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Soldier of Fortune 3


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις







I was wringing dry the last drops of Activate Asia 2007 coverage from my notepad, and came across the childish scrawlings I took of Soldier of Fortune: Payback.


The details were presented to us by Steve Williams, Global Brand Manager for Activision Minneapolis - otherwise known as Activision Value - and given alongside such video game classics as Dancing With The Stars and Big Game Hunter.


Firstly, Raven, the developer of the previous two games, is not involved. Despite this, Williams said they will be bringing back the gib-enhancing GHOUL technology... it just won't be GHOUL. He didn't even say GHOUL. Just gibs.


There was also the promise of multiple paths through the story, which will revolve around the player's work for a merc group called "The Shop". To top this off, over 40 real world weapons have been replicated and implemented in-game, and 16-player multiplayer included.


Activision provided November 21st as the day Xbox 360, PS3 and PC owners will be able to snap SoF: Payback up. If you want to, that is.



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Low quality trailer


Θυμίζει σαν TF2, αλλά δεν βλέπω κανένα dismemberment (gibs :P). Και για ζημιά δεν βλέπω κάτι εκτός από πολύ αίμα. Ας δούμε και όταν βγει...


Η ελπίδα πεθαίνει πάντα τελευταία. Για να δούμε.


Unfortunately there was a leak of video of the very first version (March this year) of the game which had almost no textures, effects, gameplay…

Kala to prwto itan apisteyto

akoma tha to epaiza etsi gia plaka! Eidika to deathmatch htan ola ta lefta

Xeria feygan, koilies anoigane kai vgainan exw ta antera....

o sxizofrenhs dolofonos me to prioni to eide kai ekane emeto!!! :D


Kai gameplay tromero.... pragmatiko FPS!!!

To deytero patata gia mena, exase to pneyma tou prwtou. Kai ayto dysthxws to vlepw na akolouthei. Oi typoi apla eprepe na paroun to prwto paixnidi kai na tou valoun kalytera grafika kai leptomerestero engine akrwthriasmwn. AYto thelame!!!

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Αν και δεν φαίνεται τόσο "detailed" στην ζημιά όσο παλιά (παρακόβονται και πετάνε τα μέλη ή εμένα μου φαίνεται; ), φαίνεται ότι έχει ακόμα ελπίδες. :P

Θέλω το κεφάλι σε κομματάκια, όχι splat. ;)


Εντός Νοεμβρίου κυκλοφορεί. Όπως είπα και πριν, ήταν σίγουρο ότι θα είχε αίμα. Είναι όμως budget τίτλος, κάνει μπαμ


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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