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The official *FIFA 08/EURO 2008* topic || Next-gen version ( X360/PS3 )


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koita e genikes grammes to fifa den einai kakooo..ena vasiko asxhmo exei! vgaineis tet a tet k de plasarei omorfa..prepei na soutareis...k einai asteio se kapoies faseis na vgaineis 100 fores monos k na mi boreis na valeis goal..an ftiaksoun ayto to prama genika to game einai kalo k se grafika de sigrinete me to pro..ego arrostena na allazo paixnidi k na xazeyo tin Total ston aera na strifogyrna k epaiza k me makrynh cameroula..


EDIT: dyo logia gia ta screenshots pou einai fanero oti akoma einai under constraction to game..trela ta papoutsia tou rooney...polu oraio k to old traford k to vestfalen..k o kosmos exei polu realistikous xromatismous an k fenete xartinos pros to paron..

  • Απαντ. 942
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ok molis teleiosa to diavasma stis proigoumenes selides...mia souma...


- doulevoun pano sth mhxanh tou 360 perisi alla exoun antikatastisei ta animation sto sout...to exoun allaksei entelos..mou edosan tin entyposh oti exoun doulepsei polu sti kinish ths balas


-doulevoun ena neo mode gia to fifa pou tha vgei sto epomeno mundial..kalo mou akoustike ayto..be a pro legete k elegxeis ena paixth apo ti katalava...k prepei na kaneis tis sostes kniseis sto gipedo...panta eixa sto mialo mou kati tetoio pos tha itan... ;)


-triplitses tha exei k combo tha kaneis...xaxa..o ronnie k o cristiano tha kanoun pio polu ora tricks sinexomena..mia bala gia ta paidia.. :)


-siberasma ton arthrografon, oti i siberifora ths strogilhs theas einai pio brosta apo to pro k to sout einai to kalitero apo sa exoume dei apti konami...(re les?)


-30 leagues, me pano apo 15.000 paixtes..13.800 paixtes parapano apto PES6!!!!


-deep edit mode...de anaferthikan ekei katholou...oraia ha itan na ftiaxname emfaniseis opos ftiaxnoume aytokinita sto forza e?



kai fysika milisan k gia to ps3 k tis dinatothtes tou..kai eipe o typakos oti einai pio dyskolo apto 360 alla exei polles dynatothtes k sto mellon tha doume pramata sto ps3 pou de tha ta doume sto 360, borei k to antistrofo...borei k na egleife to periodiko???? :P


epishs tonise oti oles oi etairies de kanoun tpt parapano apto na pernoun ta gameplay engines apo tin torinh genia k apla na veltionoun ta grafika stis next gen consoles..(les k de to exoume katalavei...) eno aytoi apofasisan na kanoun ena neo apokliestika gia next gen! bravo tous...vlepe ta ayta konami me ti bakatela to PES6...pou akoma k sto live kolage i moufa..les k itan tiga sto grafiko k den antexe..oust! kala de ta leo blackjim? xaxaxa


pano kato ayta gia osous variountai na diavasoun...


Pantws i EA apo marketing kai hype panta ta pigaine kala ( to akrws antitheto me tin KONAMI :P ) ara kratama mikro kalathi.


Gia mena ta kyria einai

- Gameplay engine ftiagmeni panw se ps3/x360. An ypothesoume oti einai ftiagmeni panw ston CELL , e prepei na doume apo physics poly kala apotelesmata.

- 15.000 paixtes. Na exeis oti omades goustareis.



Tha deiksei...










Με τις ελληνικές άδειες τι θα γίνει?Πάλι μόνο με Ολυμπιακό,Παναθηναικό,ΑΕΚ και ΠΑΟΚ θα τη βγάλουμε???


pote den anxothika me tis ellhnikes omades..dioti edo pou ta leme den yparxoun sto xarth...oi kalhteroi pelates eimaste...k pollu einai pou exoun kton paok mesa..sorry baokia! :P na nai kala h nova..god bless nova!!! tha xame ksexasei me ti paizete to podosfairo! :P

ena vasiko asxhmo exei! vgaineis tet a tet k de plasarei omorfa..prepei na soutareis...k einai asteio se kapoies faseis na vgaineis 100 fores monos k na mi boreis na valeis goal..



Στο 2007 το είχαν φτιάξει αυτό. Αλλά πλέον δεν έχανες τετ α τετ!

Δεν θυμάμαι τώρα πώς λεγόταν το κουμπί, αλλά το είχαν βάλει, είμαι σίγουρος.

Για μένα η ευκολία του να βάλεις γκολ ήταν τπ αρνητικό του 2007

k pollu einai pou exoun kton paok mesa..sorry baokia! :P


δεν τρεχει τιποτα βαζελακο πραγματικα σας ζηλευουμε εμεις δεν exoyme φραγκατο



δεν τρεχει τιποτα βαζελακο πραγματικα σας ζηλευουμε εμεις δεν exoyme φραγκατο




ton kovo ayton anti na kanei kamoia metagrafh na mazeyeo credits sto forza... pro evolution tziger!!!!! ante bas k matheis tpt apo bala... :P


to sigouro(?) einai oti gia allh mia xronia exoume nikith sta grafika! ego me aytes tis screenshots fantazomai ena oraio gameplay...to fantazomai vevaia...k me vlepo na paizo me tis ores.. ante konami..ti exeis na mas deikseis??? tha mas parei o ypnos sto allo topic... sto epomeno pes o adriano tha skizei ti fanela ths inter k apo mesa tha foraei ti stolh tou superman!...me cheat code tha ginete ayto! :P


Impressions on Fifa08 early build

Ok guys Im back again with some info from my mate in the US. He has had extensive time on the game and gave me some more info.


One thing that excites me is the use of the trick stick. He tell me the use of it in Fifa 08 is revolutionary. Its gonna open up so many things in the game. He tells me the control you have of the player is far more indepth not only in Football games, but sports games in general. Apparently you press one of the shoulder versions to go into a slow dribble mode, to activate the tricks you play around with the right stick.


But its not as simple as that, or basic. Because you can use it so quick it becomes an essiential part of the game. Its not only useful when trying to beat players, its valuable when you are getting pressured, making room for a shot, dummying players etc


It also have varying effects on your opponent depending on how they go up against you. If, for example, your opponent is pressuring you aggresively, a quick dummy will send him the wrong way. This animation is automatic. This obviously means if your opponent is standing his ground and you attempt a trick it will fail and wont fool him.


He told me he saw EA representatives showing off trick moves from various players and they looked so fluid it was untrue. Its a level up from anything hes seen before, and he truly believes this time EA have nailed it.


The way he summed it up was that for the first time in any football game you feel like you are actually controlling the players feet, aswell as the player himself.

quote apo kapoion pou eide to game kai epekse to demo tis EA.


To simantiko sto quote auto , einai oti o typos pou epaikse to game kai leei tis entypwseis tou , ypotithetai oti einai WE/PES fan :mrgreen:


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