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Frontlines: Fuel of War


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Frontlines: Fuel of War is a new first-person shooter which is set to be released in 2008 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Windows. It is being produced by Kaos Studios, previously known as Trauma Studios who produced Desert Combat, a Battlefield 1942 modification before Digital Illusions CE purchased the studio to develop Battlefield 2.


Frontlines: Fuel of War is set 20 years in the future in the midst of a global energy crisis. As supplies of oil and natural gas wane, diplomatic relationships between the East and West were strained, causing new alliances to be formed. The two major alliances in the Frontlines era are the Western Coalition, consisting of the United States and the European Union, and the Red Star Alliance, made up of Russia and the People's Republic of China. As the last oil fields start to go dry, the countries move to secure what resources are left, leading to several small outbreaks that turn quickly into full scale war.


The game will have a cinematic feel, said to combine the non-linear action of Battlefield and the concentrated gameplay of Call of Duty.







  • Απαντ. 37
  • Δημ.
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  • 2 μήνες μετά...

Prolabenw ton John ? ntropi kai aisxos bre pou xathikes simeris ? :mrgreen:


Lipon bgike mia closed beta gia to game simeris ta klasika mono gia osous ta xoun skasi sto fileplanet.


Beta einai to bug tou bug exei to game ametrita, episis ligous servers gia na pekseis. Apo ta 2 maps tis BETA emena to 1 pezei kai auto .... Lipame pou to leo alla thelei poli douleia gia na ftasi to gameplay tou BF2. Parola auta exei kapoia kala stoixeia idika me ta drones exei arketi plaka :mrgreen:


Episis eime sigkinimenos giati eida allous 2 ellines ston server simera pou boskoun auta ta pedia ? :) :mrgreen:


To kserw john apagoreuete alla thiazome :twisted: min me karfoseis :mrgreen:










Dim ο ένας ήμουνα εγώ :)


Πράγματι το game είναι full of bugs αλλα προβλέπετε να είναι καλό.

Dim εγώ μπόρεσα και έπαιξα το 2nd map σε έναν Αμερικάνικο server,στους άλλους όχι...

Voip έχει?


Ela ore sinagonisti. Poli bug re file den mporw na piraksw sxedon tipota apo ta Option mou krasari to atimo. Kai exei arketa koumpia klidomena den mporw na ta alaksw !!!! Ti na protopw apo bug oti kolisa panw ston tixo ekei pou me eixes balei stin squad sou? me thimase panw se ena tixaki ? eh den mporousa na ksekolisw kai den me skotone kai kaneis ahahahah :). Ti allo se mia fasi den mou bgaze xromata antipalwn kai dikwn mas opote den iksera ti na bareso. Episis de mou bgaze skopefrto me to zoom se kapia fasi. Se alla den ekane deploy to klisa kai to ksananiksa. Kai to klasiko den pezei se kanenan europaiko to deutero map .... USA den piga pou tsekares esy.


Den diabases ta install notes ore :) des :mrgreen:



The initial release will contain early versions of two multiplayer maps:

•     Mountaintop - Red Star and Coalition forces battle over a mountaintop that guards a strategic pass below.
•     Gnaw – Coalition forces attempt to do what Napoleon and Hitler could not; beat the Russians in the streets of Moscow.

You will be able to use early versions of ALL of the loadouts, roles, and a majority of the land vehicles.


This early version beta contains only a small portion of what will be released in the final game.

Not included:

* Leaderboards
* In-game – “Quickcom” communication system
* VOIP (you may use TeamSpeak or any other 3rd party Voice-over-IP program).
* Medals/awards/achievements
* Air vehicles (except for drones) jets and helicopters will be included in a 3rd multiplayer map to be released later in the month.

Not functioning or disabled:

* Portions of the user interface


Opote gia blabla ithela na sto grapsw alla krasare to game .... empene Teamspeak exw kanei idi kanali :mrgreen:


Apo ti diabases tha mas dosoun later me kapio patch fantazome kai trito map pou tha exei aeroplana kai elikoptera :mrgreen:

  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Release Notes - 0.2.1







Minimum to Play*

• Windows® XP\Vista

• DirectX® 9.0c

• 2.5 GHz Pentium IV or equivalent AMD Athlon XP processor

• 1 GB RAM

• 3 GB free hard drive space for installation

• Graphics Cards

o NVidia Geforce 6 or higher w/256MB

o ATI Radeon X1K Series or higher w/256MB

• DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card

• Broadband Internet connection.

*Minimum specifications are in progress, the requirements will get lower over the course of beta.


Recommended to Play

• Windows® XP\Vista

• DirectX® 9.0c

• 3.4 GHz Pentium IV or equivalent AMD Athlon XP processor

• 1.5 GB RAM

• 3 GB free hard drive space for installation

• Graphics Cards

o NVidia Geforce 7800 GTX or higher

o ATI Radeon X19xx Series or higher

• DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card

• Broadband Internet connection.




In order to run the game, your computer must have the following installed:


- Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework

- Microsoft C++ 2005 SP1 Runtime


Note: These files will be added to your system by the installer if not already present.





• System Spec - AMD Single Core Processors causing issues/unstable and being investigated (No issues with Dual Core AMD Processors).

• Graphics Card - Shader 2.0 graphic cards currently unstable

• Patches from 0.1.# releases are unstable. Please uninstall FFOW and download the 0.2.0 installer and then use the 0.2.1 patch.

• Uninstalling FFOW – depending upon how many patches you have gone through you may need to manually uninstall FFOW. Directions are below.

• Registry Key/Accounts problems – If you receive any problems with your Registry Key please e-mail [email protected] immediately. Please include your registry key number in the email.

• Deploying: If all of your teams objective points/launch points have been taken over or gone to the neutral state you may no longer be able to deploy until the round is completely over.

• If your display name has a space in it, you will not be able to launch.


• Server Memory Leak - In our testing we found that we had a memory leak that would eventually lead to unstable servers and stopping the ability to deploy – this should be fixed.

• Screen Size - All users should now be able to play at whatever resolution (screen size) they want.

• Frontline - A fix has been put in that will fix both the frontline from showing to many objectives and frontline objectives disappearing – this will also fix another deploying issue.

• Spectator Mode - Finishing a round in a vehicle/drone no longer gets the player stuck in spectator mode.

• Weapons – The grenade launcher has been adjusted so it requires greater accuracy (proximity to the target) in order to get a 1 hit kill; otherwise it will damage to critical state.

• UI Popup - Invalid Username popup has been adjusted to correctly show what valid characters that can be used


Uninstalling Frontlines: Fuel of War Manually


Verify is your OS is 32 or 64-bit

Click “Start” – on “My Computer” right click and select “Properties”. A new window will appear.

Look in the System section:

Windows XP(32bit) will say “Microsoft Windows XP”

Windows XP(64bit) will also add “64 bit”


For 32bit users:

1) Delete Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta from Registry

a. We need to go to the following path in your computers system registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ THQ\ Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta

b. To do this, follow the next few directions. If you know how goto Step 2.

i. Go into your system registry by clicking “start” – “Run”. Type in “Regedit” and click “OK”.

ii. On the left window you will see a few a folder tree. Click on the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” folder to open this up.

iii. Keep following the branch down as follows: “SOFTWARE” – “THQ” – “Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta”

c. Select the “Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta” and press Delete key on your keyboard and click “Yes”.

2) Delete Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta from Installed Programs List

a. Keep the Registry Editor open. We need to go to this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Uninstall\{C711E88C-9DC2-4254-A989-D6E017844DDF}

b. Select the {C711E88C-9DC2-4254-A989-D6E017844DDF} folder and press the Delete key on your keyboard and click “Yes”.

3) Delete the old files

a. Open up “My Computer” and go to the folder that you installed Frontlines: Fuel of War. The default folder path is “C:\Program Files\THQ”

b. Inside the THQ folder you will a folder labeled: Frontlines-Fuel of War Beta.

c. Select the folder, press the Delete Key and click “Yes”


Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta has now been removed from your computer. Please download the 0.2.0 Installer and reinstall to continue playing and helping us improve our product!


For 64bit users:

1) Delete Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta from Registry

a. We need to go to the following path in your computers system registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ THQ\ Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta

b. To do this, follow the next few directions. If you know how goto Step 2.

i. Go into your system registry by clicking “start” – “Run”. Type in “Regedit” and click “OK”.

ii. On the left window you will see a few a folder tree. Click on the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” folder to open this up.

iii. Keep following the branch down as follows: “SOFTWARE” – “THQ” – “Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta”

c. Select the “Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta” and press Delete key on your keyboard and click “Yes”.

2) Delete Frontlines: Fuel of War Beta from Installed Programs List

a. Keep the Registry Editor open. We need to go to this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Uninstall\{C711E88C-9DC2-4254-A989-D6E017844DDF}

b. Select the {C711E88C-9DC2-4254-A989-D6E017844DDF} folder and press the Delete key on your keyboard and click “Yes”.

3) Delete the old files

a. Open up “My Computer” and go to the folder that you installed Frontlines: Fuel of War. The default folder path is “C:\Program Files\THQ”

b. Inside the THQ folder you will a folder labeled: Frontlines-Fuel of War Beta.

c. Select the folder, press the Delete Key and click “Yes”




Thelei poli douleia akoma tha bgei kai neo patch gia thn BETA.

  • 1 μήνα μετά...

Εδώ και λίγες μέρες το fileplanet δίνει κλειδιά για την Multiplayer Open Beta.

Πήρα και εγώ ένα κλειδι πριν απο μέρες αλλά το άφησα γιατί δεν είχα χρόνο. Απόψε το εγκατέστησα και κόλησα στην κυριολεξία. Το παιχνίδι χρησιμοποιεί την Unreal 3 μηχανή οπότε τα γραφικά είναι καλά και αρκετά γρήγορα (8800GTS640, Ε6450, 2GB DDR800) δεν κατάλαβα τίποτα στο high όλα με μεσαίες τις σκιές.

Ένα θα πω (μιας και δεν είμαι καλός στα review). Κατεβάστε το.




Σχόλιο της γυναίκας μου που παίζει δίπλα κάτι άσχετο

"Πολύ αληθοφανές. Καλύτερα να συνεχίσεις να παίζεις το άλλο (σσ BF2) και άστο αυτό."


Μια σημείωση. Καλό Multiplayer (64 άτομα το όριο για PC) είναι ο σημαντικότερος λόγος που επιλέγω ένα παιχνίδι. Ιδίως όταν δεν είναι futuristic και αντιπροσωπεύει την σημερινή τεχνολογία όπλων.

Ξέχασα να αναφέρω ότι το παιχνίδι το φτιάχνει η KAOS. Γνωστή και ως Trauma Studios. Ποιοί είναι αυτοί?

Τα ονόματα Desert Combat (BF1942 mod), BF2 και BF2142 σας λένε κάτι?


πειτε τιποτα για το gameplay να ξερουμε οσοι δεν εχουμα παρακολουθησει το game...εμενα δηλ που δεν μου αρεσουν τα battlefield αλλα γουσταρω τρελα το ET:QW-(ασχετο,αλλα παιχνιδαρα απορω γιατι δεν εκανε πωλησεις)-θα με "τραβηξει"? release date ποια ειναι?

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...
  • 1 μήνα μετά...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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