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ASP restricted areas.


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Loipon.Thn voitheia sas:<P>Thelw otan kanei enas veryfying sthn "administration.asp" as poume kai exei login kati kai password kati allo (auta ta stoixeia zhta)exei kai sthn vash pou kanei check kai ena access level.<BR>Ti thelw loipon: if access level = 1 phgaine sthn 1.asp<BR>if acceslevel=2 phgaine sthn 2.asp ktlp...<BR>Na simeiwsw oti xrhsimopoiw poli ultradev.<BR>Auta.TIA frown.gif" border="0 frown.gif" border="0


Δεν έχω κάνε ποτέ ASP αλλά θα σου δώσω τον ψευδοκώδικα:<P> Πάρε από τη βάση το access level που αντιστοιχεί στον συγκεκριμένο χρήστη.<BR> αν accessLevel είναι 1<BR> redirect page="something"<BR> αλλιώς αν asccessLevel είναι 2<BR> redirect page="something else"<BR> ...<BR> ...<P> Ελπίζω να βοηθήσει.


re c girioni?<BR>les na eimai toso xazos pou den mporw na bgalw ton psevbokwdika?<BR>eksalou panw katw auto den lew sto post mou?<BR>Daksei ti mou eipes twra?....<BR>THanks pantws gia to endiaferon..


mias kai den exo idea apo asp den mporo na se boithiso amesa. alla mporo na sou doso kapoia links gia arxeia pou isos na periexoun auto pou thes na kaneis.<BR> <A HREF="http://www.vbcode.com/code/WebSite.zip&theID=948'>http://www.vbcode.com/asp/showzip.asp?ZipFile=http://www.vbcode.com/code/WebSite.zip&theID=948" TARGET=_blank>http://www.vbcode.com/asp/showzip.asp?ZipFile=http://www.vbcode.com/code/WebSite.zip&theID=948</A> [ <A HREF="http://www.vbcode.com/code/WebSite.zip" TARGET=_blank>http://www.vbcode.com/code/WebSite.zip</A> ]<BR> <A HREF="http://www.15seconds.com/howto/pg000019.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.15seconds.com/howto/pg000019.htm</A> <A HREF="http://www.15seconds.com/issue/981104.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.15seconds.com/issue/981104.htm</A> <A HREF="http://www.15seconds.com/issue/000413.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.15seconds.com/issue/000413.htm</A> <BR>kai mpolika links se asp sites: <A HREF="http://www.asp-dev.com/links/links.asp?cat=ASP" TARGET=_blank>http://www.asp-dev.com/links/links.asp?cat=ASP</A>


Θεωρωντας οτι εχεις φερει το access level απο την βαση σε μια μεταβλητη AcLev, τοτε θες αυτο:<P>Redirect<BR>The Redirect method causes the browser to attempt to connect to a different URL. <P>Syntax<BR>Response.Redirect URL<P> <P>Parameters<BR>URL <BR>The Uniform Resource Locator that the browser is redirected to. <BR>Remarks<BR>Any response body content set explicitly in the page is ignored. However, this method does send other HTTP headers set by this page to the client. An automatic response body containing the redirect URL as a link is generated. The Redirect method sends the following explicit header, where URL is the value passed to the method.<P>HTTP 1.0 302 Object Moved<BR>Location URL<P>Example<BR>The following example redirects the user to Microsofts primary Web site.<P><% Response.Redirect "http://www.microsoft.com" %> <P>Οποτε κανεις πχ:<BR><%<BR>MyURL="http://myserver/mydir" & AcLev & ".asp"<P>Response.Redirect MyURL<P>Ολα αυτα ομως σε κωδικα μεσα στο <HEAD>..</HEAD> αλλιως yok redirect.


loipon to ekana:<BR>ekei pou lei ston kwdika otan kaneis to "log in user" pou exei sto ultra dev, Response.Redirect(MM_redirectLoginSuccess)<BR>thn alazw se: Response.Redirect(MM_redirectLoginSuccess & Session("MM_UserAuthorization") &".asp")<BR>kai meta eki pou lei: pou na pai meta to verify anti na grapsw mai .asp i mia .htm grafw sketo mia "default" kai an access level=1 tote paei sthn default1.asp<BR>access level=2 paei sthn default2.asp ktlp.


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