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Rythmizontas thn Sony CPD G-200....


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To ksero pos exei ksanathixtei se sxetiko topic to thema ths geometrias ths en logo othonis alla exo na rothso kati allo.<BR>Nai de leo oson afora th geometria kanei oraiotates kampyles (pano, kato kai deksia) kai den exo problhma me ayto (to synithisa).<BR>To problhma einai me th rythmish "CONVERGENCE"!!<BR>Otan rythmizo na blepo thn kato aristera gonia ths othonis kathara, blepo thola thn kato deksia gonia.Kai etsi einai genika. Otan rythmizo os pros ena shmeio na einai katharh eikona oposdhpote alla shmeia einai thola.<BR>To asteio einai oti 2 idia monitor pou perasan apo ta xeria mou eixan to idio "problhma".<BR>Entasetai kai ayto sta problhmeta geometrias?<BR>Pou na "dhmadepso" oste otan rythmiso ekei thn kalyterh apeikonish na yparxei mia ikanopoihtikh poiothta apeikonishs se olo to monitor?<BR>Sony kse-Sony polla ta lefta gia na antimetopizei kaneis tosa problhmata...


Sygnomh pou thigo pali to thema, alla exo dei polla post gia sony g200 kai tha ithela na matho pos oi alloi idiokthtes ayths ths othonhs antimetopizoun to thema..<BR>pls help<BR>(esto mhnyma symparastashs...)


Koita kollhte... Exw thn GST200 edw kai merika xronia (2-3 den 8ymamai akribws). Eimai apolyta eyxaristhmenos se shmeiw poy akoma kai na alla3w monitor, pali ths SONY 8a prospa8hsw na parw. H Arrabwniastikia mou exei to 17'' EIZO kai se plhrofwro pws h SONY (kata thn dikh moy krish) to pataei se ola ta epipeda. Egw to xrhsimopoiw gia sxedio (Mech Desktop 4 gia 3D drawings) kai pollh ligo gia paixnidia (Ax!!! kai na mporousa...).<BR>Gia ta problhmata me thn geometria... E! ti na kanoume, synh8izeis kai symbiwneis mazi toys. Den einai kai tipote to fobero. Epomenws prospa8hse na apolayshs to Monitor sou kai 3exna ta problhmata. Allwste den einai tyxaio pws h NASA exei mono SONY monitor... grin.gif" border="0


Εγώ πάντως φίλοι μου οθόνη με trinitron δεν θα έπαιρνα με τίποτα! Ωραία τα χρώματα, αλλά τις οριζόντιες ΕΚΝΕΥΡΙΣΤΙΚΟΤΑΤΕΣ γραμμές τους λόγω trinitron πώς τις αντέχετε?? Για να μην πω και για τα άλλα προβλήματα που διαβάζω τώρα.


File mou Doc1000 edw tha diafenisw mazi sou... i Sony einai afros stis othones tis. An eksereseis oti einai psiloakrivoutsikes einai mamates!!! Ofeilw vevaia na omologisw oti i Nokia 510c itan kalitera (estw kai ligo apo tis 15ares tis Sony). Oso gia tis Eizo, na kserete oti i Eizo vgazei korifaia monitors gia eppagelmatiki xrisi (koinws sto high end market apeuthinete) opote simfwnw oti oi mazikes seires tis einai elafra pio katw apo autes tis Sony


Eyxarisro gia thn apokrish.<BR>Ego den exo TOSO megalo problhma me to problhma pou anafero, apla tha ithela na ksero pos to antimetopisan alloi omoiopatheis kai na do mhpos eimai toso atyxos pou epesan sta xeria mou 2 problhmatikes G200.H alhtheia einai pos ego exo dei thn GST200 (pou einai progenestero monteleo ths G200 kai den einai flat) kai nomizo pos apodidei kalytera se themata geometrias apo thn g200.<BR>Oson afora tis grammes tou trinitron pou eipe enas filos afou tis synithiseis...einai ok. Eksalou de faintontai kai toso...


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