atx Δημοσ. 17 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 17 Μαρτίου 2001 paidia otan eisaste online anoixte to winamp kai patiste ctrl+l<BR>meta sto parathyro poy tha bgei grapste <BR><BR>kai patiste open. tha akoysete online (erasitexniko) elliniko radio.<P>mporeite na moy peite pos to ekane ayto??
Ksefloudo Δημοσ. 17 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 17 Μαρτίου 2001 xa,xa φίλε μου είναι πανεύκολο αρκεί να υπάρχουν οι ταχύτητες. Τα πάντα μπορεί να κάνει κανείς αρκεί να υπάρχουν αυτές οι γαμ..<BR>ταχύτητες που ακόμα είμαστε 100 χρόνια πίσω...<BR>τέλος πάντων πήγαινε <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> και διάβασε τις οδηγίες για το πως να στήσεις ενα ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό στο internet...<BR>εκεί έχει ότι "σταθμούς" μπορείς να φανταστείς...
Cue Δημοσ. 17 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 17 Μαρτίου 2001 <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> StarFM (θεσσαλονίκη)<P> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> AndromedaFM<P>Αυτούς ξέρω για winamp.<BR>Μετά είναι και οι Nitro και Σφαίρα για Media Player.<P>Επίσης για Real Player υπάρχουν πολλοί.<P>Για λίστες κοιτάξτε εδώ:<BR> <A HREF="'>" TARGET=_blank> ce&cat=News%20%26amp%3B%20Media&sub=Live%20Radio</A> <P>και<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <P>Αν ξέρει κανείς άλλους σταθμούς, ας τους κάνει post.<P>------------------<BR>The Bits Control The Atoms<p>[This message has been edited by Cue (edited 17-03-2001).]
imported_agnαnta Δημοσ. 17 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 17 Μαρτίου 2001 loipon akou:<BR>katebazeis to shoutcast apo to <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <BR>katebazeis kai to server tou shoutcast (ena program) wste na mporeis na ekpempeis...(giati an den exeis server na sou paraxwrisoun kaneis ws server to pc sou)<BR>akoloutha tis odigies sto site<BR>an diskoleuese pes.....
atx Δημοσ. 17 Μαρτίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 17 Μαρτίου 2001 ta ekana ola ayta poy leei alla patao connect kai leei "error connect to host"<BR>kano tipota lathos??<BR>ekei poy leei localhost ti bazo??<BR>kai ekei poy leei port ti bazo?
imported_melody Δημοσ. 18 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 18 Μαρτίου 2001 Nomizw oti prepei na apanthsw kai egw san ekproswpos mias apo twn poooly ligwn Ellhnikwn ekpompwn sto Internet. ('>'><P>Den 0elw na ginw "proistorika" alla protimw to klassiko Real-Audio, para me WinAmp. Oses fores prospa0hsa na akoysw me WinAmp apetyxa. Isws den eimai tyxeros, na petyxw thn wra poy kanei o allos ekpomph (milaw gia dikes mas prospa0eies kai oxi sta0moys me 24 wres kai servers dikoys toys)<P>Na tre3eis ton server sto PC soy? Kai na eisai ka0e brady 2-3 wres syndemenos gia na akoysoyn oi filoi??? Posoi 0a akoysoyn? Me mia as poyme ISDN, me 64K posoi 0a akoysoyn taytoxrona? Ante 2 to poly, enw esy den 0a mporeis na kaneis tipote allo.<BR>Na se akoyne mono otan 0a eisai on-line? 1 wra th mera kai an mporeis kai ayto?<P>Twra pame sthn periptwsh toy Melody Maker. 4 ekpompes etoimes anebasmenes sth selida moy (eytyxws o provider thn ekrimhse kai edwse xwrooooo).<BR>Ena akomh backup sth HOL gia extra taxythta kai perissoteroys taytoxrona akroates. KAi etsi exoyme. 4 ekpompes na diale3ei o ka0enas ayth poy 0elei. Na thn akoysei opoia wra ths hmeras 0elei. 24 wres on-line. KAi to symantiotero, me thn megalh taxythta toy provider poy mporei na dextei para polloys users taytoxrona (anti gia 1-2 poy 0a kanoyn connect sto PC moy).<P>Epimenw se real-audio, me G2 kai 20.7 kbit exeis EKPLHKTIKH poiothta kai poly mikro ogko. Opote me mia 28.8 syndesh (toooso xalia) mporeis na akoyseis mia xara kai xwris diakopes, enw egw ekeinh thn wra 0a eimai bolta kai 0a noi30w oti 4 ekpompes moy kanoyn to gyro toy kosmoy!!!<BR>Egw ekana apla to upload, 30 lepta thn ekpomph. MIA FORA!<P>Dokimaste monoi sas: <B> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> </B><P>2 providers (Aisnet & HOL), 4 ekpompes thn ebdomada on-line & playlist.<BR>Xwris extra rytmiseis kai kopo. Apla click sth selida kai efyges...<BR><P>------------------<BR><B>Alexis Katsadorakis<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> </B>
imported_agnαnta Δημοσ. 18 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 18 Μαρτίου 2001 loipon akou an thes arxika gia plaka na kaneis server to pc sou etsi na deis pws paei.....<BR>a)kaneis egatastasi to programma tou server kai ta dll ta alla (dio diladi programmata)<BR>b)pas sto directory tou shoutcast kai trexeis ton server (min peirakseis tipote allo)<BR>c)anoigeis to winamp kai blepeis anoigei parallila kai ena allo program sto opio rithmizeis pws thes na ekpempeis kai meso piou....<BR>afineis localhost kai password to idio diladi changeme<BR>patas connect kai ekpempeis........<BR>meta an deis kai ekpempei.....allakse an thes password kai tou server......(den exei noima )
SS Δημοσ. 19 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 19 Μαρτίου 2001 <FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Agapite file Melody, me 8ymasai etsi den einai? sou eixa steilei kapoia PM ;-) Pira to 8arros na apantiso tora dioti dokimasa na kanw live ekpompi (kai akoma synexizw....) kai einai alli ais8hsh tou na kaneis live ekpompi apo prohxografhmeni... (sigoura ksereis poly kalytera apo mena logw tou oti eisoun Dj se radiofoniko sta8mo!!) <P>tora oson afora tin live anametadosi o melody999 exei dikio... Xreiazesai ena kalo server pou na se kanei host gia na mporeseis na paixeis me anesi gia perissotera atoma.. Ego dokimasa stin arxi na kanw server to pc mou kai dystyxos sernotan.. (isdn 64). <BR>H kalyteri lysi einai na vreis ena server na dex8ei na se kanei host...<P>ante kai kalh tyxi!! ;-)<P>Cya l8r<BR>--------------------------<BR><IMG SRC="" border=0><BR><IMG SRC="" border=0> <BR></FONT f><p>[This message has been edited by SS (edited 18-03-2001).]
imported_melody Δημοσ. 19 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 19 Μαρτίου 2001 <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS:<BR><B>Agapite file Melody, me 8ymasai etsi den einai? sou eixa steilei kapoia PM ;-) Pira to 8arros na apantiso tora dioti dokimasa na kanw live ekpompi (kai akoma synexizw....) kai einai alli ais8hsh tou na kaneis live ekpompi apo prohxografhmeni... (sigoura ksereis poly kalytera apo mena logw tou oti eisoun Dj se radiofoniko sta8mo!!) <BR></B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR>Swsta peri zwntanhs ekpomphs, alla exei xrhsh MONO se radiofwno. Na kaneis ekpomph zwntanh sto dysktio kai na 3ereis oti se akoyne dyo, enas h KANENAS? Posoi nomizeis 0a synde0oyn ekeinh thn mia wra poy 0a anoi3eis syndesh kai 0a kaneis ekpomph? Kai posoi 0a xwresoyn apo th grammh soy? 1-2? TO POLY! Na pedeyteis kai to kyriotero na dwseis thn psyxh soy - dioti ayto dineis se mia ekpomph - kai na se akoysei enas?<P>Egw kanw 1 wra ekpomph h opoia anebainei ston provider kai menei 1 ebdomada. Etsi 3erw oti otikai na ginei 0a akoysoyn kai 100 atoma (leme twra, mporei na einai kai 20 mporei kai 1000), pantws 3erw oti exei poly perissoteres pi0anothtes apo na thn ekana real-time kai namhn akoysei kanenas.<BR>Exoyme kanei test kai akoygame 10 atoma sygxronws apo ton local provider xwris problhma. Episeis, o allos mporei na akoysei apo thn arxh thn ekpomph OTI WRA kai na synde0ei enw sthn allh periptwsh 0a akoysei apo th mesh , to telos, 0a xasei 5-10 lepta.<BR>Mh moy peis oti pisteyeis oti kapoios ZEI me th skepsh stis ekpompes mas...<BR>As toys kanoyme th zwh eykolh. O allos 0elei na akoysei toprwi sto grafeio. Allos stis 4:00 to prwi poy gyrise spiti, allos to meshmeri. <P>Einai h prwth fora poy den kanw zwntano, dyskoleythka, eixa synh0hsei na lew thn wra, th mera, kai alles atakes toy zwntanoy. Pedeythka na mhn ta lew, den htan eykolo. Alla doyleyei kalytera. SAFWS!<P>------------------<BR><B>Alexis Katsadorakis<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> </B>
imported_agnαnta Δημοσ. 19 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 19 Μαρτίου 2001 alla o ss pou ekpempei meso megalou server.....( mporei na eksipiretei para polous.....kai exei tixei maximum giro sta 20 atoma an thimame kala....(egw maximum 14)
magma Δημοσ. 19 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 19 Μαρτίου 2001 Katarxin sygxaritiria ston SS kai ston Agnanta gia tin ekpompi tous!!! An katalaba kala,an breis enan server na kanei host tin ekpompi,ousiastika oti paizeis to stelneis s'aytous kai aytoi to bgazoun paraeksw,wste na eiani megalyteri i taxytita kai gia perissotera atoma !?<BR>Giati yparxei mia periptwsi se ligous mines na ekpempei kai o sta8mos tou univ tis Kritis online,opote ypo8etw 8a mas dwsoun xwro ston server tous! plz dior8oste me an kanw la8os<P>------------------<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>~{m@gma}~</A>
atx Δημοσ. 20 Μαρτίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 20 Μαρτίου 2001 pros agnanta>>><BR>loipon file thanks gia ayto poy moy eipes.<BR>to ekana ayto alla tora moy bgazei allo problima.<BR>patao connect kai kanei ti syndesi alla moy bgazei ena minima "error opening sounddev!"<BR>ti na ftaiei s'ayto??<BR>mipos i karta ixoy?? (i karta ixoy einai palia). akoma esbisa toys drivers tis karta ixoy alla kai pali tipota.<BR>help..
imported_melody Δημοσ. 20 Μαρτίου 2001 Δημοσ. 20 Μαρτίου 2001 <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by agnanta:<BR><B>alla o ss pou ekpempei meso megalou server.....( mporei na eksipiretei para polous.....kai exei tixei maximum giro sta 20 atoma an thimame kala....(egw maximum 14)</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Kai pali 0a soy pw to idio. H 0a ekpempeis 24 wres h me ton tropo poy lew egw (off-line file ston provider)... Trith prwi kai bazw pali na akoysw ton SS ( kai pali einai off... Katalabes ti lew? Enw dokimase esy twra to <A HREF="'>" TARGET=_blank></A> na deis oti einai on-line PANTA! Ayth einai h diafora mas. Swsta ola ayta poy lete, alla einai safws pio dyskola, POOOLY DYSKOLA gia ton aplo kosmo (poy den 0elei na mple3ei me winamp kai control-l etc, alla 0elei na kanei click apo to web kai na akoysei, kai dne 3erw kata poson einai kala gia tis ellhnikes grammes, dioti me G2 Real Audio sta 20.7 exeis KATAPLHKTIKH poiothta hxoy xwris diakopes.<P>An kaneis 24 wres radio fysika 0a einai live, an omws kaneis 1-2 th mera kalo 0a einai na MHN EINAI, alla na einai file poy na menei 24 wres wste na to akoysoyn perissoteroi kai me thn anesh toys (oti wra 0eloyn). KAi esy 0a noiw0eis kalyetera, 0a eisai e3w kai 0a 3ereis oti h fwnh soy kai h moysikh soy ta3ydeyei se olo ton kosmo ekeinh th stigmh.<P>------------------<BR><B>Alexis Katsadorakis<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> </B>
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