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Benchmarking ... Let's see how good we are ... ;)

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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

για οσους ασχολουντε !!!:D


 first beta of MSI AB 4.4.3 +RTSS Version 7.1.0


Full changes list 


· Minimum, average, maximum, 1% low and 0.1% low framerates are now displayed in On-Screen Display with special text formatting tags introduced by new RivaTuner Statistics Server. The tags are allowing On-Screen Display clients to display independent benchmark statistics simultaneously for multiple running 3D applications instead of displaying foreground 3D application statistics only
· Improved built-in performance profiler. Now you may hold <Ctrl>+<Shift> buttons pressed when “Show status” option is enabled in hardware monitoring window to see additional polling statistics displayed in hardware monitoring window status area. Polling statistics includes information about the slowest polled sensor with maximum polling time, so power users can easily identify problematic sensors eating most of CPU time on each polling period (e.g. abnormally slow GPU power sensor in some versions of NVIDIA drivers)
· Improved default MSI Cyborg White skin. Monochrome on / off states of fan speed auto button were hardly identifiable before, they are more contrast now 
· Improved monitoring plugins architecture:
o Added new SetupSource API function allowing you to configure the plugins. This function is allowing you to customize the plugins either globally from plugin selection window (e.g. configure whole list of data sources exported by each plugin) or customize desired data source only directly from corresponding graph properties window (e.g. change network download rate units from MB/s to KB/s). SetupSource function usage is demonstrated in SDK in updated AIDA64 and PerfCounter plugins
o Added new GetHostAppProperty API function allowing the plugins to retrieve various properties from the host application (i.e. MSI Afterburner), e.g. retrieve GUI color scheme specific to currently selected skin. GetHostAppProperty function usage is demonstrated in SDK in updated AIDA64 and PerfCounter plugins
· Improved monitoring plugins:
o Now the plugins store user customized and built-in default configurations in separate files, so your custom plugin settings won’t be lost on new version install
o Added configuration GUI for AIDA64, HwInfo and PerfCounter plugins. Each plugin’s user interface is allowing you to edit the list of sensors exported by each plugin, export full list of available sensors to a text file, customize each sensor’s properties or reset plugin settings to defaults
o Improved SMART plugin. Added airflow temperature SMART attribute support for Intel/Samsung SSDs.
· Fixed issue in context help system, which could cause the tooltip to flicker when it was displayed below mouse cursor
· RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to v7.1.0

RTSS Version 7.1.0

· Added On-Screen Display locking mechanism for third party On-Screen Display client applications. The mechanism is aimed to eliminate unwanted On-Screen Display flickering effect when some client application is performing risky two-stage On-Screen Display refresh while On-Screen Display is being actively refreshed by another client. Please take a note that third party On-Screen Display clients must be also updated in order to use this mechanism and get rid of flickering
· Added new text formatting tags support for displaying minimum, average, maximum, 1% low and 0.1% low framerates in benchmark mode. The tags are allowing On-Screen Display clients to display independent benchmark statistics simultaneously for multiple running 3D applications instead of displaying foreground 3D application statistics only
· Now it is possible to adjust frametime history graph size via RivaTuner Statistics Server properties. Please take a note that you may use positive values to specify the size in pixels or negative values to specify it in symbols
· Now it is possible to toggle benchmark mode state from RivaTuner Statistics Server properties. However, third party benchmark client applications like MSI Afterburner are still required to toggle benchmark mode state with hotkeys during 3D application runtime and to save benchmark results to a text file
· Now it is possible to toggle between averaged or instantaneous calculation modes for peak (i.e. minimum and maximum) framerates for benchmark mode via RivaTuner Statistics Server properties
· Fixed issue in context help system, which could cause the tooltip to flicker when it was displayed below mouse cursor
· Updated SDK:
o Now RTSSSharedMemorySample sample code is demonstrating the implementation of On-Screen Display locking and flickering filter
· Updated profiles list

Επεξ/σία από ultraex2003
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  • Απαντ. 25,5k
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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

  • BabisTs


  • ultraex2003


  • alldaynews


  • Mult1C0r3Cpu


Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)
35 λεπτά πριν, panakos_thess είπε

Που το βρισκω αυτο?για να το Plugin?

εννοειται οτι εχεις εγκαταστησει και το hwinfo 64 ! για να δουλεψει το πακετο!:D




Επεξ/σία από ultraex2003
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εεεεεεεε  για οσους  δεν προλαβαν τη βετα 1 βγηκε  4.4.3 beta 2 !! !!:rolleyes:


Changes list

New hardware monitoring performance profiler panel is now visualizing sorted per-sensor polling statistics diagram instead of displaying just a single sensor with maximum polling time. This allows you to identify multiple most CPU hungry sensor much easier than before. The panel is no longer triggered by <Ctrl>+<Shift> hotkeys and "Show status" context menu command, now it can be displayed with new separate "Show profiler panel" command in the context menu.
- Added double buffering style to list controls, displaying dynamically refreshable sensors in AIDA64/HwInfo/PerfCounter plugin's GUI. Double buffering is aimed to minimize flickering effect.
- Added new button for selecting instance name or index in performance counter data source setup dialog in PerfCounter plugin. It is no longer necessary (but still possible) to type it in manually.
- The list of root items (i.e. performance object names) is sorted alphabetically in "Add new source" window in PerfCounter plugin.
- Now you can hold <Ctrl> while clicking "Add new source" buttons in AIDA64/HwInfo/PerfCounter plugins to clone currently selected sources in AIDA64/HwInfo/PerfCounter plugins. This feature can be useful when populating the same sets of sensors for multiple instances of physical devices (e.g. clone HDD1 sensors and add the same for HDD2).
- Fixed bug in HwInfo plugin GUI, which could result in displaying duplicated sensor data in "Add new source" window in HwInfo plugin.
- Added ability to use performance counters with non-localized names in PerfCounter plugin (e.g. GPU Engine performance counters introduced in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update)

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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Ashes of the singularity version 2.70.30616, όλα 1080p

cpu: 6700K 4700Mhz, ram 3200Mhz 14-16-34, meltdown και spectre patch

gpu: GTX 1060 2076-88Mhz, vram 9100Mhz 16gb


Crazy preset:


Extreme preset:



High preset:



Standard preset:



Low preset:





Crazy preset:



Extreme preset:



High preset:



Standard preset:



Low preset:




Επεξ/σία από pirmen56
Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

να αφησω  2 run απο Ashes of the singularity /1080p

3770k @ 4.8

1x290 @ 1160/6000

win 10 pro workstation / rs5 /17604

drivers  18.3.2

Crazy preset


Extreme preset



High preset


Επεξ/σία από ultraex2003
  • Like 3
9 ώρες πριν, ultraex2003 είπε

να αφησω  2 run απο Ashes of the singularity /1080p

3770k @ 4.8

1x290 @ 1160/6000

win 10 pro workstation / rs5 /17604

drivers  18.3.2

Crazy preset


Extreme preset


High preset


Δίνει πόνο η γριά r9 290.......ωραίος bro!B)

  • Like 3
4 ώρες πριν, panakos_thess είπε

Αξίζει περισσότερο η 290-290Χ απο την RX580 RX480 να την αγορασεις το 1/3 της τιμης χαχαχα

Εννοείται αυτό αλλά πρέπει να έχεις και καλό PSU γιατί τραβάει η άτιμη... Είχα την καλύτερη υλοποίηση της 290 (Sapphire 290 Tri-X OC) και ξέρω τι τραβούσε, αλλά είναι ακόμη τίμια κάρτα για αυτά που θέλει χρηματικά. Αρκεί να μην την έχει Ξ@@@λιασει ο προηγούμενος σε mining/bench.

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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Μπήκα και εγώ στο club των i7:D και ένα πρώτο τεστ στο Cinebench r15 με στοκ ρυθμίσεις


Επεξ/σία από aetos1988
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καλησπερα παιδια...αγορασα ryzen 2200g..οταν παω να κανω Oc την vega gpu του απο το ryzen master..παταω apply μου βγαζει να κανω restart για να χρονιστει εκει που το εβαλα γινεται το restart και μετα παραμενει στοκ στα 1100...kai οχι στα 1600 που το εχω βαλει...καμια βοηθεια???

6 λεπτά πριν, ThanasisOlibiakos είπε

καλησπερα παιδια...αγορασα ryzen 2200g..οταν παω να κανω Oc την vega gpu του απο το ryzen master..παταω apply μου βγαζει να κανω restart για να χρονιστει εκει που το εβαλα γινεται το restart και μετα παραμενει στοκ στα 1100...kai οχι στα 1600 που το εχω βαλει...καμια βοηθεια???

bro  !!!   νομιζω δε χρειαζετε να  το ψαξεις και εδω απο τη στιγμη που εχεις  ανοιξεις νεο  θεμα.... εδω ... ειναι μονο για  bench !! 


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