Helm21 Δημοσ. 4 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 4 Απριλίου 2001 Lipon,giati ta exw akousei polles fores afta gia ta manifesta tou operation,kai to arixtourgima to operation.Eno ksekeinaei kala,me kapio ousiastiko nohma,me ton vasiko xarakthra na epistratevetai apo ton arxikako vasisomenos sthn koinonikh adinamia ths epixhs,kai thn anagh tou gia antidrash.Ola kala,ta vazei me to kathestos kai ginetai ipoxeirio mias eksisou anierhs dinamhs.Alla meta me thn Mary kai to florolovestory NAI MEN einai endiaferon,alla stixourigka,kai nohmatika,einai aplos mia istorioula me kapia rixa minimata,opos kai to teleftaio Theater eksallou.Einai omorfo,kalopsixo kai kata to telos esiodokso mesa sthn apesiodoksia tou,alla TROMERO concept den einai,kai oute mporei na ikasei kaneis oti anikei mesa sthn 10ada twn concepts otan iparxoun pragmata opws:<P>1.Floyd:The Wall(milise kaneis?)<P>2.Fates Warning:A pleasant Shade of gray(H meleth sthn pnevmatikh aposindesh)<P>3.Fates Warning isconnected(kai min pei kaneis oti den einai concept apeidi prepei na diavazoume kai anamesa stis grammes kamia fora)<P>4.King Crimson:Red<P>5.Marillion:Misplaced Childhood(isws kai to adikw)<P>klp...<P>Akoma kai oi Opeth tou still life exoun kati na poun nohmatika perissotero apo to Operation...edw pou ta leme,akoma kai to promised nohmatika einai pio demeno apo to Operation,kai to Rage for order(ki as exoun vgei san karagiozides stin fotografish,ki as exoun mpasista pou ton lene michael jacson ).....<P>Oso gia tron tate,fisika,einai iperoxos gia ipsifonos.<P>Oso gia tous darkstar,O dan rock exei grapsei to 100 tou ilikou poy htan o eteros twn Psychotic waltz,simmetexei kai o Siggi Blasey twn end amen.<P>Kai oi kallheteroi texnika progressivades paramanoun oi Watchtower me ton ena iperoxo disko tou 87,otan to progmetal DEN IPIRXE AKOMA.afto simenei proodeftismos.Epixirima?Aplos akouste to album kai good luck picking your brains off the wall.<P>Kai to kalhtero sinesthima se atomiko epiedo to vgazoun oi Fates apo awaken the gardian kai dwthe,alla edw den exw epixirimata,einai prosopiko.
arch_enemy Δημοσ. 5 Απριλίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 5 Απριλίου 2001 Tha simfoniso me tis perissoteres paratiriseis sou me tin diafora oti sta conept sigrineis anomoia pragmata.Den einai dinaton na mou vazeis tous floyd me tous fates kai tous marillion.Entaksei kai o King Diamond exei vgalei concept diskous ti paei na pei auto.Oson afora to pleasant Shade of Grey,katalavaino oti o diskos thelei poly kai prosektiko akousma gia na katalaveis tin aksia tou, den pauei omos na ginetai idiaitera kourastiko se orismena simeia.<BR>Oson afora tous watchtower ta palikaria einai ontos fovera, alla kai autoi kourastikoi se orismena simeia.<BR>Oson afora to proggresive thelo na toniso oti an den itan noritera oi Rush,Yes,Genesis,Van Der Graaf,King Crimson... oute theater tha ipirxan oute watchtower oute fates.<p>[This message has been edited by arch_enemy (edited 05-04-2001).]
Helm21 Δημοσ. 5 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 5 Απριλίου 2001 Nai nai den ftinw thn old rpog fash,isa isa,thn latrevw,alla aplos epeidi kapios eipe gia TROMERO KOSMOSITORIKHS AKSIAS concept eithela ta tou dosw ena dose or reality(esu isoun?)ala telos pantwn,simfonoi,oti mas aresei einai kalo.<P>Oso gia ta kourastika prog merh.Afta einai to zoumi,ekei POU DEN MPOREIS ALLO na kaneis kouragio.ekei erxetai h fotish,meta thn foRtish.
Devilcried Δημοσ. 6 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 6 Απριλίου 2001 Loipon kai ego ayto hthela na po.Oti an den yphrxan oi rush,floyd,eloy,marillion isos oi prog skhnh na mhn yphrxe kan h den tha htan san thn shmerinh afou ayta ta groups htan oi pateres ths prog skhnhs.Kai ego theoro to the wall os to koryfaio concept album alla pisteyo oti einai to album pou arxizoun na fainontai ta prota shmadia parakmhs twn Floyd.To sygrothma pia tha prepei na legetai Roger Water's band afou exei kanei olous tous ypoloipous pera.H theikh fonh tou Gilmour exei eksafanistei kai akougetai mono sto isos kalytero kommati tou diskou "Comfortably numb".Pisteyo oti einai enas diskos arketa emporikos an kai ayto den me enoxlei katholou.Oso gia tous Psychotic waltz symfono oti yparxoun kalytera sygrotimata apo aytous alla opos dilonei kai to onoma tous an sou aresoun ginesai kai esy psychotic mazi tous.Symfono mazi sou helm oti h mageia tou prog einai ayta ta kommatia pou gia kapious allous einai polyb bareta.Oso gia tous watchtower einai pragmatika yperoxoi alla den exo asxolh8ei mazi tous oso prepei ka8os den vrisko yliko.
Helm21 Δημοσ. 6 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 6 Απριλίου 2001 Dio diskous vgalane,pes mou pou meneis na sinantithoume na sou kapsw dio kopies.
Schuma Δημοσ. 7 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 7 Απριλίου 2001 Ego paides eilikrina xairomai pou stoys tosous Insomniacs yparxoun atoma poy akoyne "sosth" moysikh .Long live R n'Roll magkes kai stay Heavy!!!Dioti Heavy Metal is the Law....<P>------------------<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.michaelschumacher-kartcenter.de/images/ms_head.gif" border=0><p>[This message has been edited by Schuma (edited 06-04-2001).]
mandos Δημοσ. 7 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 7 Απριλίου 2001 Apo oti blepo h metalades yperisxyoun kai sto Insomnia.<BR>Tha kano thn diafora (mias kai eimai fanatikos rockas) kai tha sas po na akousete kai kati poio apallo opos Pink Floyd kai Led Jeppelin, Jethro Tull.<P>Oxi oti den mou aresoun afta pou lete. Ta perissotera einai fantastika. Eidika kati anathema kai theater of tragedy.<BR>Apla einai allo to styl. Protimo hshxh melagxolikh mousikh kata kanona.<P>Pantos oti xerete sto styl pou eipa me endiaferei anexarthta tou rock h metal.
electric_scum Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2001 Agapite helm21 diavasa merika apo ta reply sou kai epeidi mou ekanan entiposi thelo na sou po 1-2 pragmata.<BR>1o)Les oti gia na katalavei kapios toys Watchtower prepei na akousei ksexorista kathe organo(kai ayto efoson exei katallilo stereofoniko).Re i mageia tis mousikis kai eidika toy prog einai o armonikos sindiasmos 3-4+ organon kai oxi to na paizeis mousiki mono gia apofoitous mousikou panepistimioy.Ti na tis kano 300 notes to deyterolepto(leme tora) an den iparxei melodia sto kommati.An ksereis apo mousiki katalavaineis oti san melodia den ennoo ena argo simeio....<BR>2o)Les oti to operation einai adinamo stixourgika kai oti kataligei se love story.E loipon i den ksereis agglika i den exeis akousei to mindcrime oso prepei(ektos an pisteyeis oti kommatia san to eyes of a stranger kai to breaking the silence anaferontai mono se gkomenitses).<BR> Gia na min parekisgitheis na ksereis oti leo, to leo se filiko ifos.Oson afora tous Watchtower einai apo ta agapimena mou sigkrotimata kai pisteyo oti einai monadiki periptosi sta mousika xronika.Apla mporeis na vreis kalitera epeixirimata na ekfraseis to megaleio toys....
electric_scum Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2001 ...Kai kati akomi.To Energetic Disassembly kikloforise to 85 kai to Control And Resistance to 89.Oi Watchtower den vgalane kanena disko to 87 pou les.Kai oson afora toys Psychotic Waltz re Devil ksereis poli kala oti einai ena apo ta korifaia sigkrotimata toy prog <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm1.gif" border=0> .
Helm21 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2001 To Control htan etimo to 87,apla psaxnane gia eteria.Mou tope o Jarzombek kiama thes na to persue further,steiltou kana email.<P>Oso gia tous watchtower,PRWTA akous oloklhromeno to kommati mexri na apostithiseis OLES tis allages sto rythmiko meros,kai META analheis epi merous ta organa etsi oste na exei plirh katanohsh tou kommatiou.An nomizeis oti me afthn thn methodo den katalaveneis thn enarmonish tou sinolou kaneis lathos,afou thn stigmh pou milame,mporw na thimithw sthn enteleia KATHE kommati tous,kathe grammh tou mpasou,kathe thematikh allagh kai kathe solo.Afto simenei oti kserw ta kommatia mesa-eksw.Aplos diavaze pio prosektika to post pou elege ta vimata.Prwta akous ena kommati mexri na "sink in" kai meta arxizeis to diconstruction.eksallou,afou afthn thn methodo akolouthisa me tous Gordian Knot kai sto terma(meta apo 2 mines) evgala nohma twte KATI kanw swsta.<P>Oso gia ta agglika mou.Exw lower me A,exw kai dio proficiency,to ena me B,enw to amerikaniko den leei vathmo,kai arxizw tou xronou metafrastika,ara nomizw oti mallwn you have greatly construed my words.<P>Oso gia tous Queensryche,ta psefto kinonikopolitika twn,den mou lene ke polla afou einai arketa rixa etsi wste na einai transparent twso poli pou vlepw akoma kai tis vlepseis twn queensryche ekeinh thn epoxh pou den itan alles apo thn epitixia,giafto antitheta,sto promised einai kalhteroi,through humiliation comes enlightenment.<P>Den vlepw TI apo afta pou eipa den stekei.Telospantwn,an aplos itheles na mou dikseis to poso perissotero gnosths eise,as exei kalos,alla en etsi epithetika thn les se osous prospathoun na voithisoun tous allous...:/
electric_scum Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 9 Απριλίου 2001 An pareksigisa ego 1 fora ta legomena soy tote esi pareksigises 1000 fores ta dika moy.Apla oute epithesi sou ekana(kai oute tha sou kano an kai to epidiokeis me ton tropo pou apantises),oute apantisa gia na deikso tis foveres mou gnoseis.Sto post mou tonisa oti milao se filiko ifos, eipa tis apopseis mou.<BR> Tora oson afora toys ryche kai toys stixous toys pisteyo oti einai toso psefto kinonikopolitikou xaraktira oso kai oi antistixoi ton Watchtower...kai to oti oi <BR>vlepseis ton ryche tin epoxi tou mindcrime itan i epitixia pisteyo oti einai to monadiko<BR>pou eipes kai ontos den stekei.Kati tetoio tha mporouses na to peis gia to Empire pou graftike gia na poulisei.<BR> Teleionontas na sou po oti an ithela na pouliso mouri gia toys watchtower de tha sou elega xronologies kikloforias toy kathe diskoy ,alla tha sou elega oti to meltdown kai to tyrants in distress to grapsane se ilikia 15 eton stis arxes toy 80(kai rota ton jarzomberk sto epomeno e-mail pou tha toy steileis an exo dikio).<P> P.s Afou eisai toso kalos gnostis ton agglikwn katse diafase toys stixous toy Point of View ton Fates...
Helm21 Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2001 Maista.<P>1)Pwte den eipa oti oi stixoi twn watchtower einai aksiologoi.to antitheto malista.Merikos veviasmenoi einai.Afto to epixirima paei peripato.<P>2)Oi ryche ithelan thn epitixia me to crime kai afto fenetai sxedwn sta panta peri tou album.Ena aragogh,pentakatharh,alla afto anamenomeno.Duo,streamlined mellodikes grammes,akti asinithisto gia ryche periodou warning,alla arketa kontino sto safws anotero rage.3)Stixoi:ta concept itan poli ths modas twte.Epanalamvanw...to album einai fovero,alla einai akros emporiko(kai afto kallo einai gai ton h.m klado genikotera) kai kapos aploiko stixourgika.Telos me tous queensryche,pou oudepote den ithela na sigrinw me tous poli anoterous mousika,safos metrioterous stixuorgika watchtower.<P>3)Katholou den amfivalw gia to thema twn tyrants kai sxetika,an kai exw thn entiposh oti itan ligo argotera...kapou sta 17?Opws kai naxei,ena mikro taksidaki sto <A HREF="http://www.spasticink.com" TARGET=_blank>www.spasticink.com</A> kai apo ekei sto watchtower website sigoura dinei tis plirofories pou mou les,ara to thema mourhs paei kai afto head-first.<P>4)<BR>looking out on a familiar scene<BR>there's no agreement in what we see<BR>your perception lacks clarify<BR>and my perspective is blinding me<P>side by side<BR>divided they stand<P>parallel lives running parallel with YOU<BR>to the point where our horizons divide<BR>my opinion is just a point of view<BR>and your position is the other side<P>caught up in our convictions we forget<BR>how our senses distort things we see<BR>we can't accept our differences<BR>but we can always disagree<P>side by side<BR>divided they stand<P>parallel lives running parallel with YOU<BR>to the point where our horizons divide<BR>my opinion is just a point of view<BR>and your position is the other side<P>where I stand is not so far from YOU<BR>a different opinion is just another point of view<P>parallel lives running parallel with YOU<BR>to the point where our horizons divide<BR>my opinion is just a point of view<BR>and your position is the other side<P>parallel lives running parallel with YOU<BR>to the point where our horizons divide<BR>my opinion is just a point of view<BR>and your position is the other side<P>parallel lives running parallel with YOU<BR>to the point where our horizons divide<BR>my opinion is just a point of view<BR>and your position is the other side<P><BR>We Only Say Goodbye <P>Oi fates einai ekseretikoi,alla den vlepw pws oi monomanies tou matheos,akoma kai se toso genikevmeno epipedo,simrenoun kati oso afora ton sigekrimeno diaksifismo.Na thimase oti (diavase ton socrath sou,mias pou eisai kai ellinas) otan dio anthropoi diafonoun,toulaxiston enas,exei adiko.Ara den tithetai thema parallel opinions afou opws katalaveneis,milame gia kati tromera sigekrimeno.Pio einai:<P>1)To thema twn monadikwn organwn kata thn katanohsh ths mousikhs.Den antapantises oti kanw lathos,ara ipothetw oti exw dikio.<P>2)to thema twn queensryche.Afto akoma sizitietai.<P>Oso gia to filiko sou ifos.Otan kapios den thelei na prosvalei ton allo,aplos grafei me afton ton tropo.To "min me pareksigeis,filika grafw" sto terma,den eksileionei to anothe periexomeno.Katalavenw oti ama den itan `net se sindiasmo me ta ifilogika sou stixia,tha se katalavena kalitera kai esu to idio,alla afou exoun etsi ta pragmata,ipotheseis kai epixirimata ta opoia anagontai se prosopiko epipedo(opws ta agglika mou,paradigmatws xarhn) einai ligo parakindinevmena se ena forum.<P>Kai telos,steile kana email h prv message ama thes na ta peretero sizitisoume afou kourazoume tous ipolipous.thema provolis kai mouris,ap oti katalava den se poliediaferei....h se endiaferei?
imported_Phunky Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2001 Hey guys gia tsekarete auta ta albums:<BR>1) Anathema - Eternity<BR>2) Stratovarious - Visions<BR>3) The Gathering - Nighttime Birds (APSOGO!!)<BR>4) Angra - Angels Cry (gia pio power katastaseis <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm12.gif" border=0> )<P>Auta...Byebye!
electric_scum Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2001 Gia teleionoume to thema 1 teleytaio pragma gia toys ryche.Oti enas diskos exei kanei emporiki epitixia exei kali paragogi kai "streamlined mellodikes grammes" de simainei oti IXOGRAFITHIKE gia na poulisei.Ayto to exoun prospathisei polla groyp kai oi ryche prosfatos me apotixia.I epitixia tou mindcrime ofeiletai sto einai enas katapliktikos diskos toso mousika toso kai stixourgika(den mporei na vgaleis trellous toses xiliades kosmou pou pisteyoun stin stixourgiki teleiotia toy mindcrime).I epinoisi mias istorias me xaraktires san ton Nikki kai tin mary mporei epifaniaka na fainetai san ena aplo love story.An prosekseis omos posa themata thigoun oi ryche meso toy diskoy me to toso eksipno tropo kai to pos to denoun afto me "streamlined mellodikes grammes".<IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm1.gif" border=0> tha katalaveis giati theoreitai isos o korifaios diskos tis mousikis pou toso agapame.Skepsou mono logia korifaion mousikon ekeinis tis epoxis gia afto ton disko.I ennoia tis prog mousikis den einai mono oi mousiki teliotita(tin opoia safos kai katexoun oi watchtower) kai oute leo oti aytoi den anikoun sti korifi toy prog.Apla oi ryche ikseran na to kanoun afto ligo kalitera.Orismos toy prog gia mena einai to Rage for order se olous toys tomeis (ektos apo to image toys <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm5.gif" border=0> )<BR> Helm oson afora tin antiparathesi mas sta leo sto mail.<BR>
arch_enemy Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 10 Απριλίου 2001 Vasika heromai pou to post pou anoiksa edeikse na exei toso megalo endiaferon.Pisteuo episis oti i teleutaia antiparathesi metaksi ton filon Helm21 kai Electric_Scum(eprepe na to kaneis electric requiem re aderfe)oxi aplos kourase alla mou edose tin aformi na po merika simantika pragmata.<BR>1)Opos sou eipa kai pio prin Helm oi Queensryche gia emena <BR>einai THEOI.To oti den sou aresoun (ligo i poly den me endiaferei)me xaropoiei idiaiteros afou toulaxiston exeis prosopiki apopsi pou tin theteis sosta me epixeirimata kai den tin plasareis malakismena.<P>2)Helm, ekei pou ta xalao mazi sou einai to eksis.Exeis perasei pros ta ekso to ifos tou "kserolla" kai tou mousikou koultouriari o opoios exei dimiourgisei mia eikona, oti akouei enas eidos mousikis i opoia einai disnoiti gia tous pollous kai tin akouei aplos gia na ksexorizei.Edo na sou thimiso oti to pos o kathenas antilamvanetai tin melodia kai tin mousiki einai kathara thema ipokeimeniko kai gia emena einai megali malakia na akous ena eidos mousikis to opoio den se gemizei pliros mono kai mono gia na peis oti akous anotera mousika pragmata se sxesi me tous koinous thnitous.Einai opos merikoi tipoi pou lene oti i tous aresei i jazz alla stin pragmatikotita to lene gia na to paiksoun psagmenoi.Pros theou then se katigoro, alla sou leo simfona me afta pou exeis grapsei pos se psixologisa genikotera.<P>3)(asxeto me ta proigoumena)O Bob Jarjombek pou epeze drums stous RIOT einai aderfos tou Ron?<BR>
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