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aptin mikri mou empeiria tha elega na asxolitheis me PIC pou einai sxetika genika pragmata kai fisika oxi me assembly (mono oi treloi ta kanoun auta) alla me PicBasic pou tha sou kanei ti zwi polu pio eukoli...


Φίλε μου, εγώ θα έλεγα, αν υπάρχει περιορισμός στη μνήμη του συστήματος, να ασχοληθείς με assembly. O έλεγχος που έχεις στο σύστημα δε συγκρίνεται. Τέλος, μάλλον θα πρότεινα Motorola ή κάποιον RISC controller, αφ'ου είναι τα πιό σωστά σχεδιασμένα.


assembly rules alla an rwtiseis kapion pou asxolitai sovara i douleuei se kapia eteria kai programatizei PIC xrisimopeiei Picbasic giati o anthropos exei kai alles douleies na kanei smile.gif" border="0<P><BR>EDIT: PS efaga ena xrono (kata ti diarkeia tou MSc) na programmatizw se assembly ARM cpu (Risc archit.) kai itan tromaktiki empeiria smile.gif" border="0 ...to tromaktiki parte to opws nomizete wink.gif" border="0<p>[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: TonyMontana ]


Kai ego exo programatisi se motorola 68000 kai philips 80c51 telios diaforetiki arxitektoniki o enas apo ton alon kai diaforetiki logiki stin assebly tous ala den to vrisko tromaktiko ama katalavis kapia apla pragmata einai kirile sin tou oti den einai anagi na grapsis asseblly ama den thelis mporis na grapsis C kai na tin perasiss ston epeksergasti smile.gif" border="0


polla mporeis na kaneis ...to thema einai ti kanei kalutera tin douleia sou sto xrono pou diatheteis...i assembly thelei megali empeiria kai mporei na min katafereis auto pou theleis an den ksereis kala....oso gia 68000 exw kanei ki egw apla den thelw na to thimamai cool.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0


Ρε παιδιά, γιατί και καλά πρέπει να είναι σχέση είτε πάθους είτε μίσους; Βρε μανία που την έχετε να προσοπωποιείτε τα πράγματα... η assembly είναι ένα πολύτιμο εργαλείο. Βασικά, καλή και η Basic, τι να πω; Αμα γουστάρεις, προγραμμάτισε και σε Logo... αλλά μόνο με assembly μπορείς να κάνεις ένα σύστημα να χορέψει μέχρι καρσιλαμά. Με τη Basic, άντε κανα μπάλο... Το όλο θέμα είναι να ξέρεις καλά τι θές να κάνεις, και να διαλέξεις το κατάλληλο εργαλείο. <P>ΥΓ. Χωρίς κακία ή υστεροβουλία, παρατηρώ οτι ξαφνικά όλοι γίναμε/τε προγραμματιστές με master και Ph.D. ... κανένας σχεδιαστής επεξεργαστών...;


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by spock:<BR><STRONG><BR>ΥΓ. Χωρίς κακία ή υστεροβουλία, παρατηρώ οτι ξαφνικά όλοι γίναμε/τε προγραμματιστές με master και Ph.D. ... κανένας σχεδιαστής επεξεργαστών...;</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Sxedon...5 xronia stin agglia electrical engineering & electronics(Beng) kai 2 master se microwaves(Mphil) kai se telecomms(MSc)...exw programatisei, exw ftiaksei aplo epegksergasti se VHDL, exw sxediasei microchip (amplifier) se CADENCE (programma sxediasis microchips) exw kanei polla kai diafora wink.gif" border="0 sti sunexia ta edwsa kai eksetaseis kai ta perasa smile.gif" border="0 ...den eimai o einstein alla den milaw kai sti tuxi wink.gif" border="0


Παιδιά ευχαριστώ για τα replies . Θέλω να φτιάξω ενα board με ενα MAS3507 (mp3 decoder IC) ,καιθελω ο mCPU να ελέγχει το ολοκληρωμένο ,να φορτώνει ένα πρόγραμμα Monitor και να έχει access σε ATAPI CD-Rom και σκληρό δίσκο .<BR>Exω κατεβάσει τα πρωτόκολλα και διαβάζω το command set σήμερα . Εννοείται πως θα το προγράμματίσω σε Assembly ,αν το κάνω σε Stamp <που είναι τύπου PIC ,ζήτω που κάηκα .Πρώτα κάνει τη basic > M.language Και μετά εκτελεί . Απλά επειδή ήμουν έτοιμος να αγοράσω ενα αναπτυξιακό της ΑΤΜΕL ,έλεγα να μου πείτε την γνώμη σας ,αν και έχω βρει σχέδια για φτηνούς serial programmers .<BR>Ξέρει κανείς σας ποσο κοστίζει ενα μικρό αναπτυξιακό για PIC ? Της ΑΤΜΕL έχει 52.000<BR>Πάντως ο 80C52 den νομιζω να με καλύψει .Εχω δουλέψει λίγο Ζ80 και 8052 - 8032<P>Για ρίχτε ιδέες ...<BR>Ευχαριστώ θερμά εκ των πρωτέρων .


Kserw oti thes na to kaneis se assembly alla exw dei thaumata me tin PicBasicPro...vasika einai polu apli fasi kai exei full manual se pdf...<P>"CodeDesigner Lite Edition<BR>Version 1.4 Build 3 Released 02-21-2001<P><BR>Introduction<P>CodeDesigner is an advanced Windows 95/98/NT/2000 based integrated<BR>development environment (IDE, also sometimes called a shell) for the PicBasic<BR>and PicBasic Pro Compilers from microEngineering Labs, Inc. It allows<BR>program editing and compilation in Windows instead of DOS.<P>CodeDesigner Lite is a streamline version of CSMicro Systems' full featured<BR>CodeDesigner IDE for the PicBasic and PicBasic Pro Compilers. <P>Brief Feature Comparison<BR>(The following is not a complete feature list)<P>Feature CodeDesigner Lite CodeDesigner Standard Edition<BR>Cost: Free $75.00US<P>PBC and PBP Support YES YES<BR>One Click Compile & Program NO YES<BR>Error Line Highlighting NO YES<BR>MDI Support Limit 3 files No Limit<BR>Syntax Coloring YES YES<BR>Auto Code Completion NO YES<BR>Quick Syntax Help NO YES<BR>Statement Description YES YES<BR>Statement Sensitive Help NO YES <BR>Built in Debug window NO YES<BR>Label ListBox NO YES<BR>Bookmarks NO YES<BR>Multi Undo/Redo YES YES<BR>Multi Views of Source Code YES YES<BR>Print Source Code YES YES<BR>Drag and Drop text YES YES<P><BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<P>Installation<P>CodeDesigner Lite does not need to be installed using an installation program.<BR>Simply copy the files from the floppy disk to a subdirectory of your choosing<BR>using Windows Explorer.<P>If you would like a shortcut on your desktop, create one from the executable<BR>(cdlite.exe). Open Windows Explorer, and navigate to the folder in which you<BR>installed CodeDesigner. In Windows 98 and 2000, right click on the exe file,<BR>and select Send To >> Desktop (create shortcut). In Windows 95 and NT, right<BR>click on the exe file and select Create Shortcut. Drag the shortcut that<BR>appears to your desktop.<P>Install the PicBasic or PicBasic Pro Compiler according to the instructions<BR>found in the readme file on its floppy disk. Avoid long directory names in<BR>the installation path. Some versions will have problems if installed in<BR>C:\Program Files\PBP. In the following examples, we assume that PicBasic Pro<BR>has been installed in C:\PBP.<P>Run CodeDesigner by double clicking cdlite.exe in Windows Explorer, or use<BR>the shortcut created above. When the CodeDesigner window opens, you must<BR>configure the compiler options (and optionally, the programmer options).<P>To do this, click compile on the top menu and select compiler options.<BR>Select your compiler from the first drop-down list. Click the Find Compiler<BR>button, select the drive where your compiler is installed, then click Start<BR>Search. Pick the compiler executable from the resulting list and click the<BR>appropriate Configure button. This procedure applies to programmer<BR>configuration, also.<P>You should be ready to go. Open the blink.bas sample file (found in the<BR>samples folder in your compiler install directory) and click the compile<BR>button on the toolbar. (Help messages pop up if you hold your mouse cursor<BR>over the buttons.)<P><BR>If you get errors when you try to compile, try setting paths according to the<BR>following procedure. The procedure differs depending on the version of<BR>Windows running.<P><BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<P>Windows 95/98<P>The search path is specified in a file called autoexec.bat, that should be<BR>located in the root directory of your C drive (C:\). You can edit the file<BR>with a text editor such as notepad, or run msconfig (Win98 only). <P>The path statement uses the format: PATH=path1;path2;.... Add the path to<BR>your compiler to the end of the line, separating each path with a semicolon.<P>An example path statement is: PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\PROGRA~1\MPLAB;C:\PBP<BR>Notice that the "Program Files" directory must be shortened to its 8 character<BR>DOS equivalent, "Progra~1".<P>Restart your computer after making changes to the autoexec.bat file.<P><BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<P>Windows NT<P>In Windows NT, the path statement is found on the Environment tab of the<BR>system properties dialog box. <P>Right click the My Computer icon on your desktop and click Properties. Click<BR>the Environment tab.<P>Find the Path variable in the System Variables window and click to highlight<BR>it. The Variable and Value textboxes should fill with the Path information.<P>Add the path to your compiler to the end of the line in the Variable Values<BR>text box, separating each path with a semicolon.<P>An example path statement is: %SystemRoot%\System32\;C:\PBP<P>Restart your computer after making changes to the path variable.<P><BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<P>Windows 2000<P>The path statement is found in the Environment Variables dialog box. To get<BR>there, right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop and select Properties.<P>Click the Advanced tab, then the button labeled Environment Variables....<BR>Find the Path variable in the System Variables window, highlight the line,<BR>and click Edit. <P>Add the path to your compiler to the end of the line in the Variable Values<BR>text box, separating each path with a semicolon.<P>An example path statement is: %SystemRoot%\System32\;C:\PBP<P>Restart your computer after making changes to the path variable.<P><BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<P>Contact Information:<BR>CSMicro Systems<BR>Tel: 775-887-1538<BR>CSMicroSystems.com<P>CodeDesigner is a trademark of CSMicro Systems<BR>Copyright 2001 CSMicro Systems<BR>All rights reserved.<BR>"<P><BR>Ta exw ola kai to pdf an endiaferesai pes mou peripou 2MB ziparismena ...den thelw na fanw epipolaios alla tetio projectaki se assembly mazi me to debug tha sou faei ta niata smile.gif" border="0 ...anyway esu apofasizeis...


Χωρις να έχω και την μεγαλύτερη εμπειρία θα πρότεινα AVR Α90S (π.χ. 8515), Πες μας τι θες να κάνεις. Πολύ καλά πακέτα είναι το Avr Studio που γράφεις C.<BR>Αν θες παραπάνω πληροφορίες <BR> [email protected] cool.gif" border="0


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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