play a role in the season finale.


Διαβάστε και τα υπόλοιπα ποστς, έχουν τρομερό ενδιαφέρον!

In "Mosbius Designs" (#4.20) Barney tells Lily a joke that offends her so much that she refuses to hang out with the gang for four weeks (this was done to accommodate actress Alyson Hannigan's maternity leave). The audience hears the setup ("What's the difference between peanut butter and jam?"), but not the punchline--Future Ted's narration obscures Barney's words.


There are minor variations to the punchline as found by searching for the joke on Google, but in essence, the punchline is: "I can't peanut butter my [slang for male organ] up your [slang for posterior]."


protect the children! :-(


"can't peanut butter my dick up your ass" say it dammit


προφανώς υπάρχει κι άλλη σαιζόν, ξέρουμε όμως αν θα είναι πάνω από μία;


Κάπου στα FAQ λένε πως ελπίζουν οι δημιουργοί να τελειώσει η σειρά το 2012. Μου κάνει εντύπωση πάντως (στο άλλο ζήτημα που λένε) πως συνεχώς δεν ξέρανε αν η σειρά θα τελειώσει την επόμενη χρονιά κτλ κτλ. Δεν πηγαίνει δηλαδή πολύ καλά η σειρά; Τι στο καλό βλέπουν εκεί στην Αμερική πια; Ούτε το Scrubs πήγαινε και τόσο καλά λένε...


Μόλις τα τελείωσα. Ήρεμο φινάλε.


Σίγουρα περίμενα ποιο κομικό το επισόδειο με ΤΗΝ κατσίκα, αλλά τελικά ωραία το δέσανε.

+1 στο να μας δείξουν επιτέλους την μητέρα, και ας έχει άπειρα επισόδεια μετά.

Άντε να δούμε απο φθινόπωρο τώρα... She's in the class :-)

A! Αν δεσμέυσουν τον Μπάρνευ τελικά, συμφωνώ πως θα χάσουμε ενα μεγάλο και σημαντικό κομμάτι της σειράς...



Προσωπικά δε μου άρεσε τόσο το τελευταίο επεισόδιο. Πολύ soft για season final ρε παιδί μου. Τι να πω...

  • 3 μήνες μετά...

Η επομενη season ξεκιναει την Δευτερα το βραδυ.

Για να αρχισουμε σιγα σιγα το hype παλι...


Ακολουθει μεγαλο spoiler για το 1ο επεισοδιο της 5ης season. Μην το ανοιξετε αν δεν θελετε να μαθετε.



In a nutshell: "Robin and Barney resist their friends' pressure that they should have "the talk" about their relationship. Meanwhile, a panicky Ted, about to face his first college class, decides he must keep control of his students by releasing his "inner douche" -- a tactic that backfires miserably..."


Ted's first day at his new teaching job approaches. He has a nightmare wherein he's eaten alive (figuratively) by his students who say he's been a failure in his career and is trying too hard to seem young and hip and that he's wearing no pants. When he wakes he's comforted by Barney, who's going through his bedroom looking for condoms.


The two stories for the episode involve:


1) Lily forces Barney and Robin to finally have their talk about how to define their relationship, confining the two in Robin's room while Marshall and Lily stand guard outside refusing to let them out until they get a satisfactory definition. Robin and Barney communicate their progress to Marshall and Lily via notes through the bottom of the door. Among the notes that are "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" to Lily are "We're seeing where things are going," and "we're engaged in a bromance."


2) Ted's first class, which becomes an exasperating situation for him as his students appear to show no previous knowledge or enthusiasm for the architectural field. It gets to the point where he's actually telling students to leave the lecture hall...


...but it turns out he's in the wrong lecture hall in the first place, and has actually been speaking to an Economics class. He runs across campus to his correct classroom and apologizes to his real students, telling them that they'll probably hear the story of why he's late from the other students (then one of his students says that it's already up on YouTube)



Και το θέμα είναι οτι πουθενά δεν υπάρχει trailer μόνο ένα στο επίσημο site του δικτύου αλλά δεν είναι διαθέσιμο Ελλάδα.


Άντε επιτέλους... :)

Ι wanna know the motherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Μπα, μπορούνε να το τραβήξουν άλλες 4 seasons που λέει ο λόγος.


Μεγάλη προσοχή στο spoiler παρακαλώ, είτε από το τρέιλερ είτε από άλλη πηγή! Οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία για το 501 να μπαίνει στο κατάλληλο tag, ευχαριστώ!

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