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Gears of War {PC Edition}

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  • Απαντ. 641
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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Microsoft Game Studios is set to bring the critically acclaimed "Gears of War" to the Windows platform, which will support Games for Windows — LIVE. "Gears of War" will emerge on Windows XP-based and Windows Vista-based PCs this holiday with five new campaign chapters, a new multiplayer mode and a new game editor that will unleash the creativity of "Gears of War" players — only available for Windows. "Gears of War" will also take advantage of DirectX 10 graphics technology, which is only available on Windows Vista. Also today, Epic Games unveiled the addition of Games for Windows - LIVE integration to the award winning Unreal Engine 3. This landmark announcement will make it easier than ever for game developers using Epic's next-generation technology to take advantage of Microsoft's online gaming network.

Here are a few more fun facts:

Format: DVD-ROM for the Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows XP operating systems


Availability: Holiday 2007


Price: $49.99 (estimated retail price)

And of course, bulleted features!!11! Woo.

What's New?

"Gears of War" will feature locations that are unique to the franchise and the genre. Players will encounter all their favorite foes from the Xbox 360 version; however, these intense encounters will take place in some new environments and allow players to manipulate the new game modes and technology found only in the Games for Windows title. Boasting three new multiplayer maps, a new multiplayer game type, Game Editor, five new campaign chapters and DirectX 10 support, "Gears of War," will challenge and push the limits of the PC gaming experience and provide an unparalleled visual presentation.

What's old?

Movie-like cut scenes, cinematic camera moves and in-game storytelling bring the brutal, emotionally charged narrative to life. Gamers control Marcus Fenix and his fire team as they pit advanced technology against the overwhelming and horrific Locust Horde.



"Gears of War" will tap into the power of Games for Windows — LIVE to deliver online matchmaking for its Gold account members. The service will enable gamers around the world to connect via their PCs, allowing players to experience individualized matchmaking, view player statistics, earn player Achievements, customize games and create personalized profiles.


Never Pay for a New Map Again

The game will also feature the all-new Game Editor, guaranteeing new user-generated content in the future. The "Gears of War" community will be able to tap its endless creative potential to develop an unlimited number of user-created levels through complete access to the Unreal Editor. Using the new engine, players can now import custom artwork into the engine, create particle systems, scripted encounters, cinematics and more.

DX10 Support

"Gears of War" ushers in the next generation with incredible visuals, pushing DirectX 10 visual designs and bringing out the smallest details in the largest battle. Gamers experience a rich, dynamic world with a supreme level of detail. Characters come to life with unbelievable model quality and a physics-integrated animation system that has them truly reacting intelligently to events unfolding around them.

Over-the-shoulder action

In "Gears of War" the battlefield is a lethal place — to foolishly stand out in the open is to invite an untimely demise. To survive, gamers must employ strategy, take cover using the interactive and dynamic environments, and suppress the enemy with blind fire, using their weapons and teammates to outwit and outfight their terrifying enemies.











Bλέπω κάθε top τίτλος στο xbox360 να μεταφέρεται στο Pc με μεγάλη επιτυχία και το mutli-platform online να παίρνει φωτιά.


Φίλε Privateer με είχες αμφισβητήσει ότι θα αργήσει πάρα πολύ το Gears of War για Pc. Τελικά έκανε το κόλπο της η Microsoft.


Σου είχα πεί ότι ήταν λογικό λόγω του Ηalo 3. Και ίσως θέλει να χτυπήσει ακόμα περισσότερο την αγορά αφού βγαίνουν στο ίδιο διάστημα Crysis kai UT.

  • Moderators
DX10 Support

"Gears of War" ushers in the next generation with incredible visuals, pushing DirectX 10 visual cards to their limits and bringing out the smallest framerates. Characters come to life with unbelievable model quality and a physics-integrated animation system that has them truly reacting intelligently to events unfolding around them at about 5 fps.


Fixed. :mrgreen:

Καλά, μπορεί και να μην γίνει έτσι, αλλά θα δούμε.

Άλλωστε το επόμενο που περιμένουμε είναι το World in Conflict beta για Dx10 δοκιμή.


Μπας και δούμε άσπρη μέρα με τις 8800.

Αντε τρελοPCακηδες....σας εφτιαξε παλι ο Bill :mrgreen:


Βασικα ο Sweeney μας εφτιαξε.. Δεν φτανει ο προδοτης που εβγαλε game πρωτα για κονσολα με U3 engine, ενω μια ζωη PC ηταν μας την λετε κιολας τρελλοκονσολακηδες ε? :P


Ειναι πολλα τα λεφτα Αρη ;)


Οτι θα τρέχει θα τρέχει. Δεν τίθεται θέμα. Εδώ και το τέρας Colin Mcrae Dirt τρέχει μια χαρά σε 8800 μέχρι 1280x1024.


Σκέψου το Rainbow Six Vegas πως τρέχει, κάπως έτσι λογικά θα τρέχει και το Gears αφού έχουν την ίδια μηχανή γραφικών, εκτός άν έχει γίνει και άλλο οptimized και ζητάει quad-core, 4GB μνήμη και κάρτα γραφικών πάνω από 512ΜΒ RAM. Βέβαια αυτές οι απαιτήσεις θα είναι πολύ παράλογες και πλήρης αποτυχία του παιχνιδιού για τους μεσαίους και παλαιούς χρήστες, αλλά λέμε τώρα γιατί έτσι όπως τρέχει η τεχνολογία κανείς δεν ξέρει.


Eκεί βέβαια θα χρειαστώ την αναβάθμιση μου, αν και δεν νομίζω να φτάσουμε σε τέτοιες παράλογες απαιτήσεις απο τώρα.


E3 07: Gears of War Hands-On


If you thought Gears of War looked good on the Xbox 360, then wait until you see it on the PC.




As good as Gears of War looked on the Xbox 360 (and it looked great), it's got nothing on what it looks like on a high-end PC. That's the first thing that struck us as we got to see and play the upcoming PC version of last year's blockbuster Xbox 360 shooter. This new PC version, which was introduced at Microsoft's E3 press conference on Tuesday, will feature exclusive new chapters and features. While we didn't get to see those, we did get to engage in a three-on-three multiplayer battle with assault rifles with chainsaw bayonets, and it was glorious.


Sure, the Xbox 360 version of the game can run in high definition, but that's still a lower resolution than what we played at on the PC. The PC version can also benefit from the superior anti-aliasing technology in the latest video cards, resulting in a much smoother, sharper, and crisper image. The result is a game that looks better than ever on the PC's hardware.


Surprisingly, the controls for the game translate easily from the Xbox 360's gamepad to the PC. The space bar is the context sensitive key that you'll use the most. If you're standing next to cover, holding down the space bar will cause your character to "hug" that cover for protection against incoming fire. While the space bar is held, you can hold down the right mouse button to "pop up" or "pop out" beyond that cover to take a shot at the enemy. Releasing the right mouse button causes you to return to shelter. If you're not near cover, holding down the space bar will cause you to "roadie run", which makes your character crouch and run. This is useful if you're getting shot at and you need to make a dash for the nearest cover.


That system pretty much defines the combat mechanic in the game, as you're constantly using cover to close with and destroy the enemy. At your disposal are a variety of sci-fi weaponry, like bulky assault rifles and shotguns, though we didn't get to play with the really cool stuff that's in the game, like the torque bow that fires exploding arrows. We did see the Hammer of Dawn in action, though. This cool weapon doesn't fire anything. Instead, it designates a target in the open, and as long as there's a Hammer of Dawn satellite overhead, an intense laser bolt comes down from the heavens and incinerates the target.


By far the most fun, however, are the grisly killing moves that you can make. If you use your chainsaw bayonet and get close to someone, you can saw him in half and the gore splatters the camera. It's such a hilariously over-the-top moment that you can't help but giggle. At least, we couldn't help but giggle. Then there are the curb stomps. If you're killed in Gears of War, most of the time your body will fall to the ground. So long as you weren't saws in half by a chainsaw or similarly destroyed, a teammate can run up and revive you. One way to prevent that from happening, though, is if you see someone on the ground and finish him off. Curb stomps are fun as you put your armored boot on your victim's head and then, well, stomp down. Let's take this moment to remind you that Gears of War is a Mature-rated game.



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