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Mirrorʼs Edge

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Mirror's Edge - Preview, Exclusive Interview


This generation of gaming is seemingly synonymous with first-person shooters and convoluted movie tie-ins. While some might be content with this, the rest of us have finally seen, in a midst of the grey and dark tones that there was room for a game that not only pushed the boundaries of gameplay, but also for graphics, too. Cue that gamesʼ entrance; Mirrorʼs Edge, DICEʼs latest foray into the world of fast-paced action with a twist...

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Και έλεγα πότε θα βγει παιχνίδι που θα είναι freerun aka parkour φάση...

Το first person σου δίνει την αίσθηση της ταχύτητας και του ύψους.




Original Fiction in Mirrorʼs Edge Introduces Faith

– a Strong New Iconic Videogame Heroine


“Once this city used to pulse with energy; dirty and dangerous, but alive and wonderful. Now it is something else.” – Faith. DICE, an Electronic Arts Inc. studio (NASDAQ: ERTS), today announced that writer and story designer Rhianna Pratchett is responsible for crafting the intricate script for Mirrorʼs Edge™ - a unique first-person action adventure. Pratchett introduces players to Faith, a ʽrunnerʼ in a world where communication channels are highly monitored and the movement of human traffic is closely watched. When Faithʼs sister gets framed for a murder she did not commit, Faith finds herself on the edge of the city, on the wrong side of the law.


“It was a great experience working with the team at DICE to help breath life into Faith; her world, relationships and backstory,” said Rhianna Pratchett. ”My heroines and heroes have always been the ones who were ordinary, but through the events of a story, became extraordinary. Faith is skilled, but she's certainly not a superhero. She has her flaws, like all of us. In short: she's real. That's her appeal.”


Mirrorʼs Edge delivers players straight into the shoes of this modern day heroine as she traverses the vertigo-inducing cityscape, engaging in intense combat, fast-paced chases and challenging puzzles. With a never-before-seen sense of movement and perspective, players are drawn into Faithʼs world.


“We were excited to work with Rhianna to develop the story, setting and character of Faith,” said Owen OʼBrien, Executive Producer, DICE. “We were extremely lucky to be able to work with someone who is not only a writer, but also a core gamer, to create the world of Mirrorʼs Edge.”


Pratchett has been recognized by the videogame entertainment industry for numerous achievements in her 10 year gaming career including being voted by Next-Gen.Biz as one of the 100 most influential women in the games industry. Sheʼs also worked on a number of high profiles games including Heavenly Sword and Overlord that have been nominated for a BAFTA and Develop Award for creation of story, character and new intellectual property. For more information on her work, please visit http://www.rhiannapratchett.com.


Mirrorʼs Edge is being developed at EA Digital Illusions CE AB (DICE) in Stockholm, Sweden. This revolutionary new take on the first person action adventure genre will ship this winter for the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360™ videogame and entertainment system and for the PC. This product is not yet rated by PEGI or ESRB. For more information on EA DICE, please visit http://www.dice.se or http://www.ea.com.


New Mirror's Edge Details

  • The single-player story mode is estimated at 10-12 hours in length.
  • Missions will not be based on free-roaming play, but each level will be non-linear, allowing for many possible paths and strategies.
  • Speed is emphasized over firepower. Heavier guns will weigh Faith down, and weapons are simply tossed away after they run out of ammo.
  • When Faith is wielding a weapon, she will be unable to use any of her usual close-combat moves, further burdening her.
  • Checkpoints will be placed throughout levels.
  • There will be no on-screen HUD. However, a simple reticle will be in place for aiming, as well as to prevent motion sickness.
  • Faith won't be able to take much punishment, but she will regenerate health over time.
  • A bullet-time style system called "Reaction Time" will slow things down in order for players to choose a path without losing momentum.
  • "Runner Vision" will allow players to quickly scan for possible pathways by way of bright colors.
  • Writer Rhianna Pratchett (Heavenly Sword, Overlord) penned the script.
  • Faith's parents were killed during a government protest. As a result, Faith grew up on the streets and became a Runner--a person who delivers messages for the underground.
  • The story revolves around Faith's quest to rescue her sister, who was framed for murder by the oppressive government.
  • There will be no traditional multiplayer component, but other modes of play will be included.


Παραλύω λέμεεεεε!

Πάντως ας αποφασίσουν τελικά σε ποια μεριά θα έχει η πίστη τα τατού της γιατί βαρέθηκα να τα βλέπω τη μία αριστερά την άλλη δεξά.


Σωστά, δεν το παρατήρησα στην προτελευταία.Αλλά μου φαίνεται ότι και σε βίντεο την είχα δει να τα έχει και αριστερά.Τέλοσπάντων το περιμένω εναγωνίως όπως και να έχει ελπίζοντας να μη μας απογοητεύσει και να τρέχει απροβλημάτιστα γιατί τα γραφικά του τα βλέπω πολύ δυνατά.

  • Moderators

Ναι, φαίνεται πολύ ωραίο και ελπίζω να έχει κάποια ελευθερία και να μην είναι γραμμικό. Ή τουλάχιστον να έχει 2-3 τρόπους να φτάσεις στο ίδιο μέρος (αν και το free running υποτίθεται ότι είναι να βρίσκεις τον πιο γρήγορο δρόμο αν δεν κάνω λάθος).


Μου βγάζει έναν αέρα φρεσκάδας! Είναι κάτι που πραγματικά έλλειπε. Βοηθάει και η μουσική στο τρειλερ αρκετά!!!

Τα γραφικά στις οροφές μου θυμίζουν επαγγελματικές αρχιτεκτονικές visualizations κτηρίων με 3ds max kai Vray για όσους ξέρουν! Το Lighting solution που δημιούργησαν είναι μακράν ότι πιο ρεαλιστικό έχω δεί. Πραγματικά αναβάθμισαν την UT3 engine!


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