kammenos23 Δημοσ. 2 Ιουλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 2 Ιουλίου 2007 Meta apo 4 mhnes me vista apofasisa na ta xilwsw apo ena apo ta mixanimata moy dioti einai telika AXRISTA kai afto to lew dioti osoi xrisimopoioyn to sygekrimeno logismiko mono problimata exoyn ,problimata yparxoun k sta XP de lew ,alla gia kapoion pou douleyei me to PC prepei na exei trelh RAM,(egw exw 2giga kai den me ftanei !),gia na min troei kolimata ,prosopika asxoloume me Dreamweaver , Flash k Visual Studio kai efoson douleua panw se vista 8elw na exw ola osa prosferei to leitourgiko ths microsoft kai na min kanw disable kapoies leitourgies ma nin psaxnw ti trexei se vista k ti oxi 8ELW na exw plirh ipostirixei oxi mono apo thn microsoft .pragma pou den uparxei . Kai den ftanoun mon afta gia na agorasei o neos xrhsths ta vista prepei na xilw8ei arketa ean thelei na exei thn ultimate ekdosh afou agorase k to neo PC tou me ta dual core X2 CPU kai ths GeForce 8800 SLI <LEME TWRA> ara ti prepei na kanei??? na girisei pali sta xp me ta synei8ei problimata tous h na liwsei panw sta vista???? Ena allo pou antimetopizoun arketoi einai to 8ema tou spasimatos twn vista afou ta katevasan πχ. apo link torrent ,giati den nomizw oti oloi 8eloume na plirwsoume <8umu8eite epoxes twn WIN98 cdkey ypirxe alla ta windows den kleidonane > Ο ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ to exei sthn fush toy to TSABA !!! ANYWAY rixte mia matia stin free selida mou kai exei ena kaloudi gia ta vista exei ena working activation..
Super Moderators paredwse Δημοσ. 2 Ιουλίου 2007 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 2 Ιουλίου 2007 [...] Ena allo pou antimetopizoun arketoi einai to 8ema tou spasimatos twn vista afou ta katevasan πχ. apo link torrent ,giati den nomizw oti oloi 8eloume na plirwsoume <8umu8eite epoxes twn WIN98 cdkey ypirxe alla ta windows den kleidonane > Ο ΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ to exei sthn fush toy to TSABA !!! ANYWAY rixte mia matia stin free selida mou kai exei ena kaloudi gia ta vista exei ena working activation.. http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/announcement.php?f=27&a=11 Να'σαι καλά, τα λέμε.
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