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Provlima me ti Visual Basic


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Paidia gia sas...peiran proxtes ena vivlio gia ti visual basic ekei arxisa na diavazw ta kefalea...ftasame loipon sto na ftiaxw to protw diko mou programa....einai ena gia ipologismo daniwn...egrapsa ta panta opos ta exei mesa to vivlio...paw olo xara na to tre3w...kai! mou bgazei to e3eis minima....<BR><B>Method or data member not found</B> kai pataw ok...otan mou bgazei auto to minima mou exei epilegmeni ti le3i <B>Text</B> opou kai an vriskete kai to <B>Private Sub CmdCalculate_Click(Index As Integer)</B><BR>ti na kanw??????????????????<BR>olos o kwdikas einai parakatw....<BR>................................................................................<P>Private Sub CmdCalculate_Click(Index As Integer)<BR> Dim cPrincipal As Currency<BR> Dim fIntRate As Single<BR> Dim nTerm As Integer, cPayment As Currency<BR> <P>cPrincipal = Val(lblPri)<P>'Metatropi tou epitokiou sto dekadiko tou isodinamo<BR>' px to 12.75 ginete 0.1275<BR>fIntRate = Val(txtIntRate.Text) / 100<P>'metatropi tou etisiou epitokiou se minieo<BR>' dierontas dia 12 (mines to xrono)<BR>fIntRate = fIntRate / 12<P>'metatropi tou arithmou twn etwn se aritho minwn<BR>' polaplasiazontas epi 12 (mines to xrono)<BR>nTerm = Val(txtTerm.Text) * 12<P>'Ipologismos kai enfanisi tis minieas katavolis<BR>' i sinartisi Format veltiwnei tin enfanisi toy enfanizomenou arithmou<BR>cPayment = cPrincipal * (fIntRate / (1 - (1 + fIntRate) ^ -nTerm))<BR>txtPayment.Text = Format(cPayment, "Fixed")<P>End Sub


Χμμ,<BR>Τα txtIntRate , txtTerm , txtPayment υπάρχουν σαν αντικείμενα; Ή τα έχεις ονομάσει text1.text , text2.text , text3.text;<BR>Αν, ναι, άλλαξε το name τους.<P> smile.gif" border="0


Γαμώτο δεν έχω visualbasic εδώ στο γραφείο...<BR>Κάνοντας Control-I πάνω σε κάποια μεταβλητή (πχ. fIntRate ), σου εμφανίζει τι ακριβώς μεταβλητή είναι (string , integer , currency)<BR>Δες όλες τις αναθέσεις (blabla <B>=</B> val ((text)/100), άμα το αριστερό και το δεξιό μέρος είναι της ίδιας defined (string-string,integer-integer). Προσοχή οι str, val , int είναι εντολές μετατροπής (από integer σε string), άρα έχε και αυτό στο νού σου.<BR>Αν και αυτό το μύνημα λάθος που σου βγάζει έχει να κάνει με ονομασίες αντικειμένων (label , textbox) και με τις ιδιότητες αυτών (caption , text ). Ξανακοίταξε τα ονόματα... rolleyes.gif" border="0 rolleyes.gif" border="0 rolleyes.gif" border="0


ekana auto pou eipes..ta apotelesmata...<P><B>fIntRate = Val(txtIntRate.Text) / 100</B><BR>to FIntRate exei Single to dexio meros sto txtIntRate leei txtIntRate As TextBox kai sto text leei Var(String as String) As Double<P><B>fIntRate = fIntRate / 12</B><BR>to fIntRate opos ipa kai pio panw exei tin metavliti String kai sta 2 opote pame parakatw grin.gif" border="0 <P><B>nTerm = Val(txtTerm.Text) * 12</B><BR>nTerm As Integer kai meta to Val(txtTerm.Text) einai opos eipa kai pio panw diladi txtIntRate leei txtIntRate As TextBox kai sto text leei Var(String as String) As Double<P><B>cPayment = cPrincipal * (fIntRate / (1 - (1 + fIntRate) ^ -nTerm))</B><BR>cPayment As Currency <BR>cPrincipal As Currency<BR>fIntRate As Single<BR>nTerm As Integer<P><B>txtPayment.Text = Format(cPayment, "Fixed")</B><BR>txtPayment As TextBox<BR>cPayment As Currency<BR>..........................................................................<BR>Ayta....ante na doume tongue.gif" border="0


Κάτι δεν πάει , καλάααα.....<BR>Τα ονόματα τα τσέκαρες (τα lebels, τα command buttons?)<BR>Το απόγευμα που θα πάω στο σπίτι που έχω visualbasic θα ξαναποστάρω...Ως τότε στείλε έκδοση visualbasic που έχεις; 6? Και για καλύτερη βοήθεια στείλε τον κώδικα (σε zip) στο email μου (*.vbp,*.frm)<p>[ 03-10-2001: Message edited by: timiman ]


Ta Labels<BR>1)<B>(Name) lblPrincipal (Caption) Principal:</B><BR>2)<B>(Name) lblIntRate (Caption) Annual Interest Rate (%):</B><BR>3)<B>(Name) lblTerm (Caption) Term (Years):</B><BR>4)opou kanonika prepei na bgei to apotelesma <B>(Name) lblPayment (Caption) Monthly Payment</B><P>Ayta....ante na doume smile.gif" border="0


3axasa na pw oti einai i Visual Basic 6<BR>Kai na 3anapw ti sinveni....<BR>Otan paw na to "tre3w" mou bgazei ena minima me ena thamaustiko kai leei : Metdod or data member not found.<BR>Otan ginete auto ekei pou grafw ton kwdika mou epilexi me kitrino fonto to :<B>Private Sub CmdCalculate_Click(Index As Integer)</B>kai apo ta aristera stin idia euthia me auta pou grafw apo panw exei ena kitrino velaki...<BR>Episis mou epilegei tin le3i <B>.Text</B><BR>Ante na vreite lisi na sinexisw to diavasma!


Egw filarako tis metavlites pou exw mathei ws twra apo to vivlio grin.gif" border="0 einai :<BR>Integer, Long, Single, Double, Currency, String, Byte, Boolean, Date, Object, Variant<P>Twra an iparxi kai index de 3erw...mporei na tin mathw sto mellon smile.gif" border="0


den sou eipa oti to "index" einai tipos metavlitis! apla ama mporeis an to xrisimopoiiseis san ONOMA metavlitis! (px tin lexi "name" den mporeis na tin xrisimopoiiseis! (legetai desmeumeni lexi!)<P>telika i index mporei na xrisimopoiithei | allou eiani to lathos


To sfalma sou einai profanes -xrisimopoieis ena control array kata pasa pithanotita gi' ayto kai to index -an ta xeiristiria text ta dimioyrgeises me copy kai paste tote soy dimioyrgises array -etsi anti na anaferesai sto cmdText.text isws tha prepei na to grapseis cmdtext(0).text analoga me tin idiotita index toy textbox.


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