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Trexa gireve...iparxoun tosa polla sigrotimata pou me exoun siginisei kata kairous pou den mporo na po kapoio sigekrimeno...einai analoga me tin diathesi mou...<BR>Vevaia epeidi eixa perasei ena diastima trelis porosis me IRON MAIDEN, tha diloso aftous... an kai kollima megalo eixa faei kai me tous Nirvana...kathos kai me allous apo polla eidi mousikis...<P>------------------<BR>Neo is signing off...<P>-------------------------<P>Dream as if you'll<BR>live forever<BR>live as if you'll die<BR>tomorrow

  • Απαντ. 47
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

O kathenas ta dika tou leei edw mesa....m'aresei auti i polifwnia!!As pw kai gw 2-3...Chemical Brothers,Fatboy Slim,CJ Bolland,Dj shadow....


Apo xena sigrotimata tromeroi einai oi Red Hot Chili Peppers!<IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm20.gif" border=0> .Ektos omos apo xena sigrotimata re paidia de iparxei kai kanena kalo elliniko???<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm18.gif" border=0>


limp bizkit kai ta myala<BR>sta kagela!!!!!<B>limp bizkit</B>limp bizkit</FONT c><BR>Episis ena anerxomeno kai cool <BR>sygrotimataki einai oi Crazytown<BR>alla mou ti barane ta kormia tous pou einai kwlokallymena apo tatoo . .. . .


thrush metal den iparxei.Fisika ennouses to trash metal,alla den ftaiw egw pou den ksereis kai kalh orthografia.<P>H mousikh den einai tropos zwhs,einai aplos mousikh.Twra,pws esu mporeis kai anageis to death metal(poso mallon to black metal) se tropo zwhs,den kserw.pantws egw ston dromo den tha ithela na se sinantisw ama anageis se idanika afta pou lene oi Marduk,Mayhem,Burzum darkthrone etc.<P>


Kai esu o allos,apo ti thesh les oti oi Maiden einai flwroi?Ama den sou aresoun,megia sou kai xara sou,pes "den mou aresoun" alla flwroi giati?epeidi ti?<P>To idio isxuei kai gia tous TXC,pou oute emena mou aresoun,alla prosopika den tous gnorisa gia na kserw an einai malakes.


Meta apo auta guys ena tha pw:<P><BR>................sorry...............<P><BR>file oi marduk kai oi loipoi (h mousikh tous enow) einai tropos zwhs h kalutera kinhmata..<BR>kai otan to lew auto enow oti den tha pas na sfakseis h na thusiaseis .... alla den eisai upodoulomenos se kati prepei na eisai eleutheros opws : Autoi <BR>auto deixnei me kapoious tropous h mousikh...<BR>eksalou einai tropos ekfrashs kai kathenas mporei na dei th mousikh apo th dikia tou gwnia .....<BR>sorry for the length , sorry gia tis ma**k**s<BR>pou eipa gia alla sugrothmata dikio ,den mouaresoun (aplws me...) tespa,<BR>hope to be friend with all of ya bye yall<IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm26.gif" border=0>


<IMG SRC="http://www.cypresshill.com/art/top.gif" border=0><P><BR><IMG SRC="http://www.cypresshill.com/art/bottom.gif" border=0><P>------------------<BR><IMG SRC="http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/s/ultima/MON28.GIF" border=0><BR>Live my life as a Thug nigga<BR>Until the day I die<BR>Live my life as a Boss playa <BR>cuz we be getting high<p>[This message has been edited by Blackman (edited 15-05-2001).]


alithia?ti katalabaineis apo tetoiou eidous mousikh?<BR>oi monadikoi pou mou aresan se 2-3 tragoudia tous htan oi Paradise Lost...<P>pantws ton kathena to ekfrazei to kathe eidos mousikhs gia diaforetiko logo kai me diaforetiko tropo.<P>


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