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VIRUS ALERT - W32/Naked@MM<P>Dear McAfee.com Dispatch Subscriber: <P>Since its discovery early on March 6, 2001, McAfee.com has seen a large and growing number of computers infected with W32/Naked@MM. This is a HIGH RISK virus that is spreading rapidly via the Windows email program Outlook. The infected email can come from addresses that you recognize. Attached is a file named NakedWife.exe, which poses as a Flash movie. The email message can appear as follows: <P>Subject: Fw: Naked Wife<BR>Body:<BR>My wife never look like that! ;-)<P><BR>Best regards,<BR>(sender's name) <P>Attachment: NakedWife.exe <P><BR>When run, it copies itself to a TEMP directory and displays a window entitled "Flash" which reads "JibJab loading". It then attempts to delete all .BMP, .COM, .DLL, .EXE, .INI, and .LOG files in the WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories and emails itself to all recipients in the Windows Address Book using Microsoft Outlook. <P>Click here for detection and removal instructions. <P>McAfee.com VirusScan Online and Clinic Subscribers: If you don't have ActiveShield installed and updated, you are not protected from this worm. Click here to download ActiveShield. <P>New Users: Click here to scan your system for free. <P>McAfee.com <P> <P><BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<P><BR>This Virus Alert has been issued by the<BR>McAfee Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team (AVERT).<P><BR>[ You are currently subscribed as: mavrakis@di.uoa.gr ]<BR>McAfee.com Support: To contact us about this dispatch, click here. <P>Subscribe: If you received this message from a friend and would<BR> like to subscribe to McAfee.com Dispatch, click here. <P>Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive email, click here. <P>Note: Promotions are subject to change without notice. <P>Click here to view our permission policy. <BR>Trademarks 2001 McAfee.com Corporation / All Rights Reserved.<BR> <BR><P>------------------<BR>Look Into My Eyes, You'll See Who I Am, My Name Is Lucifer Please Take My Hand.


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