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rapidshare.com τα παιξε;;;


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


υπαρχει προβλημα to rapidshare? τα τελευτεα 20 λεπτα δεν ανοιγει τιποτα, ουτε καν ι σελιδα τους...


ξαφνικα σταματησε με error στο flashget και μετα παρατηρισα και η σελιδα δεν ανοιγει. εκανα ρεσταρτ τιποτα

  • Απαντ. 116
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

σταματήστε πια να κάνετε σαν γκόμενες με το παραμικρό. μην πέσει ένα site για λίγο, αμέσως το κάνουμε θέμα.


Some ISPs intentionally block sharing sites like RapidShare to make better use of bandwidth.


On 19 January 2007, news broke that German collections agency GEMA had claimed to have won a temporary injunction against both RapidShare.de and RapidShare.com. "The latter is said to have used copyright protected works of GEMA members in an unlawful fashion,".[4] To date RapidShare has claimed not to have any knowledge of the content uploaded by the users and of not being in a position to control the content. Through its injunctions the District Court in Cologne had now however made it clear to the company that the fact that it was the users and not the operator of the services that uploaded the content onto the sites did not, from a legal point of view, lessen the operatorʼs liability for copyright infringements that occurred within the context of the services, the spokesman added.


Both RapidShare.de and RapidShare.com sites are currently still operating and the consequences, if any, of the claimed injunction have yet to be seen. So far, they have not been sued.


As of 19 January 2008 16:00 GMT, Rapidshare's servers are not responding, giving the usual 404 error. There are rumors that Rapidshare has been shut down by the authorities after a court order, however, court records do not reveal any issued Rapidshare court order as of yet. The downtime is said to be caused by a server overload (a result of too many downloads, and thus, increasing bandwidth). Rapidshare have yet to comment on this issue.


Έλα ρε φίλε.. Και σήμερα ξεκίνησα να γράφω τα 100GB που είχα στο δίσκο για να ξεκινήσω να κατεβάζω ξανά.. Έχω πάνω από 800 αρχεία στο queue!


Παρακολουθώ με ανυπομονυσία!


From Wiki:


"As of 19 January 2008 16:00 GMT, Rapidshare AG's servers were shutdown by anti-piracy authorities in Germany. More than hundreds of Rapidshare servers were seized from their offices in Berlin although no arrests were made. Sources said, authorities are contemplating pursuing legal action against users who distribute and download pirated copies of software and movies from these servers."

From Wiki:


"As of 19 January 2008 16:00 GMT, Rapidshare AG's servers were shutdown by anti-piracy authorities in Germany. More than hundreds of Rapidshare servers were seized from their offices in Berlin although no arrests were made. Sources said, authorities are contemplating pursuing legal action against users who distribute and download pirated copies of software and movies from these servers."


Τώρα λέει


As of 19 January 2008 16:00 GMT, Rapidshare's servers appear to be offline. There are rumors that Rapidshare has been shut down by the authorities after a court order, however, court records do not reveal any issued Rapidshare court order as of yet. Rapidshare technician Steven Gircham has commented on this issue - "There are rumors concerning attacks made on the Rapidshare.com servers. There are also rumors that Rapidshare has been shut down by a court order. These rumors are false. We would like to apologize to our users and inform them that no data has been lost. There have been some hardware issues as a result of high bandwidth and server overload. We are doing our very best to resolve the hardware issues, and users should expect uptime by midnight tonight (GMT)"





Να πάρει! Πάνω που είχα βρει κάτι πράγματα που έψαχνα πολύ καιρό, πάνε και το κλείνουν! Πόσο άτυχος μπορεί να είμαι??


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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