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Desktop pc και ακτινοβολία


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Aktinovolia ekpempoun mono oi othones crt.Allios to desktop ekpempei tin kanoniki ilektromagnitiki aktinovolia pou ekpempoun kai oi aples ilektrikes siskeves opos px mia ilektriki skoupa!

Aktinovolia ekpempoun mono oi othones crt.Allios to desktop ekpempei tin kanoniki ilektromagnitiki aktinovolia pou ekpempoun kai oi aples ilektrikes siskeves opos px mia ilektriki skoupa!


Αυτό είναι επίσης μια καλή δικαιολογία για να μη σε ξυπνάει η μάνα σου με τη σκούπα το πρωί... :-P


Όχι!!! Τα pc δεν εκπέμπουν ακτινοβολία!!! Τα wireless router εκπέμπουν άλλα είναι πολύ μικρής "ποσότητας". Πολύ περίσσοτερη ακτινοβολία εκπέμπουν τα κινητά από τα ασύρματα router, για να σου δώσω να καταλάβεις.


EDIT: Με πρόλαβε ο rallis!!!


Εχω ακούσει οτι δεν πρέπει το κουτι του υπολογιστη να είναι συνέχεια ανοικτό γιατί όταν είναι κλειστό συγκρατεί την ηλεκτρομαγνητική ακτινοβολία που εκπέμπει πχ η cpu, ισχύει?

Όχι!!! Τα pc δεν εκπέμπουν ακτινοβολία!!!
Γιατι την μετρησες και ειδες οτι δεν υπάρχει???


Οτι διαρρεεται απο ρευμα παραγει ακτινοβολια, παει και τελειωσε... Συνεπως παραγει και το pc αλλα ειναι πολυ μικρη... Καλο ειναι στον υπνο σου να μην εχεις τιποτα διπλα σου αλλα δεν εγινε και κατι...


Οι crt οντως εχουν, ειδικα πλαγια και πισω και αυτο λογω του τροπου λειτουργειας του καθοδικου σωληνα...


~εγκυκλοπαιδικό ποστ~


Βασικά, όλες οι ηλεκτρονικές συσκευές παράγουν ακτινοβολία. Αυτό γίνεται απλά και μόνο επειδή χρησιμοποιούν μεταβαλλόμενο ρεύμα.


Το θέμα είναι ότι υπάρχει διαφορά στην ακτινοβολία που εκπέμπει το pc και διαφορά στην ακτινοβολία που εκπέμπει το κινητό ή το ασύρματο τηλέφωνο, router κλπ. Η μία χαρακτηρίζεται ως παρασιτική (δηλ, το pc δουλεύει και εκπέμπει και ακτινοβολία χωρίς αυτός να είναι ο σκοπός του) η άλλη ως «ωφέλιμη» (δηλ. σκοπός του κινητού είναι να παράγει ακτινοβολία για να γίνεται η ζεύξη).


Από «ποιοτικής» άποψης είναι το ίδιο πράγμα, δηλαδή για η/μ ακτινοβολία μιλάμε, από άποψης συνέπειας στην υγεία δεν έχει καμία σχέση το ένα με το άλλο.


Ακτινοβολία εκπέμπουν όλες οι ηλεκτρικές συσκευές. Ο φούρνος ειδικά...

Και βέβαια, είναι τουλάχιστον ανοησία να κοιμάσαι στο ίδιο δωμάτιο με το pc ανοιχτό 24 ώρες το εικοσιτετράωρο...


Μ΄αρέσει η σιγουριά αυτών που φωνάζουν ότι δεν υπάρχει πρόβλημα...


(Εκτός κι αν δε σε νοιάζει αν στα σαράντα σου, αρχίσεις να ψάχνεσαι γιατί ανέβηκαν στα ύψη τα λευκά στο αίμα σου.)


Για γέλια είμαστε...













Electric power systems work at around 50hz just above the naturally occurring frequency of 30hz generated by the Earth. Our bodies are tuned in to this low frequency so any frequency close to this is going to interfere with us, such as the 50hz Ac mains power system used in the UK. ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) electromagnetic fields vibrating from 0.5 to 100hz, even if they are weaker than the Earth's field, interfere with the cues that keep our biological cycles properly timed. Chronic stress and impaired disease resistance results.


The frequencies that ELF AC systems use are very close to the natural brain rhythms of cerebrate creatures such as man. The pineal gland is the principal structure in the brain that is directly sensitive to the earth's magnetic field. As a result it functions abnormally when exposed to abnormal fields close to its own. Because the pineal gland produces a host of psychoactive chemicals (such as melatonin, dopamine, serotonin and others) its abnormal functioning can cause neurological and behavioural problems.




¨ The biological and medical data currently available showing the danger of ELF AC mains power frequency magnetic fields is as conclusive as the data relating to cigarette smoking and lung cancer.


¨ The European Parliament has passed a motion for a resolution on combating the harmful effects of Electromagnetic fields (non ionising radiation).


¨ Since September 1992 Sweden has officially acted on the basis that there is a connection between exposure to power frequency magnetic fields and the incidence of cancer, in particular childhood cancer.


¨ In 1990 the United States Environmental Protection Agency stated "In conclusion , after an examination of the available data over the past 15 years, there is evidence of a positive association of exposure to magnetic fields with certain site-specific cancer, namely leukaemia, cancer of the central nervous system, and to a lesser extent, lymphomas. This is supported by many studies of children and adults across many different populations and sub-groups"




An electromagnetic field affects growing cells, and acts as a cancer promoter. Cancer cells can increase their rate of growth significantly and develop more malignant characteristics. It also affects learning ability and behavioural and psychological mechanisms increasing the incidence of depression and suicide. Chronic exposure may lead to an increase in the incidence of brain tumours. Your brainʼs EEG rhythms change when a light switch is operated nearby. A stress response occurs which if prolonged, can lead to an immune-system deficiency, resulting in an increased incidence of infectious diseases and cancers. Because of the effects on growing cells, young children and babies are specially at risk. The link with cot death has been debated in Parliament. Studies have shown that risks of childhood cancer could increase.



Electricity is part of our daily life. We are constantly using electrical appliances at home and at work, such as computers, photocopiers facsimile machines, clock radio alarms, electric blankets, microwave ovens - all with the necessary AC mains transformers and wiring. All of these produce ELF electromagnetic fields. The more power the appliance consumes the stronger the field it creates


If you spend long periods of time close to a wiring circuit or appliance with a strong field such as a computer screen, television screen, heater, clock radio or electric blanket you may be at risk. You may also be at risk if you live close to high voltage power lines (above and below ground) and their distribution transformers. The probable safe level for constant exposure now being discussed is 1 milliGauss (less for children). It would seem appropriate to exercise "prudent avoidance" and limit the exposure to you, your family and work colleagues wherever possible. I can monitor sources of electromagnetic radiation in your home or work environment and determine practical distances from them for minimum or safe exposure using commercial equipment available. Instruments are also available to check for radon gas.


Daily Mail, (UK) Thursday, June 1, 2000


The appliances that make your brain blow a fuse


BRAIN performance can be impaired by as little as five minutes exposure to common domestic electrical appliances, researchers claim. Objects such as computers, televisions and mobile phones can cause a lack of concentration, headaches, anxiety and even insomnia and depression, a study has shown.


The findings reopen the debate over the effects of electromagnetic radiation, which is emitted by all electrical appliances.


Tests were carried out in America on a new device, which claims to help the body counter electromagnetic fields. Volunteers had a digital clock held six inches from their head for five minutes during which time scientists noted 'anomalous brainwave activity' which, after a prolonged period, can lead to so-called electromagnetic dysthymia.


Symptoms of this condition include mild depression, anxiety, neuroses, mood swings and low energy. The researchers, led by Professor William Tiller and Neurosurgeon Professor Norman Shealy, found the effects were lessened when the volunteers wore the new pendant-shaped device for one month. Called a QLink and selling for £89, it contains special cells which are said to replicate the natural electromagnetic forces of the human body and harminise them with man made ones.


Electromagnetic fields are measured in terms of milligauss.


The digital clock experiment emitted a field of six milligauss, but emissions from many electrical appliances positioned a similar distance from the head produce considerably greater counts. A computer screen emits 20 milliguass and a mobile phone up to 100. The research, published next month in Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, was funded by the independent Life Science Foundation in America. The National Radiological Protection Board maintains that exposure to low frequency radiation is not a health risk








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Last modified: February 08, 2007


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