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<B>KTVBDebugger</B><P><I>a Debugger for Visual Basic P-Code Compiled Apps</I><P>Current Features: <BR><UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> Run-time live debugging.<BR><LI> Supports VB5 and VB6 P-Code compiled applications.<BR><LI> Displays a complete list of opcodes and VM API functions, can save the list to a file. <BR><LI> Breakpoints on any p-code instructions.<BR><LI> Breakpoints on any code address (unlimited).<BR><LI> Can put breakpoints on any Virtual Machine API call.<BR><LI> Stack viewer, dumps the stack in two different modes: from EBP to ESP or from ESP to EBP.<BR><LI> Three different modes for stack viewing , Byte, Word and Dword. <BR><LI> Memory dumper and editor with support for file dumping with three different file formats, RAW HEX or C array.<BR><LI> Displays memory as ASM code, you can disassemble any module loaded by the process, shows jump refrences.<BR><LI> Memory search functions, can search ASCII, WIDE char strings and HEX digits. <BR><LI> Complete display of current opcode bytes.<BR><LI> Can log debugger messages and p-code to a text file.<BR><LI> Can modify opcodes at run-time using the memory editor (changes does not affect the file only the memory is changed).<BR><LI> String references support, you can view/edit any string used by the current routine or function.<BR><LI> Shows current routine starts address and end address.<BR><LI> Advanced EXE Info, shows extended info about the P-code file (Modules, Clases, Forms) can log everything to disk.<BR><LI> Show file offset of any instruction from its RVA, especially designed for those of you that like file patching wink.gif" border="0<BR><LI> Support for Debug Symbol files (DBG) loads any DBG file automatically, can log symbols to disk, if no DBG is found shows the export info only.<BR><LI> Easy integrated manager for Forms and Classes, shows common VB controls unknow controls and user controls.<BR><LI> BranchX Analizer, builds a list of all the bifurcation opcodes and allows you to directly breakpoint on them. <BR></UL><BR> <A HREF="http://vbdebug.cjb.net/" TARGET=_blank>http://vbdebug.cjb.net/</A>

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