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amd 1900+ xp 89 batmous thermokrasia.....


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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by SPOOKER:

<strong>Den xero an to eipate eironika i oxi gia auto tha katso na analyso tis apopseis mou <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />


Se osous mou lene oti oi AMD einai pio fthnoi ego apantao oti se telikh analysh oi amd katalhgoun na exoune idies times me tous pentium4.Ama parousiastoun problhmata katalhgoun na einai akoma kai akriboteroi apo tous p4.Exhgoume.Oi p4 den theloune extra money gia 100 super duper thorybodeis anemisthres sta 1000000RPM se antithesh me tous AMD.Apoteloun eggyhsh gia th statherothta tou systhmatos.Den yparxei periptwsh mia mera pou tha gyrisete spiti sas kai to anemisthraki ta paixe na breite thn CPU sas karbouno.Den enoxlhste apo ton thorybo twn anemisthrwn.Sto kato kato kante thn erothsh ston eauto sas.Posoi exoune kai eixane problhmata me p4 kai posoi me AMD???De me endiaferei na mou dinei i cpu mou ligh parapano apodosh th stigmh pou den mporei na eggyhthei gia th statherothta.Oi diafores stis epidoseis einai AMELHTEES ths taxhs ton 5-10 fps parapano se ena game.


De lew kalh h prospatheia ths AMD alla TI STO POUTSO kanei.Apo tote pou th thymamai oloi oi epexergastes ths exoune problhma me th thermokrasia i opoia exei epidraseis sthn statherothta kai epidosh tou systhmatos.


symperasma.Ego tha epairna p4.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Ας υποθέσουμε ότι P4@2000MHz και XP2000+ έχουν την ίδια απόδοση. Που δεν έχουν, αλλά ας κάνουμε αυτή την υπόθεση...


XP2000+ 140 + Thermaltake Volcano 7+ 50


P4 2.0GHz Boxed 240


Βλέπω μια διαφορά στη τιμή... Φαντάσου να παμε σε πιο γρήγορους επεξεργαστές και να δούμε τι γίνεται...


Symfwnw apolyta me ton Kwsn Men!

Apo thn allh omws ayto poy eipe o spooker stekei oso anafora users synthritikous pou 8eloun to kefali toys hsyxous.

Den mporw na dianoh8w omws Power user me P4,einai 3enera.

Kai oi 2 epe3ergastes einai to idio sta8eroi apla einai ligo pio dyskolo na katafereis ton AMD na einai sta8eros.

Proswpika den me exei peisei h karamela ths 8ermokrasias oti prepei na Parw P4.


H Intel KAMIA sxesh me etsi opos itane palia... Na fantastite sto palio mou mixanima exw Celeron 300 kai ton doulevw xwris cooler kai einai statherotatos... milame gia allh poiothta palia h intel.


Simera AMD dagkoto kai se apodosh kai timh... gia thn thermokrasia den mou kegete karfaki! Exw 2 koulerakia ena megalo kai ena mikro sta plagia kai 49 temp stathera. To provlima pio einai? Epidi exoune parapanw apo ena cooler? xex... ayth thn stigmh to plagio cooler einai ena aplo cooler kartas grafikwn kai krataei to CPU stathero... ta leei ola.


tha to exo grapsi kai kamia dekaria fores sto forum ego exo 1800+ me cooler spire 23euro kai to sistima einai stathero san braxos!


a episis pistevo pos i perisoteres malakies ginonte epeidi stous amd bazoun entelos akatalila cooler(ta opoia den einai aparaitita ftina)


gabriel> to cooper shim ti einai ti akrivos kani giati sto peripou katalava poso kanei apo pou to pires kai an axixei ton kopo??


<small>[ 27-09-2002, 00:15: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: deathlok ]</small>


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by pios?:

<strong>AAMAAAAAAAN DOLOFONIA!!!!!!! Ma kala den exete paratirisei oti merika katastimata den poulane katholou 1900+????????? Einai epidi einai provlimatikoi. Alagh kateftheian prin kaei kai meta sas lene oti eseis ftete kai pane xamena ta lefta.


Just a Filiki simboulh</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">E mi trela8oume... poios ta leei afta ? ego pira ton 1900+ ton maio molis i timi tou epese sta 150 evro (meta xanaanevike de xero gaiti) apo infoshop kai me tin volcano 6cu de mou xei anevei pano apo 55 oute stis zestes (nai to xero sdeneiano oti kalitero alla exo moufa case) kai einai sta8erotato (pano se 7VRXP)...

tora giati de ta vlepeis se pollous eiani mallon gaiti opos sosta eipe kapoios allos to diastima pou eixe aftos to kalitero logo timis/apodosis itan poli mirko gaiti epese amesos o 2000+ ...


Παιδιά εδώ πάντος έχω 35 system, 39 cpu, πάνω σε msi k7t266 με 1800xp (1700xp), & σε full load 39-42. Cooler Globalwin, και σιλικόνη του χιλιάρικου. Ανεμιστήρες intake & exhaust, σε midi tower.




Egw pantws exei tuxei na douleuw me 1600+ k epi 1 mina o cpu eixe problima me psiktra apo blakeia tou filou mou k anebaze mexri k 102 ba8mous!Auto to ekane poles fores(eixe rixei tis strofes sto WBK 38)k to katalaba molis ekane o pc sunexeia restart anexigita!Den douleue sta8era enw otan anoixa to kouti eixe para polu zesti!Telika o cpu den epa8e tipota!Twra douleuei me ASUS A7A gurw stous 49!


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Symfwnw apolyta me ton Kwsn Men!

Apo thn allh omws ayto poy eipe o spooker stekei oso anafora users synthritikous pou 8eloun to kefali toys hsyxous.

Den mporw na dianoh8w omws Power user me P4,einai 3enera.

Kai oi 2 epe3ergastes einai to idio sta8eroi apla einai ligo pio dyskolo na katafereis ton AMD na einai sta8eros.

Proswpika den me exei peisei h karamela ths 8ermokrasias oti prepei na Parw P4. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Sto katw katw tis grafis enas suntiritikos user an parei AMD den 8a ton parei kommatia gia na ton ftiaxei monos tou 8a ton parei etoimo k me eguuisi!Opote an pa8ei kati apo tin stigmi pou 8a exei k tin taineia tis egguisis to magazi pou tou ton edwse einai ipoxreomeno na ton ftiaxei, opote upologizei na balei kalo cooler(to magazi)!

Ase pou i timi ton P4 peftei katakorifa!


P.S. Opoios exei sto nou tou na parei P4 sto ameso mellon as mou steilei ena mail na ton enimerwsw gia kati! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

[email protected]

Top secret: <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">gabriel> to cooper shim ti einai ti akrivos kani giati sto peripou katalava poso kanei apo pou to pires kai an axixei ton kopo??

</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Des ayto http://www.thermaltake.com/products/accessories/simXp.htm kai 8a katalabeis.

Prostateyei th cpu apo ta spasimatakia stis gwnies.

Exei to multinet ap'oso 3erw,alla prepei na exoun kai ta alla magazia.Exei 10 eurw telikh.


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