Προς το περιεχόμενο

Γνωρίζει κανείς κρυπτογράφηση και αποκρυπτογράφηση για C;


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις




Ένας απλός αλγόριθμος XOR κρυπτογράφησης:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
char *text=new char,*key=new char;
printf("Keimeno gia kryptografisi:\n");
printf("Kleidi: ");
for (int i=0;i<strlen(text);i++) text[i]=text[i]^key[i%strlen(key)]*2;
printf("Kryptografimeno: %s\n",text);
for (int i=0;i<strlen(text);i++) text[i]=text[i]^key[i%strlen(key)]*2;
printf("Apokriptografimeno: %s\n",text);

Αν θες κάτι πιο συγκεκριμένο δώσε μας περισσότερες πληροφορίες.

@Aesmade: O kwdikas sou de mou ginetai compile... einai sigoura swstos?

Για μένα λειτουργεί (χρησιμοποιώ το visual studio .net 2003)... Τι errors σου δίνει;

@Aesmade: O kwdikas sou de mou ginetai compile... einai sigoura swstos?


Δοκίμασε να κάνεις compile το πρόγραμμα του Aesmade ως C++ με τις παρακάτω αλλαγές:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
char *text=new char[bUFSIZ],*key=new char[bUFSIZ];
printf("Keimeno gia kryptografisi:\n");

printf("Kleidi: ");

for (int i=0;i<strlen(text);i++) 
printf("Kryptografimeno: %s\n",text);
for (int i=0;i<strlen(text);i++) 

printf("Apokriptografimeno: %s\n",text);

delete	text;
delete	key;


Ο αρχικός κώδικας δεν δηλώνει το μέγεθος του text και key char στην new (text=new char και key=new char αντί text=new char[N] και key=new char[N]) οπότε τα δηλώνω τώρα ως BUFSIZ (N=BUFSIZ) δηλαδή 512Bytes έκαστο (το BUFSIZ είναι stdio.h constant) ώστε να αποφύγουμε buffer overrun κτλ.


Ακολουθεί η καθαρή C++ STL εκδοχή του κώδικα:


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
string	text,

cout<<"Keimeno gia kryptografisi:";
cout<<"Kleidi: ";

for (int i=0;i<text.length();i++) 

for (int i=0;i<text.length();i++) 

   cout<<"Press Enter to quit..";
return 0;


Ακολουθεί η καθαρή ANSI-C εκδοχή του κώδικα:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
char text[bUFSIZ],
int	i;

printf("Keimeno gia kryptografisi:\n");

printf("Kleidi: ");

for (i=0;i<strlen(text);i++) 
printf("Kryptografimeno: %s\n",text);
for (i=0;i<strlen(text);i++) 

printf("Apokriptografimeno: %s\n",text);

return 0;	


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>


// Function Prototypes

void usage(char *);

void encipher(FILE *, char *);

void decipher(FILE *, char *);

int islower(char);

int isupper(char);

int ishash(char);

int islatin(char);


// Auxiliary functions

int islower(char chr) {

return ((chr >= 'a') && (chr <= 'z'));



int isupper(char chr) {

return ((chr >= 'A') && (chr <= 'Z'));



int islatin(char chr) {

return ( isupper(chr) || islower(chr) );



int ishash(char chr) {

return (chr == '#');




* Given an opened file handler and a key encrypt the content of the

* the input file and output the result on the screen


void encipher(FILE *fp, char *key)


int chr, chr_new; // the current letter: text, encrypted text

int k_chr; // the current letter of the key

int key_length; // the length of the key


// identify length of the key

key_length = strlen(key);


while ( (chr = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)


// first charcter of the key

k_chr = *key;


// if end of key string reset the key to its first character

if (k_chr == '\0') {

// Subtract key_length bytes from the current key pointer.

// Since a string is consecutive in memory, this takes

// the key pointer back to its first character.

key = key - key_length;

k_chr = *key; // k_chr is a shortcut to *key



// encrypt only characters of the latin alphabet

if ( islatin(chr) ) {


/* if the current key_char is lowercase subtract 97 ('a') */

if (islower(k_chr)) {

chr_new = chr + k_chr - 'a';

} /* else subtract 65 ('A') */

else if (isupper(k_chr)) {

chr_new = chr + k_chr - 'A';



// Adjust chr_new if it is out of range A-Z and a-z

if (chr_new > 'z') {

fputc('#', stdout);

chr_new -= 26;


else if (chr_new > 'Z' && chr_new < 'a' ) {

fputc('#', stdout);

chr_new -= 26;




fputc(chr_new, stdout);


else { // no encryption is taking place

fputc(chr, stdout);





void decipher(FILE *fp, char* key)


int chr, chr_new; // the current letter: text, encrypted text

int k_chr; // the current letter of the key

int key_length; // the length of the key

int hashon; // a flag which indicates if a character is #


// identify length of the key

key_length = strlen(key);


while ( (chr = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)


// the first character is always presumably not a #

hashon = 0;


// first charcter of the key

k_chr = *key;


// if end of key string reset the key to its first character

if (k_chr == '\0') {

// Subtract key_length bytes from the current key pointer.

// Since a string is consecutive in memory, this takes

// the key pointer back to its first character.

key = key - key_length;

k_chr = *key;



if (ishash(chr)) {

// Get next character

chr = fgetc(fp);

hashon = 1;



// encrypt only characters of the latin alphabet

if ( islatin(chr) ) {


/* if the added key_char is lowercase */

if (islower(k_chr)) {

chr_new = chr - k_chr + 'a';


else if (isupper(k_chr)) {

chr_new = chr - k_chr + 'A';



// if previous letter was a # add 26 to the next character

if (hashon == 1) {

chr_new += 26;




fputc(chr_new, stdout);


else {

fputc(chr, stdout);







* This function will prompt the user with the correct usage - whenver invoked


void usage(char *s)


fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s -enc or -dec -cipher <maximum 10 letters> <input-file>\n", s);





int main(int argc, char *argv[])


int i;

int encrypt = -1;

char filename[65];

char cipher[11];

FILE *fp;


/* Memory allocation & initialization */


/* exactly 5 parameters */

if (argc != 5)



/* parsing parameters in any order */

for( i=1; i<argc; i++) {

if (strcmp(argv, "-enc") == 0) {

encrypt = 1;


else if (strcmp(argv, "-dec") == 0) {

encrypt = 0;


else if (strcmp(argv, "-cipher") == 0) {

if (i!=5) {

strncpy(cipher, argv[++i], 10);


else {




else {

// copy the filename

strncpy(filename, argv, 64);




// sanity check - all parameters have to be provided

if (encrypt == -1) {




// sanity check - file has to exist and be readable.

if ((fp = fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) {

fprintf(stderr, "File %s cannot be read\n", filename);




if (encrypt) {

encipher(fp, cipher);


else {

decipher(fp, cipher);








#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>


// Function Prototypes

void usage(char *);

void encipher(FILE *, char *);

void decipher(FILE *, char *);

int islower(char);

int isupper(char);

int ishash(char);

int islatin(char);


// Auxiliary functions

int islower(char chr) {

return ((chr >= 'a') && (chr <= 'z'));



int isupper(char chr) {

return ((chr >= 'A') && (chr <= 'Z'));



int islatin(char chr) {

return ( isupper(chr) || islower(chr) );



int ishash(char chr) {

return (chr == '#');




* Given an opened file handler and a key encrypt the content of the

* the input file and output the result on the screen


void encipher(FILE *fp, char *key)


int chr, chr_new; // the current letter: text, encrypted text

int k_chr; // the current letter of the key

int key_length; // the length of the key


// identify length of the key

key_length = strlen(key);


while ( (chr = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)


// first charcter of the key

k_chr = *key;


// if end of key string reset the key to its first character

if (k_chr == '\0') {

// Subtract key_length bytes from the current key pointer.

// Since a string is consecutive in memory, this takes

// the key pointer back to its first character.

key = key - key_length;

k_chr = *key; // k_chr is a shortcut to *key



// encrypt only characters of the latin alphabet

if ( islatin(chr) ) {


/* if the current key_char is lowercase subtract 97 ('a') */

if (islower(k_chr)) {

chr_new = chr + k_chr - 'a';

} /* else subtract 65 ('A') */

else if (isupper(k_chr)) {

chr_new = chr + k_chr - 'A';



// Adjust chr_new if it is out of range A-Z and a-z

if (chr_new > 'z') {

fputc('#', stdout);

chr_new -= 26;


else if (chr_new > 'Z' && chr_new < 'a' ) {

fputc('#', stdout);

chr_new -= 26;




fputc(chr_new, stdout);


else { // no encryption is taking place

fputc(chr, stdout);





void decipher(FILE *fp, char* key)


int chr, chr_new; // the current letter: text, encrypted text

int k_chr; // the current letter of the key

int key_length; // the length of the key

int hashon; // a flag which indicates if a character is #


// identify length of the key

key_length = strlen(key);


while ( (chr = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)


// the first character is always presumably not a #

hashon = 0;


// first charcter of the key

k_chr = *key;


// if end of key string reset the key to its first character

if (k_chr == '\0') {

// Subtract key_length bytes from the current key pointer.

// Since a string is consecutive in memory, this takes

// the key pointer back to its first character.

key = key - key_length;

k_chr = *key;



if (ishash(chr)) {

// Get next character

chr = fgetc(fp);

hashon = 1;



// encrypt only characters of the latin alphabet

if ( islatin(chr) ) {


/* if the added key_char is lowercase */

if (islower(k_chr)) {

chr_new = chr - k_chr + 'a';


else if (isupper(k_chr)) {

chr_new = chr - k_chr + 'A';



// if previous letter was a # add 26 to the next character

if (hashon == 1) {

chr_new += 26;




fputc(chr_new, stdout);


else {

fputc(chr, stdout);







* This function will prompt the user with the correct usage - whenver invoked


void usage(char *s)


fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s -enc or -dec -cipher <maximum 10 letters> <input-file>\n", s);





int main(int argc, char *argv[])


int i;

int encrypt = -1;

char filename[65];

char cipher[11];

FILE *fp;


/* Memory allocation & initialization */


/* exactly 5 parameters */

if (argc != 5)



/* parsing parameters in any order */

for( i=1; i<argc; i++) {

if (strcmp(argv, "-enc") == 0) {

encrypt = 1;


else if (strcmp(argv, "-dec") == 0) {

encrypt = 0;


else if (strcmp(argv, "-cipher") == 0) {

if (i!=5) {

strncpy(cipher, argv[++i], 10);


else {




else {

// copy the filename

strncpy(filename, argv, 64);




// sanity check - all parameters have to be provided

if (encrypt == -1) {




// sanity check - file has to exist and be readable.

if ((fp = fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) {

fprintf(stderr, "File %s cannot be read\n", filename);




if (encrypt) {

encipher(fp, cipher);


else {

decipher(fp, cipher);








Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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