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Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3


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  • Απαντ. 259
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Μέχρι τώρα καίγομαι με Action Games, γιατί δεν υπάρχει κάποιο strategy της προκοπής.

Αν κυκλοφορήσει η λατρεία που λέγεται Red Alert, κλάψε με μάνα, με χάνεις. :lol:


το τραγουδι ειναι απο το 1ο ή μου φανικε???

anyway ο ηχος εινο τοσο καλος που ακομα τον παιζω στην ηλεκτρικη κιθαρα...


Παιδια μια ασχετη ερωτηση.Υπαρχει κανενας server για Command & Conquer 3 η για το Kane's Wrath;Το παιχνιδι το εχω τσουκουτσουκου (ξερετε)


Ναι από το πρώτο είναι το τραγούδι. Αν θυμάμαι καλά λεγόταν και Hell March (από τις μπότες που ακούγονται στην αρχή). Μάλλον τώρα που το ξανακούω είναι remix από το Hell March που είχε το πρώτο.


Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 First Look

The latest C&C game will feature parachuting bears, dolphins with sonic emitters, and even a Japanese schoolgirl. Yup, this is a Red Alert game.


There's a familiar quality with Red Alert 3, which isn't too surprising since it's coming to us from the real-time strategy team at EALA. This is the same team that delivered last year's Command & Conquer 3, The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth games and Command & Conquer: Generals. So the team has been working on RTSes for a while now, which means they've had time to develop a distinct approach.


Red Alert 3, of course, is the latest sequel to the famed Command & Conquer franchise, and being a Red Alert game means that it will possess the series' standout qualities. We're talking time travel, alternate histories, over-the-top units, and quite a bit of campy live-action cutscenes with scenery-chewing performances. Going into a recent appointment to see the game, we knew that Red Alert 3 would be about another alternate universe where the Soviets, facing defeat, go back in time and assassinate Albert Einstein to rewrite history. (This is a tip of the hat to the first Red Alert, where Einstein goes back in time to whack Hitler and rewrite history.) Unfortunately, and perhaps expectedly, unintended consequences complicate things, and pretty much all the Soviets wind up doing is unleashing the Empire of the Rising Sun, a new third faction based more or less in Japan. So now it's the Soviets versus the Allies versus the Japanese...



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