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{Τεστ} Είστε hardcore gamer?


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

  • Απαντ. 43
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

32 απο μενα


You're a newbie in the small world of hardcore gamers, but you belong to this world. You mark yourself out because you're down-to-earth again, and you don't have the involvement in games that fellow members of hardcore gamers groups can have, but for the common run of people you're not a normal person. Be careful, you have integrated a group who might have a bad influence on you. If you want to preserve your mental integrity and have a normal life, get your games in the garbage can and remove all bookmarks relative to videogames. If you're happy with you condition, continue playing games a lot but you are on the road to total unreasonableness. You'll can't come back.


49 μου έβγαλε αν και περίμενα πολύ παρακάτω, πολλές ερωτήσεις ήταν υπερβολικές ή απλά κουλές. Κάποιες άλλες βέβαια ήταν όλα τα λεφτά!


29!!!!Kalos eimai..Σε αυτο :34. I just bought a game that i was waiting for months (HALO3, WoW addon, etc)… Iʼm opening the box, but my girlfriend make it clear to me that she wants to go in bed with me, and itʼs not because she wants to sleep… :

- no way, i play my game

- « sweetheart, iʼm on the way »


Ποιος εβαλε το πρωτο?




Between 60 and 79 :


For you, videogames are like a drug, it's impossible for you to live without. You're a real hardcore gamer, you are well aware of that, and more, you're proud of that. Videogames are so important in your life that you need to organize it accordind to this devouring passion. Sometimes it becomes a probleme, and you are confronted by the lack of understanding of your family circle. But you are happy, addicted but happy, until the day when your drug will be no longer good enough for you and when you will be really depressed.


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