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Mafia 2


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Mafia II

Spike VGA World Premier Trailer




Πες μου οτι αυτά είναι in game γραφικα!!!


Αλλά ρε παιδιά...ΠΟΤΕ ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ ΘΑ ΒΓΕΙ;;;Στο βίντεο λέει fall 2009!ΕΛΕΟΣΣΣΣΣ!!!!!! :mad:


Και εγω εχω αυτη την απορια, αν και δυσκολευομαι να πιστεψω οτι ειναι in-game αυτα τα γραφικα...


Παντως αν οντως ειναι εχουν δικιο που συγκρινουν την μηχανη γραφικων του παιχνιδιου με την CryEngine 2.


Τι παιχνιδάρα ρε φίλοC!Ας είναι σαν το πρώτο με αυτά τα γραφικά.Δε θέλω τίποτ' άλλο.Ούτε καλύτερο (ζόρικο αυτό).Απλά στα ίδια στάνταρ που έθεσε το πρώτο.

Ευτυχώς πάντως το σώσανε με το dx 10.Έγαφα τρελή ξενέρα όταν το πρωτοείδα.

  • 5 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Mafia II - Storyline Unveiled


2K has just released a Mafia II fact sheet detailing the game’s plot and a couple of new screenshots from the highly anticipated open world, noir, action sequel.


From the release:


Born the son of a poor immigrant, Vito is a beaten down Italian American who is trying to secure his piece of the American Dream. Looking to escape the life of poverty that consumed his childhood, Vito is soon swayed by the lure of power and wealth that a life of Organized Crime can bring.


A petty criminal his whole life, Vito, along with his childhood friend, Joe, will descend into the world of Organized Crime. Together, they will work to prove themselves to the Mob as they try to make their names on the streets of a cold and unforgiving city.




Mafia II - Trailer is real-time


"What you see... is a great representation of the quality of work that you will see throughout Mafia II".


2K Czech Lead Animator Tomas Hrebicek has confirmed that the footage shown in the recent Mafia II trailer is in fact created in real-time.


"It really was," said Hrebicek. "All the scenes were completely created in our editor the same way we create cutscenes for the game. Our cutscene editor is a very powerful tool. Besides, we can see it all real-time which makes our work a lot easier. There was absolutely no need to modify the resulting video in the post production.


"Because everything was created solely in our editor, only our in-game scenes and models were used. So what you see here is great representation of the quality of work that you will see throughout Mafia II. Of course, this is not the end yet, and frame rate and other technical issues are still being tweaked in order to have the game working smoothly on all the platforms we create it for."




Mafia II - New Screens







  • 2 μήνες μετά...
Είδα και εγώ πόστ στο θέμα και είπα ότι είχαμε κάνα νέο...


Εγώ να δεις... :cry:


Έχω ακόμα installed το 1 με το winter-snow mode. :-D


Το 1 ήταν χαλαρά από τα καλύτερα παιχνίδια στο είδος του που έχω παίξει.

Είχε λίγο απ'όλα. Άμα κάνουν έτσι και το 2 θα είναι τρομερό.

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