jupiter33 Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2008 Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2008 Πριν λίγες μέρες προσπάθησα να κάνω αναβάθμιση στο κινητό μου που είναι ένα sony ericsson w800i. Ενώ όλα πήγαιναν καλά αφού είχα ακολουθήσει πιστά όλες της οδηγίες όταν η αναβάθμιση κόντευε να τελειώσει ξαφνικά σταμάτησε στο 92% και από τότε όλες οι προσπάθειές μου να ξανακάνω από την αρχή την αναβάθμιση ήταν άκαρπες, διότι η αναβάθμιση ξεκινάει και σταματάει πάντα στο 92 %. Το κινητό πλέον δεν ανοίγει όταν πατώ το κουμπί ενεργοποίησης της συσκευής, αλλά αναβοσβήνει η οθόνη. Εάν κάποιος ξέρει τι πρέπει να κάνω παρακαλώ πολύ να μου δώσει τα φώτα του..
jupiter33 Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2008 Μέλος Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2008 Ναι αλλά το είχα κάνει αναβάθμιση πριν 2 χρονια με το update software(official) που δίνει η ericsson στο επίσημο site και είχα πλέον γνήσιο λογισμικό της sony ericsson. όταν ξαναπροσπάθησα πριν λιγες ημέρες έγινε αυτό που περιγράφω στο πρώτο post. Έχω ψάξει αρκετά αυτές τισ ημέρες σε διάφορα forums για σχετικά με το θέμα και κατέβασα αυτό το πρόγραμμα xs++ 3.1 που σου δίνει τη δυνατότητα αφού κατεβάσεις το firmware που είναι κατάλληλο για το κινητό σου να το κάνεις αναβάθμιση. Το ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑ είναι ότι δεν μπορώ να βρω το firmware για το κινητό μου. Αυτά που παίζουν είναι από 810i και διάφορα άλλα μοντέλα.
KnightRider Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2008 Δημοσ. 10 Μαρτίου 2008 Πανε στο http://www.myphone.gr και εκει βρισκεις το λογισμικό και κατεβάζεις το προγραμμα xs++ που είναι πιο καλο στο να βάλεις τα firmwire.Ειναι η καλύτερη λύση που έχω.Και εγω το ειχα το w810 σε vodafone αλλά το έκανα κανονικό και καλύτερο δηλ. άλλαξα εικονιδια μενου και κλπ,walkman player και έβαλα patch για το ραδιοφωνο να παιζει χωρίς handfree και να εχει πιο γρηγορη προώθηση και στην καμερα το εκανα να κάνει εγγραφή βιντεο στα 30fps και σε καλή ποιότητα.
FELIX Δημοσ. 11 Μαρτίου 2008 Δημοσ. 11 Μαρτίου 2008 W800_R1BC002_FS_EMEA3 W800_R1BC002_MAIN_EU_EMEA χρεαζεσε αυτο το firmware αν και τα ξερεις αυτα πρεπει να κανεις Note: This tutorial is taken from topsony thanx for the creator, and iam posting here only after i flashed my K750 to W800i. Flashing K750 to W800 Disclaimer : This process is 100% safe, but I am not to be held responsible if anything at all happens. Even something happens to the phone do not worry u can always flash back if u have the right firmware. W800 has types CID36 only, but K750 is available in two CID36 & CID49 Remove SIM and memory card for the entire procedure. Watch keenly on the messages shown in the software window (XS++). Do not let your phone turn ON at any point of time. Flashing takes place only when phone is switched OFF. U will see ur CID urself be coooooool. Before u start 1. A phone needs two things FLASH and MAIN. These are the operating system for ur phone. The FLASH file will be something like w800_R1BC002_FS_EMEA6.bin and MAIN something like W800_R1BC002_MAIN_EU_EMEA.bin. 2. EMEA indicates the software type and the above supports for India tested by myself. For others u will have to download others like (W800_R1BC002_MAIN_EU_EMEA_RED49 & W800_R1BC002_FS_EMEA2) 3. W800 stands for the mobile model for which the software is and R1BC002 is the type of FIRMWARE (Something like software version). 4. Full package can be found at Rapidshare OR Sendspace Unpack the rar file using WinRAR. The package includes: XS++: This program is used to flash you phone's firmware. This also lets you check your CID number. Gslide: This program converts W800 CID36 firmware to CID49, to make the firmware compatible to K750 CID49 phones. CID36 users need not use this. W800 Firmware: Your Main and File System files. Your W800's operating system files. USB Flash Driver: The driver you need to enable your phone for flashing through USB cable. These drivers are NOT (I repeat NOT) the same ones you get on K750 PC suite CD Flashing should be done in this order 1) Flash FS 2) Customize FS 3) Flash MAIN Because in XS++ the flashing has to be done in following order only because of a bug. STEP1: Installing USB Flash Driver. Turn off your phone. Remove SIM and memory card, and re-insert battery. Do not turn ON.Inside K750toW800 folder, goto XS++ folder and open the program. now click START. While pressing and holding the "c" button on your phone's keypad, insert USB cable. Windows will detect a new hardware and "Install new hardware" wizard pops up. Release the "c" button. In the wizard, click "no", not at this time, and next. Choose to install from a specified location and click next. Under search for the best drivers to install, check include this location in the search. Under browse, choose the path to the unpacked folder you downloaded and select the folder USB Flash Driver. Now click next and let the windows install the driver. After installing the driver, close XS++ and disconnect phone and turn it off in case it has switched on. Remove battery for 2 seconds and re-insert it (to refresh your phone). (Removing and re-inserting is usually required once u disconnect in any step) Now your phone is ready to be flashed. CHECKING CID NUMBER Again open XS++, click START, and insert cable while pressing "c" the same way as before. Your fone gets detected and on the left side of the screen, you get the detailed info of your phone including the EROM CID number. If you have CID 36, then goto STEP3. Do not close XS++ or unplug your fone. STEP2: For CID49: you know you have a CID49. So the CID36 firmware(which is downloaded) has to be converted to CID49. A. Open Gslide. for flashfile, click "..." and select the file named "W800_R1BC002_MAIN_EU_EMEA.bin" inside the W800 Firmware folder. In "output" type in the path C:\MAINFLASH.bin. Now click "Process". B. After sliding process is completed, again click "..." for flashfile and select file "W800_R1BC002_FS_EMEA6.bin" inside the same folder. Under "output" type in C:\FSFLASH.bin and hit process. Close the whole program after sliding completes. Now there will be 2 files in C:\ drive just created using Gslide. MAINFLASH.bin and FSFLASH.bin STEP3: Flashing FS. For CID36: Your phone is already detected by XS++. Under Select Firmware, check Flash File System, and then click "..." now select the file "W800_R1BC002_FS_EMEA6.bin" inside W800 Firmware folder. Hit flash, the flashing process is now initiated. After completion of 291 blocks, it will say either done, flashing or hang at "finishing flash". Don't worry about it. Close the program and unplug phone. Again take-out and reinsert battery to refresh. Goto STEP4. For CID49: Inside XS++, Under Select Firmware, check Flash File System, and then click "..." , now select the file "FSFLASH.bin" in the C:\ drive which we generated from Gslide. Hit flash to start flashing process. After completion of 291 blocks, it will say either done, flashing or hang at "finishing flash". Don't worry about it. Close the program and unplug phone. Again take-out and reinsert battery to refresh. STEP4: Customizing FS. Common for CID36 and CID49: Again open XS++ and connect the phone same way as we did before. Now check Customize File System and then select phone model "W800", select CDA and region "EMEA_6(CDA102430/6)". Hit Flash. It will ask you whether you want to use "breakin" or "brute-force". Click "yes" for breakin and strictly follow instructions on the left side of the screen. It will ask you to connect and re-connect phone 2-3 times by press and hold "c" method. Do not panic at any point here, just follow the instructions carefully on the left. At the point when it says "FS activation", wait for 3 minutes. After completion it asks again to connect the phone but it wont get connected so close XS++ and unplug fone. Refresh by re-inserting battery. STEP5: Flashing MAIN. For CID36: Open XS++ and again connect your phone the same way. Under Select Firmware, check Flash Main, and then click "..." , now select the file "W800_R1BC002_MAIN_EU_EMEA.bin" inside W800 Firmware folder. Hit flash, the flashing process is now initiated. After completion of 291 blocks, it will say either done, flashing or hang at "finishing flash". Unplug your phone and close XS++. For CID49: Open XS++ and again connect your phone the same way. Under Select Firmware, check Flash Main, and then click "..." , now select the file "MAINFLASH.bin" in the C:\ drive which we generated from Gslide. Hit flash, the flashing process is now initiated. After completion of 291 blocks, it will say either done, flashing or hang at "finishing flash" Unplug your phone and close XS++. STEP6: Now, insert your SIM and memory card and turn on the phone, wait for sometime as the phone takes time loading from a brand new firmware. It will say phone staring don't panic it will take some time as the new software has to be initiated. Strictly follow these steps, its 100% safe it worked 4 me without any problem there may be some problem in other country while selecting CDA region, but in India it worked for me. εγω το εκανα πριν απο καιρο και εινα αψογο κανε λογιν εδω,εχει τα αρχεια που θελεις http://sek750i.pl/content/view/104/116/lang,en/
jupiter33 Δημοσ. 11 Μαρτίου 2008 Μέλος Δημοσ. 11 Μαρτίου 2008 Knightrider και Felix Ευχαριστώ πολύ !!!!Επιτέλους το αναβάθμισα μου πήρε κανα 20λεπτο χίλια ευχαριστώ να είστε καλά!!!!
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