pga21ole Δημοσ. 15 Ιανουαρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 15 Ιανουαρίου 2008 εχω γραψει τον παρακατω κωδικα σε java kai θελω καποιον εμπειρο χρηστη να με φωτισει ως προς τα του compile...δινω τον απαραιτητο κωδικα παρακατω.οι ταξεις γραφονται με σκοπο να δημιουργηθουν αντικειμενα του ιδιου τυπυ παρακατω.μου βγαζει συγκεκριμενα στην γραμμη με το πρωτο while στην parkstation illegal start of exception και στην τελευταια γραμμη >public class parkstation{ int i=0,y,z; String x; thesi_stathmeusis[] thesi=new thesi_stathmeusis(x,y,z); while(i<=9) { thesi_stathmeusis thesi[i]=new thesi_stathmeusis(x,y,z); System.out.println("geia"); i++;} //Eisodos aytokinitou public int eisodosayt(int p,char[] xartis,int[] ora_eis){ int y,z,k=0,l=0,i,j; String x; flag=true; System.out.println("dose ton arithmo kikloforias tou aytokinitou pou tha eisaxthei"); x=SavitchIn.readLine(); System.out.println("dose tin ora eisodou tou aytokinitou (06-22)"); do{//elegxos eisodou y=SavitchIn.readLineInt(); if (y<6 || y>22 || y<0 || y>24) System.out.println("lathos eisodos tis oras parakalo epanalabate"); }while(y<6 || y>22 || y<0 || y>24); System.out.println("dose ta lepta ths oras eisodou tou aytokinitou (00-59)"); do{//elegxos eisodou z=SavitchIn.readLineInt(); if(z<0 || z>59) System.out.println("lathos eisodos ton lepton parakalo epanalabate"); }while(z<0 || z>59); //enimerosi ton pinakon flag=true; j=0; i=0; while(i<=9 && flag){ while(j<=9 && flag){ if (xartis[i][j]=='_'){ xartis[i][j]='X'; k=i; l=j; flag=false; } j++; } i++; } if (flag){ System.out.println("den yparxei kenos xoros sto parking"); } thesi_stathmeusis pos1=new thesi_stathmeusis(x,y,z); if(!flag){ ar_kik[10*k+l]=pos1.get_arithmosk(); ora_eis[10*k+l][0]=pos1.get_ora(); ora_eis[10*k+l][1]=pos1.get_lepta(); p++;} return p;} } >public class thesi_stathmeusis { private String ak; private int he,le; //methodos kataskeyastis public thesi_stathmeusis(String x,int y,int z ){ ak=x; he=y; le=z; }//methodos kataskeuasths //methodoi prospelashs kai ekxorhshs timon stis ypostasiakes metablhtes //tou antikeimenou public void set_arithmosk(String x ){ak=x;} public String get_arithmosk(){return ak;} public void set_ora(int y){he=y;} public int get_ora(){return he;} public void set_lepta(int z){le=z;} public int get_lepta(){return le;} }//thesi_stathmeusis παρακατω δινω και τη savitchIn για λογους πληροτητας >import*; import java.util.*; /**************************************************************** *Class for simple console input. *A class designed primarily for simple keyboard input of the form *one input value per line. If the user enters an improper input, *i.e., an input of the wrong type or a blank line, then the user *is prompted to reenter the input and given a brief explanation *of what is required. Also includes some additional methods to *input single numbers, words, and characters, without going to *the next line. ***************************************************************/ public class SavitchIn { /*********************************************************** *Reads a line of text and returns that line as a String value. *The end of a line must be indicated either by a new line *character '\n' or by a carriage return '\r' followed by a *new line character '\n'. (Almost all systems do this *automatically. So, you need not worry about this detail.) *Neither the '\n', nor the '\r' if present, are part of the *string returned. This will read the rest of a line if the *line is already partially read. **********************************************************/ public static String readLine() { char nextChar; String result = ""; boolean done = false; while (!done) { nextChar = readChar(); if (nextChar == '\n') done = true; else if (nextChar == '\r') { //Do nothing. //Next loop iteration will detect '\n' } else result = result + nextChar; } return result; } /************************************************************ *Reads the first string of nonwhite characters on a line and *returns that string. The rest of the line is discarded. If *the line contains only white space, then the user is asked *to reenter the line. ************************************************************/ public static String readLineWord() { String inputString = null, result = null; boolean done = false; while(!done) { inputString = readLine(); StringTokenizer wordSource = new StringTokenizer(inputString); if (wordSource.hasMoreTokens()) { result = wordSource.nextToken(); done = true; } else { System.out.println( "Your input is not correct. Your input must"); System.out.println( "contain at least one nonwhitespace character."); System.out.println( "Please, try again. Enter input:"); } } return result; } /************************************************************ *Precondition: The user has entered a number of type int on *a line by itself, except that there may be white space before *and/or after the number. *Action: Reads and returns the number as a value of type int. *The rest of the line is discarded. If the input is not *entered correctly, then in most cases, the user will be *asked to reenter the input. In particular, this applies to *incorrect number formats and blank lines. ************************************************************/ public static int readLineInt() { String inputString = null; int number = -9999;//To keep the compiler happy. //Designed to look like a garbage value. boolean done = false; while (! done) { try { inputString = readLine(); inputString = inputString.trim(); number = (Integer.valueOf(inputString).intValue()); done = true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println( "Your input number is not correct."); System.out.println("Your input number must be"); System.out.println("a whole number written as an"); System.out.println("ordinary numeral, such as 42"); System.out.println("Please, try again."); System.out.println("Enter a whole number:"); } } return number; } /************************************************************ *Precondition: The user has entered a number of type long on *a line by itself, except that there may be white space *before and/or after the number. *Action: Reads and returns the number as a value of type *long. The rest of the line is discarded. If the input is not *entered correctly, then in most cases, the user will be asked *to reenter the input. In particular, this applies to *incorrect number formats and blank lines. ***********************************************************/ public static long readLineLong() { String inputString = null; long number = -9999;//To keep the compiler happy. //Designed to look like a garbage value. boolean done = false; while (! done) { try { inputString = readLine(); inputString = inputString.trim(); number = (Long.valueOf(inputString).longValue()); done = true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println( "Your input number is not correct."); System.out.println("Your input number must be"); System.out.println("a whole number written as an"); System.out.println("ordinary numeral, such as 42"); System.out.println("Please, try again."); System.out.println("Enter a whole number:"); } } return number; } /********************************************************** *Precondition: The user has entered a number of type double *on a line by itself, except that there may be white space *before and/or after the number. *Action: Reads and returns the number as a value of type *double. The rest of the line is discarded. If the input is *not entered correctly, then in most cases, the user will be *asked to reenter the input. In particular, this applies to *incorrect number formats and blank lines. ***********************************************************/ public static double readLineDouble() { String inputString = null; double number = -9999;//To keep the compiler happy. //Designed to look like a garbage value. boolean done = false; while (! done) { try { inputString = readLine(); inputString = inputString.trim(); number = (Double.valueOf(inputString).doubleValue()); done = true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println( "Your input number is not correct."); System.out.println("Your input number must be"); System.out.println("an ordinary number either with"); System.out.println("or without a decimal point,"); System.out.println("such as 42 or 9.99"); System.out.println("Please, try again."); System.out.println("Enter a whole number:"); } } return number; } /************************************************************ *Precondition: The user has entered a number of type float *on a line by itself, except that there may be white space *before and/or after the number. *Action: Reads and returns the number as a value of type *float. The rest of the line is discarded. If the input is *not entered correctly, then in most cases, the user will *be asked to reenter the input. In particular, *this applies to incorrect number formats and blank lines. ************************************************************/ public static float readLineFloat() { String inputString = null; float number = -9999;//To keep the compiler happy. //Designed to look like a garbage value. boolean done = false; while (! done) { try { inputString = readLine(); inputString = inputString.trim(); number = (Float.valueOf(inputString).floatValue()); done = true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println( "Your input number is not correct."); System.out.println("Your input number must be"); System.out.println("an ordinary number either with"); System.out.println("or without a decimal point,"); System.out.println("such as 42 or 9.99"); System.out.println("Please, try again."); System.out.println("Enter a whole number:"); } } return number; } /************************************************************ *Reads the first Nonwhite character on a line and returns *that character. The rest of the line is discarded. If the *line contains only white space, then the user is asked to *reenter the line. ************************************************************/ public static char readLineNonwhiteChar() { boolean done = false; String inputString = null; char nonWhite = ' ';//To keep the compiler happy. while (! done) { inputString = readLine(); inputString = inputString.trim(); if (inputString.length() == 0) { System.out.println( "Your input is not correct."); System.out.println("Your input must contain at"); System.out.println( "least one nonwhitespace character."); System.out.println("Please, try again."); System.out.println("Enter input:"); } else { nonWhite = (inputString.charAt(0)); done = true; } } return nonWhite; } /*********************************************************** *Input should consists of a single word on a line, possibly *surrounded by white space. The line is read and discarded. *If the input word is "true" or "t", then true is returned. *If the input word is "false" or "f", then false is returned. *Uppercase and lowercase letters are considered equal. If the *user enters anything else (e.g. multiple words or different *words), then, the user is asked to reenter the input. ***********************************************************/ public static boolean readLineBoolean() { boolean done = false; String inputString = null; boolean result = false;//To keep the compiler happy. while (! done) { inputString = readLine(); inputString = inputString.trim(); if (inputString.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || inputString.equalsIgnoreCase("t")) { result = true; done = true; } else if (inputString.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || inputString.equalsIgnoreCase("f")) { result = false; done = true; } else { System.out.println( "Your input number is not correct."); System.out.println("Your input number must be"); System.out.println("one of the following:"); System.out.println("the word true,"); System.out.println("the word false,"); System.out.println("the letter T,"); System.out.println("or the letter F."); System.out.println("You may use either uppercase"); System.out.println("or lowercase letters."); System.out.println("Please, try again."); System.out.println("Enter input:"); } } return result; } /************************************************************ *Reads the next input character and returns that character. The *next read takes place on the same line where this one left off. ***********************************************************/ public static char readChar() { int charAsInt = -1; //To keep the compiler happy try { charAsInt =; } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println("Fatal error. Ending Program."); System.exit(0); } return (char)charAsInt; } /*********************************************************** *Reads the next nonwhite input character and returns that *character. The next read takes place immediately after *the character read. **********************************************************/ public static char readNonwhiteChar() { char next; next = readChar(); while (isWhitespace(next)) next = readChar(); return next; } /*********************************************************** *The following methods are not used in the text, except for *a brief reference in Chapter 2. No program code uses them. *However, some programmers may want to use them. **********************************************************/ /************************************************************ *Precondition: The next input in the stream consists of an *int value, possibly preceded by white space, but definitely *followed by white space. *Action: Reads the first string of nonwhite characters *and returns the int value it represents. Discards the first *whitespace character after the word. The next read takes *place immediately after the discarded whitespace. *In particular, if the word is at the end of a line, the *next reading will take place starting on the next line. *If the next word does not represent an int value, *a NumberFormatException is thrown. ***********************************************************/ public static int readInt() throws NumberFormatException { String inputString = null; inputString = readWord(); return (Integer.valueOf(inputString).intValue()); } /************************************************************ *Precondition: The next input consists of a long value, *possibly preceded by white space, but definitely *followed by white space. *Action: Reads the first string of nonwhite characters and *returns the long value it represents. Discards the first *whitespace character after the string read. The next read *takes place immediately after the discarded whitespace. *In particular, if the string read is at the end of a line, *the next reading will take place starting on the next line. *If the next word does not represent a long value, *a NumberFormatException is thrown. ************************************************************/ public static long readLong() throws NumberFormatException { String inputString = null; inputString = readWord(); return (Long.valueOf(inputString).longValue()); } /*********************************************************** *Precondition: The next input consists of a double value, *possibly preceded by white space, but definitely *followed by white space. *Action: Reads the first string of nonwhitespace characters *and returns the double value it represents. Discards the *first whitespace character after the string read. The next *read takes place immediately after the discarded whitespace. *In particular, if the string read is at the end of a line, *the next reading will take place starting on the next line. *If the next word does not represent a double value, *a NumberFormatException is thrown. ************************************************************/ public static double readDouble() throws NumberFormatException { String inputString = null; inputString = readWord(); return (Double.valueOf(inputString).doubleValue()); } /*********************************************************** *Precondition: The next input consists of a float value, *possibly preceded by white space, but definitely *followed by white space. *Action: Reads the first string of nonwhite characters and *returns the float value it represents. Discards the first *whitespace character after the string read. The next read *takes place immediately after the discarded whitespace. *In particular, if the string read is at the end of a line, *the next reading will take place starting on the next line. *If the next word does not represent a float value, *a NumberFormatException is thrown. ************************************************************/ public static float readFloat() throws NumberFormatException { String inputString = null; inputString = readWord(); return (Float.valueOf(inputString).floatValue()); } /*********************************************************** *Reads the first string of nonwhite characters and returns *that string. Discards the first whitespace character after *the string read. The next read takes place immediately after *the discarded whitespace. In particular, if the string *read is at the end of a line, the next reading will take *place starting on the next line. Note, that if it receives *blank lines, it will wait until it gets a nonwhitespace *character. ************************************************************/ public static String readWord() { String result = ""; char next; next = readChar(); while (isWhitespace(next)) next = readChar(); while (!(isWhitespace(next))) { result = result + next; next = readChar(); } if (next == '\r') { next = readChar(); if (next != '\n') { System.out.println("Fatal Error in method readWord of class SavitchIn."); System.exit(1); } } return result; } //The following was intentionally not used in the code for //other methods so that somebody reading the code could more //quickly see what was being used. /************************************************************ *Reads the first byte in the input stream and returns that * byte as an int. The next read takes place where this one *left off. This read is the same as, *except that it catches IOExceptions. ************************************************************/ public static int read() { int result = -1; //To keep the compiler happy try { result =; } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println("Fatal error. Ending Program."); System.exit(0); } return result; } //The following was designed for use with J++. This method replaces //Character.isWhitespace which J++ appears to not have. private static boolean isWhitespace(char c) { return (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r'); } } το παραμικρο σχολιο μπορει να ναι σημαντικο οποτε μν διστασετε να κανετε ποστ
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 15 Ιανουαρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 15 Ιανουαρίου 2008 εχω γραψει τον παρακατω κωδικα σε java kai θελω καποιον εμπειρο χρηστη να με φωτισει ως προς τα του compile...δινω τον απαραιτητο κωδικα παρακατω.οι ταξεις γραφονται με σκοπο να δημιουργηθουν αντικειμενα του ιδιου τυπυ παρακατω.μου βγαζει συγκεκριμενα στην γραμμη με το πρωτο while στην parkstation illegal start of exception και στην τελευταια γραμμη Υποθέτω ότι ενοείς Illegal start of expression . Ο λόγος που σου βγάζει αυτό το σφάλμα είναι επειδή ο κώδικας μέσα σε μια κλάση πρέπει να βρίσκετε είτε μέσα σε μια μέθοδο ή σε static block και όχι «χύμα» όπως στην κλάση που έχεις γράψει PS. Γενικά υπάρχουν πολλά λάθη στον κώδικα σου (declerations πχ. thesi_stathmeusis[] thesi=new thesi_stathmeusis(x,y,z); <== Αυτό είναι πίνακας, θα πρέπει να ορίσεις κάποιο μέγεθος thesi_stathmeusis[] thesi=new thesi_stathmeusis[10]; for example) αλλά δέν έχω τον χρόνο να κάτσω να τα διορθώσω, ίσως κάποιος άλλος Insomniac - Good luck
pga21ole Δημοσ. 15 Ιανουαρίου 2008 Μέλος Δημοσ. 15 Ιανουαρίου 2008 πριν λιγο διορθωσα τα λαθη αλλα δν προλαβα να ποσταρω και με προλαβες.σε ευχαριστω για τον κοπο σου παντως.btw netbeans η jcreator πχ σε θεματα σαφηνειας στον προσδιορισμο λαθων στο debug?
Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις
Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.