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Erasitexniko Partaki Help me out


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Loipon paidia san 16oxronos mousikofilos mou zitithike na balw mousiki se ena partaki kati filwn. Loipon thelw tin boitheia sas. Elpizw na xypnisei to adelfiko insomniako synaisthima sas kai na mou proteinete merika programmata gia aples mixeis den thelw tipota funky extreme kai merika tragoudia stadar san poromenoi housakides. An kai erxw arketa house ta perissotera apo ayta pou exete proteinei se ayto to forum peite mou merika stadar.<BR>Thanx<BR>gimme your best i need you


den xero polla (mallon tpt) apo house alla xero apo mousikh se party mias kai to kano arketa syxna.<P>an exeis dyo cd palyers (oxi ena diplo, dyo)<BR>den xreiazesai kan to pc<P>allios mia kali kai eukolh lysh einai enas crossfader gia to winamp.<P>epishs to Mixvibes (dyskolo omos) to BPM (arketa eukolo) kai to PCDJ (den to exo doulepsei prosopika)<P>Opoio thelis pesto mou.<BR>Empa sto channel gia na sto doso.


an exeis SB Live! tote katebase apo thn visiosonic.com to PCDJ silver kai tha kaneis mia xara thn douleia sou . Twra an den exeis SB live! mporei na leitourghsei kai me 2 aples kartes hxou . Ola ayta gia na exeis monitor , an den se peirazei na kaneis mix sta tyfla mporei na doulepsei kai me mia karta


....kai afto an thes na kaneis pio swstes mixeis. An diladi thes na kaneis beatmatch ta kommatia.<BR>Alliws kai me mia karta afta ta programmata doulevoun alla den tha boreis na akous to kommati pou tha mixareis san epomeno (monitor)<BR>To megalo pleonekthma twn software mp3 players se sxesh me ta apla cd player tou eboriou einai oti boreis na theseis to akrives shmeio pou tha ksekinhseis to epomeno kommati (cuepoint)<BR>Kai sigoura, akoma kai mai mia karta einai poli kaliterh lysh apo cd player<BR>Kai epeidh polla kommatia exoun anaferthei ta pleon hot afto ton kairo pistevw einai ta ekseis (house)<P>Sia - Drink to Get Drunk (Different Gear Mix)<BR>Phats & Small - This Time Around<BR>Boris Dlugosch - Never Enough<BR>Soul Providers - Get Away<BR>Praga Khan - Rhythm <BR>Roger Sanchez - Another Chance<BR>Bran Van 3000 - Astounded<BR>Dirty Vegas - Days Go By


ego den ksero housakia alla na merika trance pou mporeis na baleis: <P>Delerium-Heaven's Earth (Matt Darey Remix)<BR>Ivan Van Dahl-Castles In The Sky (Wippenberg remix)<BR>Paul Oakenfold & Andy Gray-Taste-E<BR>Paul Van Dyk-For An Angel<BR> -Another Way<BR>Steve Morley-Reincarnation<BR>Absolom-Where Are You Now<BR>Hunter Code-303 (Trancecode Remix)<P>dokimase ta kololene ta perissotera. Kalo programmataki gia miksh mp3 brisko to Atomix Mp3


<I>Λοιπόν, για mix μέσω Η/Υ σου προτείνω το mjSTUDIO πολύ απλό στη χρήση!!! Αν το θες send me a mail! Τώρα απο τραγουδάκια βάλε αυτά που σου λέει ο pads ή αν θες κι άλλα πήγαινε στο topic μου "... not everyone understands house music, it's a spiritual thing, a soul thing, a body thing ..." έχει μεγάλη ποικιλία. </I><BR> dj.gif<p>[ 27-06-2001: Message edited by: DJ XLR8 ]


Paidia ti na pw eiste foberoi to ligotero eyxaristw PARA PARA POLY. Oti alli boitheia einai eyprosdekti kai oti protaseis sas katebainoun. PX poia tragoudia kolane poly mazi opws eida se ena allo thread an den kanw lathos. Tespa den exw tipota allo sto myalo mou sas eimai HDH PARA poly ypoxrews oti protaseis exete alles kai tis pio koufes synexiste na apantate smile.gif" border="0<BR>thanx i love u all


Pantws egw sto partaki pou ekana eixa ton eksis eksoplismo:<BR>2 PC me 1600 peripou mp3 to kathena, running PCDJ silver (to pio eukolo kata tin apopsi mou)<BR>1 forito aplo cd player <BR>1 Enisxitis, 2 ixeia klp klp<BR>Ama den variesai na stineis mixanimata klp, fortwse to pc sou me mp3, kiriws housakia kai dance, alla panta min ksexnas rokies kai mpalantes smile.gif" border="0<P>PCDJ rulez<BR>^BOOMBOOM den xreiazetai 2 kartes ixou my friend ;p me mia SB audio PCI128 douleuei mia xaroula. Ase pou einai to pio aplo stin xrisi smile.gif" border="0<p>[ 28-06-2001: Message edited by: akpe ]


agaphte akpe akoma pio aplo tha htan na baleis apla to winamp na paizei. opws eipa kai prin me mia mono karta mporeis na kaneis mixh xwris monitor (me to PCDJ , me to VTT kai kapoies patentes mporeis na exeis monitor me mia karta alla tha paizeis monofonika) .An thes na exeis monitor thes h dyo kartes , h SB LIve! Fysika einai perito na poume poso kalyteres tha einai oi allages me monitor<P>cheers smile.gif" border="0


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