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amd 1900+ xp 89 batmous thermokrasia.....


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egw exw ton amd 1800+ kai mou douleuei 54 max me 3 coolerakia kai anoixto case!edw kai mia bdomada enas filos mou phre ton amd 1900+ me 3 coolerakia

kai aytos kai anebazei mexri kai 89 !!!!tosh megalh diafora yparxei sth thermokrasia??giati apo taxythta den exoun megalh diafora.ti mporei na ginete?????

entometaxy kai oi dyo exoume gigabyte egw 7vrx kt333 me amd 1800+ kai o filos mou 7vax kt400 me 1900+ kai trexoume to idio programma tis gigabyte pou diabazei th thermokrasia!!!


Simera me phre tilefono enas filos mou, giati tou kahke (ypervolika...myrize!!!) o epexergasths! Eixe ena amd 1900+ arketous mines twra, me kalh psyktra, alla de xerw ti thermokrasia tou anevaze!


Egw, exw ton amd 1700+ me ena gigabyte 7vtxe+ mobo, kai ton avgousto, anoixa mia mera to pc mou kai eida me to programma 80 vathmous kelsiou!!!


Trelathika, ekleisa to pc kai phga kai phra mia psyktra Tiger Microcool II me xalko, athorivi kai me aisthitira thermothtas kai twra exw 58 vathmous kelsiou, pou einai kai pali psili thermokrasia!


Ti na pw! Mallon o pirinas twn amd XP den exei ypostei kammia diorthosi pou elega stis ipsiles thermokrasies!!!


Meta pali ftaiei to kouti, o xwros pou vrisketai kathws kai i ipervoloki igrasia pou exoume aftes tis meres!


Kai egw 7VRX exw,exw 1800+ 3ekleidwmeno kai douleuei apsoga san 2000+,exw parei copper shim gia na pataei kala h psyktra kai na mhn trwei tis akres kai exw 53-54 ba8mous max. me evercool CUD-725.Palaiotera me Tbird 1400 eixa 58-59 ba8mous.

H3era oti o sensoras twn Gbyte xanei gyrw stous 10 ba8mous,alla oxi toso poly!!

Mhpws den patouse kala h psyktra?O pyrhnas Palomino einai sigoura kalyteros apo ton Tbird se 8ema eklyshs 8ermothtas.


Egw me ton 1700+(1466) anoteri thermokrasia (full Load) den anevazo pano apo 46-47.Exo mia psixtra ton 15e kai kali roh aera stin kasa.To kalokairi me ton kausona 2 vathmous pano eixa...Oi ipsiles thermokrasies den ofeilonte mono stin CPU,Mporei na ftaei to mobo h trofodosia kai alloi paragontes.


AAMAAAAAAAN DOLOFONIA!!!!!!! Ma kala den exete paratirisei oti merika katastimata den poulane katholou 1900+????????? Einai epidi einai provlimatikoi. Alagh kateftheian prin kaei kai meta sas lene oti eseis ftete kai pane xamena ta lefta.


Just a Filiki simboulh


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by fragkiskos:

<strong>kai ego exo xp 1800 + kai eixa akribos to idio problhma. loipon 8a bgalete to anemistirakh kai 8a baleis ston proccesor asimi, einai se ena solhnakh kai 8a baleis kamposo</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Θα βάλει ασήμι; Μάλλον εννοείς Arctic Silver...


prwti fora akouw oti exoun provlima h 1900+!!!


An kai mou exei kanei entypwsh to gegonos oti den blepw 1900+ se xrhstes.


Apo temps paw kala pantos 43-45 otan einai default!!!


PS: Egw eida AMD na paei stous 100oC <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />


1800+ Ga-7vrx max 52 usual γυρω στα 45-47 .

ALPHA PAL 8045 .με artic silver 2 ...

Ε ενταξει ηταν λιγο ακριβη ....αλλα..ευτυχως ολα πανε καλα!


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by SPOOKER:

<strong>get INTEL p4</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Συνέβαλες καθοριστικά στην λύση του προβλήματος!


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Originally posted by SPOOKER:

get INTEL p4



Συνέβαλες καθοριστικά στην λύση του προβλήματος!


</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Kai egw ayto pisteyw,htan ola ta lefta.


Den xero an to eipate eironika i oxi gia auto tha katso na analyso tis apopseis mou <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />


Se osous mou lene oti oi AMD einai pio fthnoi ego apantao oti se telikh analysh oi amd katalhgoun na exoune idies times me tous pentium4.Ama parousiastoun problhmata katalhgoun na einai akoma kai akriboteroi apo tous p4.Exhgoume.Oi p4 den theloune extra money gia 100 super duper thorybodeis anemisthres sta 1000000RPM se antithesh me tous AMD.Apoteloun eggyhsh gia th statherothta tou systhmatos.Den yparxei periptwsh mia mera pou tha gyrisete spiti sas kai to anemisthraki ta paixe na breite thn CPU sas karbouno.Den enoxlhste apo ton thorybo twn anemisthrwn.Sto kato kato kante thn erothsh ston eauto sas.Posoi exoune kai eixane problhmata me p4 kai posoi me AMD???De me endiaferei na mou dinei i cpu mou ligh parapano apodosh th stigmh pou den mporei na eggyhthei gia th statherothta.Oi diafores stis epidoseis einai AMELHTEES ths taxhs ton 5-10 fps parapano se ena game.


De lew kalh h prospatheia ths AMD alla TI STO POUTSO kanei.Apo tote pou th thymamai oloi oi epexergastes ths exoune problhma me th thermokrasia i opoia exei epidraseis sthn statherothta kai epidosh tou systhmatos.


symperasma.Ego tha epairna p4.


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