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Bioshock 2


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BioShock 2 Special Edition Announced


Here's a first glimpse at the BioShock 2 Special Edition, available February 9, 2010 for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. The BioShock 2 Special Edition will slam you for about a hundred bucks, and will be a limited production run. The BioShock 2 Special Edition celebrates the game’s unique music and art with contents inspired by the time period and the fantastic undersea world of Rapture. The edition contains the following:

  • Vinyl 180g LP with BioShock orchestral score
  • Audio CD with BioShock 2 orchestral score
  • Three vintage Rapture advertisement posters (rolled)
  • BioShock 2 Art Book, 164 pages and hardcover
  • BioShock 2 game


  • Απαντ. 341
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Νταξ, δε μιλάμε για ένα απλό game, όπως και να το κάνουμε.

Μιλάμε για σενάριο που θα ζήλευε ο Όργουελ.


Huge respect τους τύπους που το έγραψαν, αν με παίρνει οικονομικά όταν κυκλοφορήσει η SE θα την τσιμπήσω, αλλιώς μπορεί να μπω σε κάποιο κατάστημα, να την κλέψω και να φύγω τρέχοντας.



Δεν είχα σκοπό να αγοράσω παιχνίδια φέτος (λόγω Πανελλαδικών), αλλά με το που είδα την collector's απλά αθέτησα τους στόχους μου :P :P




Thomas: Bioshock 2 to feature “long, slow, empty, scary sequences”


2K Marin’s Jordan Thomas has told IGN that BioShock 2 isn’t going to be all fighting, and that his team is “targeting maximum immersion” with the sequel.


There are long, slow, empty, scary sequences, and there are much more intense battles that basically test all your powers as a Big Daddy. BioShock, I think, is the place where the player decides to roll his own shooter experience,” said the developer.


You can really alter how it feels to play.”


Balls-out BioShock 2 multiplayer footage has worried many, but Thomas said single-player depth has been a priority.


We are targeting maximum immersion, I suppose, as the mechanics and narrative, working together, create a sense of cogency, of a believable world,” he said.


Dropping the hacking mini-game from the first BioShock and introducing elements such as healing bots should keep the player grounded in Rapture, Thomas added.


We’re trying to let you shape your own play style, but we always wanted to come back to that live play, essentially right back to the immersive action,” he said.


Nice piece through there. Hit for Jesus.


It’s out on February 9 worldwide for PS3, 360 and PC.

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...
Μultiplayer θα εχει ?

Παντως σαν το πρωτο μοιαζει ,μπορω να πω ακριβες αντιγραφο .


ahem μάλλον δε παρατήρησες τον τίτλο στα videos απο πάνω:o οπότε η απάντηση είναι ναι

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

BioShock 2 to last over 10 hours


BioShock 2 will last at least ten hours, the latest episode of Qore’s apparently confirmed.


At the start of the game, you wake up a mystery. And for at least the first ten hours or so, you remain a mystery,” said narrator and Qore host Veronica Belmont.


The line is mentioned in the video below. Watch from 40 seconds onwards.


The rapturous sequel releases on February 9 for PC, PS3 and 360.



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