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F1 2001


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swstos mia fash 8a sou po sto prohgoumeno grand prix 8umasai poso eukola perase r.schumacher to schumacher alla dystuxos o prwtos thn pathse apo ti 8umamai ektos dromou.h williams pisteuo 8a parei trith 8esh fetos kai meta apo duo xronia 8a kanei prwta8lhtismo

  • Απαντ. 272
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

loipon paidia fetos oi mclaren kai ferrari einia poly tyxeres pou eixan ta atyxhmata oi williams sthn arxh giati den tha pezotane.katarxhn exoune makran ton kalytero kinhthra(na skefteite oti mclaren-ferrari douleoun me to zori stis 17000 strofes kai h bmw xalara stis 18000!!)<BR>oso gia amaksoma h williams einai korifaia.<BR>kai to shmantikotero pou kaneis den anefer.ta lastixa ths michelen einai poly kalytera apo ton giaponezzon...kai ayto mporei na dosei eos kai 0.5 deterolepta ston giro<BR>kai mhn ksexname oti exei kai 2 odhgares(as einai kala o frank pou phre to risko toy montoya..<BR>kai kati teleytaio.h williams mou thimizei fetos thn ferrari 2 xronon prin.pou ekeinh thn periodo h ferrari eixetelio amaksoma alla mapa kinhthra..molis vrike kinhthra h ferrari to phre..e tora h williams eixe na dei kinhthra kalo apo ton renault, tora omos vrike ton germano tou...


File Vlachaquito den mporo me sigoyria akoma na po gia ta lastixa an ontos ta Michellin exoyn kerdisei edafos enanti ton Bridgestone, alla pisteyo oti akoma theloyn doyleia kai den einai mono thema kinhthra h ypothesh.Exei na kanei kai me to sthsimo ths aerodynamikhs.Mporei ontos na "gyrizei" stis 18000 strofes o kinhthras ths Bmw, opos ekane kai perysi h Mc Laren poy "gyrize" merikes strofes parapano o kinhthras ths apo thn Ferrari,alla se pistes opos aytes toy Monaco kai se alles arges pistes pisteyo oti h kalyterh perioxh einai ayton ths Ferrari dhl se xamhles strofes h ropi, kathoti exei perissoterh apodotikothta se arges pistes me polles strofes.Mhn ksexnas epishs oti mporei na apodidoyn kala se pistes me megales telikes oi Bmw omos o xronos metraei stis strofes kai ekei einai to monothesio kai o odhgos poy kanoyn thn diafora kai oxi stis eytheies mono.Ontos h Bmw exei deiksei poly kalo set up,alla katse na doyme ti tha kanei kai me to traction control.<BR>Ayta panta filika<P>------------------<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.michaelschumacher-kartcenter.de/images/ms_head.gif" border=0><P>[This message has been edited by Schuma (edited 15-04-2001).]<p>[This message has been edited by Schuma (edited 15-04-2001).]


Paides fetos i williams tha mpei sfina se mclaren ferrari... H ferrari den mporei na prosarmosei akoma to traction control, tis mclaren o kinitiras einai eidika sxediasmeno gia afto kai i williams den antimetopizei idiaitera provlimata... Epitelous tha doume antagonismo an kai pistevo pos tha einai kirios anamesa se williams-ferrari...<P>Ti simainei midenizontai ta G? opios kserei SIGOURA na mou apantisei... Akomi, opios exei site me plirofories gia to Senna kai to atixima stin Imola to '94 na mou pei... <A HREF="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm15.gif'>http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm15.gif[/img]" TARGET=_blank>http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm15.gif[/img]</A> <P>Se afto to GP pistevo oti i williams itan tixeri. Kai gia ola ftaei o DC pou den "ekleise" to RS kai etsi o teleftaios mpainontas sto slip strim tou DC katafere na ton perasei sta frena sto telos tis eftheias.<BR>Ean den ton pernouse pistevo oti de tha kataferne na ton perasei kathara... O MH itan apogoiteftikos gia alli mia fora(kala ekana kai epeksa 50.000 sto stoixima eos 3 nikes)http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm11.gif[/img] ,eno o JPM itan poli atixos giati 3sec pio grigoro na itan to PIT-Stop de tha antimetopize provlima me ta frena. Gia to MS kanena sxolio(iparxei theos...). Thetikos o RB kai i stratigiki tis ferrari. Aksiosimeioti i 5-6 thesi ton jordan(ego prosopika den tis perimena toso pano giati os gnoston i pista einai apaititiki se kivotio kai frena kati to opoio den exei ekseliksei i jordan). Thetiki episis kai i 7h thesi tou Nick Heidfield.<BR>Sigxaritiria sto RS kai sti williams.<P>Xristos anesti kai xronia polla,<BR>GR-Judge_Dred[bB]<P><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm38.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm38.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm15.gif" border=0>


schuma eisai poly sostos..omos an prosekses oles aytes oi theories mou htane gia thn periodo mexri tora..apo ton epomeno agona pisteyo oti tha einai san na ksekinane apo thn arxh,kai pisteyo oti se ayton ton tomea(hlektronika)h mclaren einai mprosta..kai pisteyo oti o ron to mono pou ithele htan na kratisei se mikro epipedo tis zhmies mexri thn ispania kai apo ekei kai pera na ta dosei ola..kai oso gia ta michelen otan exei hlio den paizonte...to opoio shmainei oti oi pistes me vroxh einai liges akoma..


Telika file Vlachaquito apo oti diavasa se sites ontos ta Michelin edeiksan oti evalan ta yialia sthn Bridgestone!Pantos nai, h Mc Laren exei kalo tmhma me ilektronika kai fainetai apo thn arxh toys poy ftiaksane ekeino to perifimo software katanomhs ton frenon kai eixane afhsei tis ypoloipes omades 20 kai 30 deyt piso!Tora ontos o epomenos agonas epifylassei ekplhkseis kai einai opos les kai symfono mazi sou mia kainoyria arxh.<IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0> <P>------------------<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.michaelschumacher-kartcenter.de/images/ms_head.gif" border=0><p>[This message has been edited by Schuma (edited 16-04-2001).]


File leopa...Apo tin arxi tis xronia fonazo padou oti fetos o DC tha einai o protos odigos tis McLaren, to opoio to stiri3a me epixeirimata opos p.x. i episimi parousiasi tis MP18 apo ton DC, kathos kai diloseis tou Ron Dennis...<P>Pantos pistevo oti o,ti kai na ginei, to fetino protathlima tha einai to kalitero apo ola ta prohgoumena giati:<BR>1.Iparxoun 3 omades pou diekdikoun tin protia<BR>2.Gia tin 4h thesi iparxoun 2 omades pou ti diekdikoun KAI<BR>3.Anerxomena talenta opos o RS, o JPM, o NH kai o Jean Alesi [:P nai kala smile.gif] deixnoun ta dontia tous.<P>Gia fetos vlepo, an i ferrari den ekseliksei ta ilektronika voithimata Mclaren proti, williams defteri, ferrari triti, Jordan tetarti, Sauber pempti kai apo kei kai pera to XAOS!!<P>An kai pistevo oti i McLaren tha ginei apexti me ta ilektronika voithimata, theoro oti tha prepei na perioristoun afta, an ftasoume sta epipeda '93-'94 kai ligo '95 otan ta ama3ia proxorousan mona tous.<P>Kleinontas efxomai gia ton JV tou xronou na einai se mia megali omada p.x. McLaren me antalagi MH giati einai odigara o anthropos kai adikeitai apo ena anaksiopisto monothesio me adinamo kinitira, ilektronika kai aerodinamiki.<P>Filika,<BR>GR-Judge_Dred[bB]<P><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm45.gif" border=0> <P>------------------<BR>


Drimiteri i Bridgestone, meta ta sigxaritiria stronetai sti douleia...<P>First of all, congratulations to Ralf on his first grand prix win, Suganuma said. We have to accept today's result and look forward, although the performance of our tyres was acceptable. We will be studying the data and seeking to make further improvements in our tyres in time for Spain. <P>Me arketi epifilaksi proteino McLaren 1-2 stin Ispania... ego pantos tha valo lefta


Το γεγονος οτι η ομαδα της Williams αρχισε να δειχνει τα δοντια της, μονο θετικο μπορει να θεωρηθει. Καιρος ειναι να δουμε να σπαει ο διπολισμος των δυο μεγαλων ομαδων. <BR>Επισης χαιρομαι που αρχισαν να ανεβαινουν επιτελους οι McLaren εστω και με τον 2ο οδηγο της. Προσωπικα εχω απογοητευτει απο τον Hakkinen τον οποιο σημειωτεον δεν βλεπω να τρεχει του χρονου. <P>Υ.Γ. Φοιβο...ελεος! <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm12.gif" border=0> <P>------------------<BR><FONT size="4"><FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><B>Leopas</FONT c></B></FONT f></FONT s> <BR><FONT size="2"><FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><B>McLaren Rules!</FONT c></B></FONT f></FONT s><BR><IMG SRC="http://www.mclaren.net/mclaren/teammclaren/teammclaren_gifs/frame4.gif" border=0><p>[This message has been edited by leopas (edited 17-04-2001).]


file dred ase ta lefta sou kai thn oreksh sou gia ta epomena gp..ta pragmata einai poly reysta tora me ta hlektronika...pantos me oles aytes tis prosthikes ta amaksia tha odhgounte akoma kai apo emena(kala milame gia poly odhgara...ego!!).<BR>kai oso gia ton jv, pisteyo oti meta ton ms einai aytos..eidate persi ti ekane,me to zastava pou odhgouse kai katafere kai phre pontous,an tou dinane mia mc h ferrari tah vlepate ti tha ekane...


Ontos h Mc Laren isos na exei kalytera ilektronika apo tis 2 (pleon!) alles omades apo ton epomeno agona,ostoso omos tha doyme giati paizei rolo kai h aksiopistia toy kinhthra.En pasei periptosi o M.H ontos fetos den deixnei pathiasmenos gia thn katakthsh toy titlou alla pote den kseroyme ti mporei na symbei. Etsi egine kai perysi..alla pros to telos kontepse na parei protathlima.Apogohteytikos pantos einai kai mpravo ston D. C poy anebhke toso alla fovamai oti o Denis tha toy kopsei ta ftera an arxisei os ek thayamtos na anevainei h apodosh toy Filandoy.<P>------------------<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.michaelschumacher-kartcenter.de/images/ms_head.gif" border=0><p>[This message has been edited by Schuma (edited 18-04-2001).]


pantos den pisteyo na milhsei katholou o rd ston dc gia na ksanapaei to protathlima o mh.<BR>etsi kai allios den exei kanena symferon o rd gia to poios tha parei to protathlima apla to thema einai na to ksanaferei piso sthn mclaren.<BR>pantos dyo tha po...ferrari for ever kai epishs ferte ton kanado sthn ferrari...schumi den einai alla edo sthn italia fimologeite entona oti o ms tou xronou tha strivei alla timonia...


den einai alla edo sthn italia fimologeite entona oti o ms tou xronou tha strivei alla timonia...[/b]<P>Pou to akouses afto re c? Kai otan les entona poso entona? Oso oti o PAO tha parei allon coach?<BR>Kala tha kanei o Ron Dennis na afisei isixous tous odigous... Den exo kamia oreksi na vlepo epanalipsi skinikon stil DC trakarei to MH kai to antitheto... O kaliteros as parei to prwtathlima... kai opos eipe o proigoumenos filos afto pou endiaferei ti mclaren einai to protathlima kataskevaston perissotero. Fetos vlepo na pairnoume odigon, kataskevaston, me MH sti 2i thesi. XEXE. As to elpisoume!<P>


Finn driver Mika Hakkinen posted the fastest time for the second consecutive day at the Silverstone circuit, where a three-day session came to an end on Thursday.<P>On yet another very cold day, the McLaren team dominated the session as they did on Wednesday, with Scot David Coulthard being the second quickest driver today, less than two tenths behind team mate Hakkinen. <BR>----------------------------------------------<BR>Both McLaren drivers tested a new Bridgestone tyre compound, as they continued working on the electronics systems of the Mercedes-powered MP4-16. <P>Also using the new Bridgestone tyres, BAR-Honda drivers Olivier Panis and Jacques Villeneuve endured a more positive day than on Wednesday, setting the third and fourth quickest times respectively, and edging Jordan's Heinz-Harald Frentzen, who was fifth.<BR>----------------------------------------------<BR>Poor weather combined with a scheduled engine change reduced the track time for Frentzen, who only completed 20 laps. Several red flags did not help Frentzen's cause either. <P>Ralf Schumacher and Juan Pablo Montoya continued working for the BMW-Williams team, and the German driver - winner of the San Marino Grand Prix - admitted the Grove-based oufit have some way to go before their traction control system works properly.<P>"I think the test was reasonable and we went through everything we needed to," said Ralf, who was sixth fastest. "We still have some problems with traction control so there is still a lot of work to be done."<P>Frenchman Jean Alesi posted th eight quickest time at the wheel of the Michelin-shod Prost AP04, while Jaguar's Eddie Irvine was ninth, in front of Giancarlo Fisichella driving the recalcitrant Benetton B201.<P>One of the stars of the day at Silverstone was Spaniard Pedro de la Rosa, who was announced as Irvine's team mate for the Spanish Grand Prix following Luciano Burti's move to Prost. De la Rosa set the 11th fastest time today, while Burti completed an installation lap with the Prost but set no time.<P>Jonathan Cochet, Prost's test driver, was slowest once more, but only half a second behind de la Rosa.<P><BR>Today's times: <P><BR>Pos Driver Team-Engine Tyres Time <BR> 1. Hakkinen McLaren-Mercedes (B) 1:22.32<BR> 2. Coulthard McLaren-Mercedes (B) 1:22.50<BR> 3. Panis BAR-Honda (B) 1:22.65<BR> 4. Villeneuve BAR-Honda (B) 1:23.37<BR> 5. Frentzen Jordan-Honda (B) 1:23.53<BR> 6. R.Schumacher Williams-BMW (M) 1:23.76<BR> 7. Montoya Williams-BMW (M) 1:24.05<BR> 8. Alesi Prost-Acer (M) 1:24.56<BR> 9. Irvine Jaguar-Cosworth (M) 1:24.57<BR>10. Fisichella Benetton-Renault (M) 1:24.81<BR>11. de la Rosa Jaguar-Cosworth (M) 1:26.01<BR>12. Cochet Prost-Acer (M) 1:26.59<BR>13. Burti Prost-Acer (M) no time<P>


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