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Νέος τίτλος απο Blizzard


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Talking to Gamasutra, Frank Pearce, founding member and senior vice president of product development for Blizzard revealed that the company has a third team hard at work on a new title, separate from World of Warcraft and StarCraft II.


The comment came amid discussion of the company's current workforce. "Our global headcount is 2,700," said Pearce, "And most of that is customer service for World of Warcraft! In terms of development staff itʼs probably around 350. World of Warcraft is about 135 people, 40 for Starcraft II, 40 for team 3, our cinematics team is about 85 guys. Then thereʼs sound and Q/A and that sort of thing."


When pressed for details regarding the new project, Pearce was cagey. "Team 3 is working on something really awesome. I canʼt give you any hints, but itʼs totally awesome."


All attempts to extract additional information were understandably met with looks of shock and horror from Blizzard's director of global public relations, who also attended the meeting. Gamasutra was able to confirm that in spite of Rob Pardo's comments at Hollywood and Games that they weren't giving up on StarCraft Ghost, this project remains something different. With Blizzcon coming up in mere weeks, it maybe be reasonable to assume there could be a new title revealed at that time.



Ας ελπίσουμε να είναι το πολυπόθητο Diablo 3 - μη μείνουν παραπονεμένοι και οι Diablo-fans 8)




Εξάλλου, είναι η μόνη διέξοδος να παρατήσουμε το WoW.

Ας ελπίσουμε να είναι το πολυπόθητο Diablo 3 - μη μείνουν παραπονεμένοι και οι Diablo-fans 8)


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