Προς το περιεχόμενο

Tips για Vista...(μπορεiτε να τα κάνετε ταχύτερα απτα xp!)


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

ρε παιδιά τι disable λέτε τώρα; εδώ αν έχεις φτιάξει την εγκατάσταση των Vista custom με το vLite ξηλώνεις το superfetch τελείως όπως και πολλά ακόμα services.


είπαμε, το θέμα είναι σε τι δουλειές πρόκειτε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε μετά τον υπολογιστή!


Φιλε Innersense οτι κάνεις με το vlite και το ενσωματωσεις στο iso μπορεις να το κάνεις και μεσα απτα windows!!!


Αλλα όπως ειπες....το θέμα είναι σε τι δουλειές πρόκειτε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε μετά τον υπολογιστή!:-D

  • Απαντ. 239
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

an exeis ena xaotiko sistima sto pc sou xoris kapoio schedule kai den theteis proteraiotites stis efarmoges sou de sou ftaiei i microsoft. to superfetch einai ena sistima pou sinexos metaballetai kai mathainei apo esena


Aυτο τωρα ειναι λιγο τραβηγμένο.. Δεν είμαστε και ρομποτάκια για να έχουμε συγκεκριμένο πρόγραμμα του τι θα κάνουμε στο pc..


Και μόνο που σταμάτισε ο θόρυβος απτους δισκους εμένα μου αρκεί πάντως! :D


"an exeis ena xaotiko sistima sto pc sou xoris kapoio schedule kai den theteis proteraiotites stis efarmoges sou de sou ftaiei i microsoft. to superfetch einai ena sistima pou sinexos metaballetai kai mathainei apo esena"


....και σου μειώνει το χρόνο ζωής του σκηρου απο την συνεχη αναγνωση-εγγραφη????Και σου κάνει το file system να θέλει ανασυγκρότηση συνέχεια??

εγώ πάντως είδα μεγάλη διαφορά...


:).Επισης το superfecth καταλαμβάνει μεγάλο μερος του σκληρου για να κάνει τη δουλεια του και αυξάνεται με το περασμα του χρόνου.Αστα να πάνε....

:).Επισης το superfecth καταλαμβάνει μεγάλο μερος του σκληρου για να κάνει τη δουλεια του και αυξάνεται με το περασμα του χρόνου.Αστα να πάνε....


Όταν απενεργοποιείς το superfecth απελευθερώνεται αυτός ο χώρος;

Εαν όχι πως μπορείς να τα διαγράψεις;(Σημ. χωρις παρενέργειες όπως να μην ξαναενεργοποιείτε)


Παιδια καλησπέρα!


Εχω απενεργοποιησει τα services του κεντρου ασφαλειας , μαζι με το firewall και το spyware , ομως διαπιστωσα οτι οταν φορτωνουν τα windows , ενω ολα τα προγραμματα , διπλα στην ωρα φορτωνονται κανονικα , αργει παρα πολυ να φορτωθει το cool n' quite της μητρηκης μου.


Διαπιστωσα , λοιπον οτι φορτωνεται αμεσως μετα απο μια προειδοποιηση που μου βγαζει οτι δεν εχω ενεργοποιημενο το κεντρο αφαλειας

( βγαινει μια ασπιδα με Χ , διπλα απο την ωρα και ενα συνεφακι ). Αυτο , μπορει να κανει να φορτωσει ενα ή δυο λεπτα!!!! Ξερει καποιος να μου πει , πως μπορω να το απενεργοποιησω?


Στα ΧΡ με το που απενεργοποισα την αντιστοιχη υπηρεσια , επαυε να βγαινει. Τωρα με τα Vista δεν ξερω τι αλλο πρεπει να κανω....

Όταν απενεργοποιείς το superfecth απελευθερώνεται αυτός ο χώρος;

Εαν όχι πως μπορείς να τα διαγράψεις;(Σημ. χωρις παρενέργειες όπως να μην ξαναενεργοποιείτε)


Ναι απελευθερώνεται μετα την επανεκιννηση.


Πάρτε και το δικό μου συγκεντρωτικό Top10!


Top 10 Windows Vista Speed Tweaks



1. Turn off Windows Search Indexing

Windows Vista search indexing is constantly reviewing files on your system to make their contents available for quick searching. This is handy, but can severely impact system performance.


To disable constant indexing:


Click Start then Computer

Right Click the C: Drive

On General Tab, Uncheck Index this drive for faster searching

On the subsequent dialog box, Select Include subfolders and files




2. Turn off Remote Differential Compression

Remote Differential Compression measures the changes in files over a network to transfer them with minimal bandwidth rather than transferring an entire file that has previously been moved. By constantly checking for file changes, this service can hinder system performance.


To disable this service:


Open Control Panel

Switch to Classic View

Select Program Features

Choose Turn Windows features on and off

Scroll down and uncheck Remote Differential Compression




3. Turn off Automatic Windows Defender Operation

Windows Defender real-time protection against malware continues to run despite having Automatic operation disabled.


To disable this feature:


Open Control Panel

Select Windows Defender

Choose Tools from the top menu

Select Options

Uncheck Auto Start at the bottom of the window




4. Turn off Automatic Disk Defragmentation

Windows Vista and its always-on defragment feature isnʼt really that necessary and can cause system slow down. Just remember to run a defrag manually every week or so.


To disable this:


Click Start then Computer

Right Click the C: Drive

Select the Tools Tab

Uncheck Run on a schedule




5. Add a 2GB or higher USB Flash drive to take advantage of Windows Ready Boost (Additional Memory Cache)

Ready Boost is Microsoftʼs name for using a USB thumb/flash drive to provide some quick access memory the operating system can use as extra RAM. The Ready Boost system can significantly improve system performance.


To set this up:


Insert a USB Flash Drive

Click Start then Computer

Right Click the USB Drive in My Computer

Select the Ready Boost Tab

Choose Use this device

Select as much space as you can free up for RAM usage vs. Storage




6. Turn off Windows Hibernation

Windows hibernation background services can use a large amount of system resources. If you donʼt use the Hibernate feature on a regular basis you may want to disable it to give Vista a performance boost.


To disable Hibernation:


Select the Control Panel then Power Options

Click Change Plan Settings

Click on Change Advanced Power Settings

Expand the Sleep selection

Expand the Hibernate After selection

Crank the selector down to zero

Click Apply




7. Turn off System Restore

Analysis and restore point creation by Windows Vista can eat a fair amount of system resources. Disabling this service will obviously mean the system restore feature in Vista will not be available in the event of a system crash. Change this at your own risk.


To disable this service:


Control Panel>System

Click System Protection on the left panel

Uncheck the main system drive

Agree to the confirmation




8. Disable User Access Control (UAC)

This much-loathed new Vista feature attempts to protect your system from malware infection by making you manually confirm a whole host of everyday user operations. While it doesnʼt directly impact performance, it can be annoying and might be more hassle than good.


To disable User Access Control:


Click Start then Control Panel

Select User Accounts

Select Turn User Account Control on or off

Uncheck User Account Control Box

Restart as recommended




9. Disable excess Windows Services that Auto-Launch at Startup

Just like Windows XP, Vista ships with all kinds of services enabled that load at startup and may never be used by most users.


To see what loads at startup and disable the ones you likely wonʼt be needing (they can always be started manually later):


Click Start then Control Panel

Select Administrative Tools

Choose System Configuration

Click the Services Tab

You can safely deselect:

Offline Files (unless youʼre using Offline File Sync)

Tablet PC Input Service (unless you have a tablet PC)

Terminal Services

Windows Search (If you have already disabled indexing)

Fax (unless youʼre using a fax modem)




10. Disable Excess Windows Features

Windows ships with other features that are listed separately in the Vista operating system from the startup services.


You can view and disable these features by:


Clicking Start then Control Panel

Select Program Features

On the left panel, select Turn Windows Features on or off

You can safely deselect:

Indexing Service

Remote Differential Compression

Tablet PC Optional Components

Windows DFS Replication Service

Windows Fax & Scan (unless you use a modem for faxing)

Windows Meeting Space (unless you use the Live Meeting Service)

Πάρτε και το δικό μου συγκεντρωτικό Top10!


Top 10 Windows Vista Speed Tweaks


1. Turn off Windows Search Indexing

Windows Vista search indexing is constantly reviewing files on your system to make their contents available for quick searching. This is handy, but can severely impact system performance.


To disable constant indexing:


Click Start then Computer

Right Click the C: Drive

On General Tab, Uncheck Index this drive for faster searching

On the subsequent dialog box, Select Include subfolders and files




2. Turn off Remote Differential Compression

Remote Differential Compression measures the changes in files over a network to transfer them with minimal bandwidth rather than transferring an entire file that has previously been moved. By constantly checking for file changes, this service can hinder system performance.


To disable this service:


Open Control Panel

Switch to Classic View

Select Program Features

Choose Turn Windows features on and off

Scroll down and uncheck Remote Differential Compression




3. Turn off Automatic Windows Defender Operation

Windows Defender real-time protection against malware continues to run despite having Automatic operation disabled.


To disable this feature:


Open Control Panel

Select Windows Defender

Choose Tools from the top menu

Select Options

Uncheck Auto Start at the bottom of the window




4. Turn off Automatic Disk Defragmentation

Windows Vista and its always-on defragment feature isnʼt really that necessary and can cause system slow down. Just remember to run a defrag manually every week or so.


To disable this:


Click Start then Computer

Right Click the C: Drive

Select the Tools Tab

Uncheck Run on a schedule




5. Add a 2GB or higher USB Flash drive to take advantage of Windows Ready Boost (Additional Memory Cache)

Ready Boost is Microsoftʼs name for using a USB thumb/flash drive to provide some quick access memory the operating system can use as extra RAM. The Ready Boost system can significantly improve system performance.


To set this up:


Insert a USB Flash Drive

Click Start then Computer

Right Click the USB Drive in My Computer

Select the Ready Boost Tab

Choose Use this device

Select as much space as you can free up for RAM usage vs. Storage




6. Turn off Windows Hibernation

Windows hibernation background services can use a large amount of system resources. If you donʼt use the Hibernate feature on a regular basis you may want to disable it to give Vista a performance boost.


To disable Hibernation:


Select the Control Panel then Power Options

Click Change Plan Settings

Click on Change Advanced Power Settings

Expand the Sleep selection

Expand the Hibernate After selection

Crank the selector down to zero

Click Apply




7. Turn off System Restore

Analysis and restore point creation by Windows Vista can eat a fair amount of system resources. Disabling this service will obviously mean the system restore feature in Vista will not be available in the event of a system crash. Change this at your own risk.


To disable this service:


Control Panel>System

Click System Protection on the left panel

Uncheck the main system drive

Agree to the confirmation




8. Disable User Access Control (UAC)

This much-loathed new Vista feature attempts to protect your system from malware infection by making you manually confirm a whole host of everyday user operations. While it doesnʼt directly impact performance, it can be annoying and might be more hassle than good.


To disable User Access Control:


Click Start then Control Panel

Select User Accounts

Select Turn User Account Control on or off

Uncheck User Account Control Box

Restart as recommended




9. Disable excess Windows Services that Auto-Launch at Startup

Just like Windows XP, Vista ships with all kinds of services enabled that load at startup and may never be used by most users.


To see what loads at startup and disable the ones you likely wonʼt be needing (they can always be started manually later):


Click Start then Control Panel

Select Administrative Tools

Choose System Configuration

Click the Services Tab

You can safely deselect:

Offline Files (unless youʼre using Offline File Sync)

Tablet PC Input Service (unless you have a tablet PC)

Terminal Services

Windows Search (If you have already disabled indexing)

Fax (unless youʼre using a fax modem)




10. Disable Excess Windows Features

Windows ships with other features that are listed separately in the Vista operating system from the startup services.


You can view and disable these features by:


Clicking Start then Control Panel

Select Program Features

On the left panel, select Turn Windows Features on or off

You can safely deselect:

Indexing Service

Remote Differential Compression

Tablet PC Optional Components

Windows DFS Replication Service

Windows Fax & Scan (unless you use a modem for faxing)

Windows Meeting Space (unless you use the Live Meeting Service)




Πολυ ωραία!!! Τα έχεις δοκιμάσει?Αν ναι και δεν δημιουργουν καποιο πρόβλημα

θα τα βαλω στο αρχικο post:)


Eνα δύο δεν τα χρησιμοποίησα (όπως το tip με το USB stick, ή το system restore που το θέλω μπας και κάτι πάει στραβά καμια φορά) αλλα κατά τα άλλα είναι jet τα tips!

Eνα δύο δεν τα χρησιμοποίησα (όπως το tip με το USB stick, ή το system restore που το θέλω μπας και κάτι πάει στραβά καμια φορά) αλλα κατά τα άλλα είναι jet τα tips!


OK φιλε!!Εγινε....:-D


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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