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Benchmarking ... Let's see how good we are ... ;)

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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
14 ώρες πριν, kats777 είπε

Παρθενος του OC μπαινω σιγα σιγα..


αυτά είναι vcore (1.55+ v).........μου θυμίζεις Fx 8350 εποχές όταν τον είχα....όχι ντιντιδικα πράγματα με τους σημερινούς cpus που ζητάνε 1.3v-1.35v (max για daily) για να μην φάνε κανα degradation αργότερα....Ωραίος!

Επεξ/σία από BabisTs
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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)


@ultraex2003 Συνήθως τα ανεβάζει ο Νίκος (ultraex2003) τα msi afterburner updates :P

//btw g@μαει το νέο skin!

spoiler [ changelog ]




Changelist version 4.6.1 final

  • Added new MSI Touch of Modern skin by Drerex design
  • Added asynchronous dual fan controlsupport for reference design NVIDIA GeForce RTX 20x0 series graphics cards. Please take a note that only 100% NVIDIA reference design dual fan control implementations are supported, third party proprietary asynchronous fan control solutions (e.g. EVGA iCX series asynchronous fans) are not supported and will not be supported in future versions. The following asynchronous fan control functionality is available:
    • Added new “Synchronize fan speeds” button, which is allowing you to switch between synchronous and asynchronours fan control modes. Please take a note that new fan speed controls are available in v4 skins only, v3 and v2 skins are deprecated and no longer receive new functionality
    • When fan speeds synchronization is enabled, MSI Afterburner’s fan control functionality behaves exactly like in the previous version, i.e. both fans are running asynchronically in default hardware automatic fan speed control mode but become linked synchronically if you enable manual or software automatic fan speed control mode
    • When fan speeds synchronization is disabled, you may select and adjust each fan speed independently. For software automatic fan speed control mode independent temperature curves are also adjustable for each fan
  • Improved hardware monitoring module:
    • Inverted hotkeys handling approach for multiple selected hardware monitoring graphs. Previously single graph settings mode was active by default, but you could apply some settings (e.g. “Show in On-Screen Display”) to multiple selected graphs with <Ctrl> hotkey modifier. Now such settings are applied to multiple selected graphs by default and <Ctrl> hotkey modifier is used to apply settings to single focused graph
    • Group operation notifier has been moved to hardware monitoring graph properties header
    • Improved backward compatibility with monitoring profiles created in the previous versions of application. It is no longer necessary to recreate the profiles having guru3d style monitoring settings without On-Screen Display layout
    • It is no longer necessary to click <Apply> button inside the On-Screen Display layout editor after changing current layout, now the changes are applied properly on closing the editor
    • The progress of saving multiple graphs’ settings is now displayed in the caption of the application’s property sheet
    • Optimized handling of “dirty” flag for settings decreases saving time for multiple graph’s settings when using multiple subsequent group operations
    • Added new “Hide attached monitoring panel” command to the context menu of hardware monitoring window. You may use it to toggle visibility of monitoring window when it is attached to the main application window
    • Now you may press <Ctrl> + <M> hotkeys to toggle monitoring window attachment
  • Improved voltage/frequency curve editor for both AMD and NVIDIA GPUs:
    • Now you may hold <Shift>and press left mouse button on initial desired horizontal position in the editor window to begin fragment selection, then drag mouse cursor to desired final horizontal position and release left mouse button to select a fragment. The following functionality is available for selected fragments:
      • You may double click the editor window to reset fragment selection
      • You may adjust the offset for any point inside the selection with mouse  cursor to apply the same offset simultaneously to all selected points
      • You may adjust the offset for any point inside the selection with keyboard cursor keys, <Enter> or <Shift>+<Enter> keys to apply the same offset or specify the same target frequency or voltage for all selected points
  • Improved skin engine:
    • Skin engine no longer crashes when switching between the skins having the same site with and without alpha channel
    • Added thumbless skinned slider controls support
    • Added alpha path threshold support for skinned slider controls
  • Improved skin cross-compatibility layer:
    • Extended list of applications supported by skin cross-compatibility layer
    • Various compatibility fixes for third party skins supported by cross-compatibility layer
    • Fixed issue with GUI stopping responding during adjusting skin scaling ratio on the fly in high DPI mode when skin composition mode was set to layered mode with alpha
  • Updated third party hardware database:
    • Added new third party voltage control capable graphics cards to the database
    • Added new third party graphics cards with multichannel GPU, memory and VRM temperature sensors to the database
  • RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to v7.2.2 


Επεξ/σία από 7nisiotis
  • Like 5
16 ώρες πριν, 7nisiotis είπε


@ultraex2003 Συνήθως τα ανεβάζει ο Νίκος (ultraex2003) τα msi afterburner updates :P

//btw g@μαει το νέο skin!

spoiler [ changelog ]


  Απόκρυψη περιεχομένων

Changelist version 4.6.1 final

  • Added new MSI Touch of Modern skin by Drerex design
  • Added asynchronous dual fan controlsupport for reference design NVIDIA GeForce RTX 20x0 series graphics cards. Please take a note that only 100% NVIDIA reference design dual fan control implementations are supported, third party proprietary asynchronous fan control solutions (e.g. EVGA iCX series asynchronous fans) are not supported and will not be supported in future versions. The following asynchronous fan control functionality is available:
    • Added new “Synchronize fan speeds” button, which is allowing you to switch between synchronous and asynchronours fan control modes. Please take a note that new fan speed controls are available in v4 skins only, v3 and v2 skins are deprecated and no longer receive new functionality
    • When fan speeds synchronization is enabled, MSI Afterburner’s fan control functionality behaves exactly like in the previous version, i.e. both fans are running asynchronically in default hardware automatic fan speed control mode but become linked synchronically if you enable manual or software automatic fan speed control mode
    • When fan speeds synchronization is disabled, you may select and adjust each fan speed independently. For software automatic fan speed control mode independent temperature curves are also adjustable for each fan
  • Improved hardware monitoring module:
    • Inverted hotkeys handling approach for multiple selected hardware monitoring graphs. Previously single graph settings mode was active by default, but you could apply some settings (e.g. “Show in On-Screen Display”) to multiple selected graphs with <Ctrl> hotkey modifier. Now such settings are applied to multiple selected graphs by default and <Ctrl> hotkey modifier is used to apply settings to single focused graph
    • Group operation notifier has been moved to hardware monitoring graph properties header
    • Improved backward compatibility with monitoring profiles created in the previous versions of application. It is no longer necessary to recreate the profiles having guru3d style monitoring settings without On-Screen Display layout
    • It is no longer necessary to click <Apply> button inside the On-Screen Display layout editor after changing current layout, now the changes are applied properly on closing the editor
    • The progress of saving multiple graphs’ settings is now displayed in the caption of the application’s property sheet
    • Optimized handling of “dirty” flag for settings decreases saving time for multiple graph’s settings when using multiple subsequent group operations
    • Added new “Hide attached monitoring panel” command to the context menu of hardware monitoring window. You may use it to toggle visibility of monitoring window when it is attached to the main application window
    • Now you may press <Ctrl> + <M> hotkeys to toggle monitoring window attachment
  • Improved voltage/frequency curve editor for both AMD and NVIDIA GPUs:
    • Now you may hold <Shift>and press left mouse button on initial desired horizontal position in the editor window to begin fragment selection, then drag mouse cursor to desired final horizontal position and release left mouse button to select a fragment. The following functionality is available for selected fragments:
      • You may double click the editor window to reset fragment selection
      • You may adjust the offset for any point inside the selection with mouse  cursor to apply the same offset simultaneously to all selected points
      • You may adjust the offset for any point inside the selection with keyboard cursor keys, <Enter> or <Shift>+<Enter> keys to apply the same offset or specify the same target frequency or voltage for all selected points
  • Improved skin engine:
    • Skin engine no longer crashes when switching between the skins having the same site with and without alpha channel
    • Added thumbless skinned slider controls support
    • Added alpha path threshold support for skinned slider controls
  • Improved skin cross-compatibility layer:
    • Extended list of applications supported by skin cross-compatibility layer
    • Various compatibility fixes for third party skins supported by cross-compatibility layer
    • Fixed issue with GUI stopping responding during adjusting skin scaling ratio on the fly in high DPI mode when skin composition mode was set to layered mode with alpha
  • Updated third party hardware database:
    • Added new third party voltage control capable graphics cards to the database
    • Added new third party graphics cards with multichannel GPU, memory and VRM temperature sensors to the database
  • RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to v7.2.2 

Το πέρασα το update. Όντως, το νέο skin είναι εξαιρετικό👍.

  • Like 1

3770k@ 4.8

290 trixx @ 1160 /6000

new drivers 19.4.3

win 10 insider  [20H1]  1903 /18875


 World War Z



  In Game Settings/Benchmark/1080p

                                                                     Ultra preset /Vulcan


                                                                    Ultra preset /Directx 11


  • Like 6
6 ώρες πριν, panakos_thess είπε

Ενα Benchmark Memory με πειραγμενα sub Timings κλπ!!!τωρα αν ειναι καλο δεν ξερω απο memory bench :P 


Bro !! Παίζεις εκτός συναγωνισμού !!! 4 channel rulez!!! 😜

  • Like 1
14 λεπτά πριν, ultraex2003 είπε

Bro !! Παίζεις εκτός συναγωνισμού !!! 4 channel rulez!!! 😜

Ε νομιζω για αυτο περνει αυτο το σκορ ο theardripper εχει καλο σκορ σε quad channel?εχει κανενας να βαλει?

4 ώρες πριν, panakos_thess είπε

Ε νομιζω για αυτο περνει αυτο το σκορ ο theardripper εχει καλο σκορ σε quad channel?εχει κανενας να βαλει?

Γενικά τα Ρύζια έχουν λίγο καλύτερα νούμερα στο bandwidth και πολύ χειρότερο latency 

Τσέκαρε εδώ 


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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Γιατι εχουν χειροτερο Latency?επεισης εγω τρεχω στα 3200 αν ετρεχα 3800 κλπ θα ειχα πανω απο 100 !το Latency Πως το ριχνουμε?

Επεξ/σία από panakos_thess
Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
8 λεπτά πριν, panakos_thess είπε

Γιατι εχουν χειροτερο Latency?επεισης εγω τρεχω στα 3200 αν ετρεχα 3800 κλπ θα ειχα πανω απο 100 !το Latency Πως το ριχνουμε?

καλα ναι ,αν δεις το πρωτο ειναι με τις μνημες στα 3066Mhz και παρομοια timings με εσενα και βγαζει λιγο παραπανω ,καλα μην νομιζεις οτι ειναι και καμια σημαντικη διαφορα, επισης παιζουν τεραστιο ρολο και τα subtimings. Eχουν χειροτερο Latency λογω αρχιτεκτονικης, τo latency το ριχνεις αυξανοντας συχνοτητα και χαμηλώνοντας timings ,επισης αυξανοντας συχνοτητα στον επεξεργαστη ριχνεις και το Latency.

Επεξ/σία από akoinonitos
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Thanks τα subtimings Που εχω βαλει μπορεις να τα δεις αν ειναι good?Γιατι οταν κανω τετοια παντα 24/7 stable δεν θελω για ενα bench και να ειναι οχι σταθερο!!

21 ώρες πριν, panakos_thess είπε

Thanks τα subtimings Που εχω βαλει μπορεις να τα δεις αν ειναι good?Γιατι οταν κανω τετοια παντα 24/7 stable δεν θελω για ενα bench και να ειναι οχι σταθερο!!

Τσέκαρε τα με memtest ,έχω ανεβάσει εδω το testmem5 ,κατέβασε το και τρεξτο σαν διαχειριστής. Τρέχει 10 κύκλους. Αν σου βγάλει error η δώσε ένα τσακ στην τάση η χαλάρωσε σιγά σιγά ότι έχεις πολύ χαμηλό.

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