FireGate_13_ Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Καταρχήν συγνώμη για το ύφος του προηγούμενου ποστ μου. Τα είχα πάρει στο κρανίο. Αλλα δεν έιναι κατάσταση αυτή. 1. Τα παιχνίδια που βγαίνουνε για τις κονσόλες της επόμενης γενιάς έχει αποδειχτεί ότι μεταφέρονται πολύ εύκολα στα PC, p.x Bioshock,Gears Of War, Dirt.. 2. Δεν υπάρχει κανένας λόγος για μένα αντί να κάνουνε port από μια κονσόλα επόμενης γενιάς, να κάνουνε από το Playstation2!!! \ 3. Δεν είναι δυνατόν το fifa να παίζει με full γραφικά σε ένα PC του 2003! Και δεν έιναι δυνατόν να παίζουμε στην 8800GTX γραφικά με 1000 πολύγωνα. 4. Δεν λεώ να βελτιώσουνε το FIFA αφού είναι ήδη βελτιωμένο από πέρισυ!! Να σας θυμίσω ότι το fifa07 ήταν το πρώτο next gen fifa. Και όχι αρνόυμε να δώσω άλλα 500 ευρώ για να αποκτήσω μια κονσόλα ενώ έχω ήδη ξοδέψει 1500 για να πάρω ένα νέο PC! Είμαι πολύ απογοητευμένος από την ΕΑ.. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
anamenos Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Alithia einai auto alla i EA leei oti ana to paggosmio poly ligoi ipologistes einai ikanoi na tre3oun ta next gen grafika. Etsi mallon tha perimenoun akomi ena xrono mexri na metaferoun ta grafika apo next gen konsoles sto PC. An thes pantos iparxei i epilogi tou PES 2008 , kati pou den tha ekana pote egw giauto tha agorasw XBOX360...
Blackjim Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 FIFA 08 Next Gen Producer blog - Shooting and Fundamental Depth Joe Booth Lead Producer Today I have asked gameplay designer and software engineer, Gary Paterson, to speak in the diary. When heʼs not following Aberdeen, celebrating Scotlandʼs World Cup Win (the homeless World Cup that is), finding the latest Leeds United negative story to rub in my face, or reliving every detail of Scotlandʼs one win over England, Gary is busy tweaking the shooting and the details of our game engine. Seriously, Gary is going to give you some insight into our new shooting mechanics and some of the changes that we have made to the fundamental depth of the game. What has been really encouraging for me about the way our new shooting module has developed is the sense of unpredictability that it creates. Because of the new way players strike the ball you never get the same shot twice. So if you go in the arena and fire shots off at the net, you are never sure if the ball is going to dip down under the bar or rise over the bar or swerve in on the side or not. That creates a sense of drama thatʼs there from the real world. Previously in football engines the shooting mechanics have been too predictable and I think our new model for FIFA 08 creates this authentic sense of unpredictability. The other thing I really like about the shooting mechanics is the feedback from the animations. There are all these different contexts and factors going on, so if you are off balance the player may still kick the ball but you will see him stumble afterwards, and so itʼs this kind of feedback that you now get to know that you did not quite connect with the ball. That makes more sense to me than if the ball just flying off and you donʼt understand why. Iʼll let Gary go into more detail here. - Joe Gary Paterson Gameplay Producer Shooting We have done a lot of work on the shooting mechanics to create added realism and it is a very complex system to explain. The main enhancement weʼve made is to the shooting system and how we analyze the context to a kicking situation to decide the size and type of error. We have always used the situation the ball is kicked in, like ball speed for instance, to determine the error on the ball. This year in FIFA 08 weʼve gone further to use more contexts to try to decide how the player kicks the ball, what the ball trajectory will be and if it is going to have back spin, top spin, swerve to the right or the left, etc. This is the first time we have used this many contexts to determine the trajectory of the ball after a kick and the size of the kick error. We consider things like is the player stretching for the shot, the ball ʽyʼ velocity, the ball incoming velocity, the ball lateral velocity, is the ball under his foot, is the player being jostled and a lot more factors to determine the success or failure of the shot. The trajectories we are now getting out of the game are more realistic than ever before. Factors to Consider When you line up a shot, there are a number of factors that you need to consider: Ball Speed The greater the speed of the ball when you hit it, the less accurate the kick. Consider whether you should control the ball first before taking your chance. Remember – players that are naturally good at volleys are more likely to hit a difficult ball with precision. Ball Height Volleys are spectacular but a difficult skill to pull out of the bag. Overhead kicks are even harder and rarely work out. Maybe you should chest the ball down if you can't get a good header in. Ball Bounce If the ball bounces just before you hit it, all the factors that make it difficult to get it on target are multiplied. Kick Power The harder you hit the ball, the less accurate you can be – which is why a 40 yard shot on target is so impressive. Player Speed The faster your player is travelling the harder it is to control the ball – and if you approach the ball at an angle it becomes even more difficult. Try slowing down before striking the ball for more control – remember, your speed adds power to the shot which can be helpful! Pressure The more defensive pressure your player is under when you shoot, the harder it is to keep cool and stay on target. This is especially true if your player is being jostled – only players with good upper body strength can ignore the distraction. Balance If your player is off-balance it is far harder to be accurate or to hit with power. You may only have seconds to get a shot away, but given the chance you should consider taking time to regain balance. Right/Left Footed If you shoot with the weaker foot then everything becomes harder – from accuracy to power. Either take the extra step or try to make sure players receive the ball on their stronger side. The Player Himself You should only try the most complicated and difficult moves with highly-talented players – if a player doesn't have the skills, keep it simple. In addition, we have changed all of the shooting animations. What we have tried to achieve here is enhance that sense of impact you feel when you strike the ball well. The way we did this is by making the animations a little longer. It may feel counter intuitive to make the animations longer as it obviously affects responsiveness, but for us and what we are trying to achieve, it is a positive thing. If you have ever watched Liverpool and seen Steven Gerrard get the ball with a little bit of space, maybe 25 yards out from the goal, there is a sense of anticipation from the crowd because you know Gerrard has the space and time to strike a really good shot. This is what we have tried to create in FIFA 08. So the game now is more about trying to work the ball into position where you have this time and this space to perform an accurate shot. As I mentioned, all of the shooting animations have been replaced. We now have power animations, finesse animations, power-finesse animations, weak foot animations, close shot animations, off-balance animations, etc. We have all these different animations partly for visual realism and partly to educate the user why his shot was off so he will know why it was a poor shot. The system we have created is logical and users will be able to understand why something happened, so in that sense it is predictable but it is also unpredictable because there are so many factors involved. You wonʼt get the same shot twice from the same situations because there are so many factors at work. At the same time a user should be able to predict that if they are off balance, sprinting and shooting at 90 degrees their shot is not going to be very accurate. In determining the success or failure of a shot we donʼt script the end result. In real life you will actually see shots with error on them actually score good goals. One example we use to illustrate what we are trying to achieve with the shooting system is to look at the fourth goal Germany scored in the opening game of the last World Cup, when they defeated Costa Rica 4-2. It was a free kick from 30 yards out and the ball was laid off for Torsten Frings. His shot actually started off aiming straight at the goalkeeper but swerved away from him and into the top corner of the net. It was like the error on that shot resulted in a goal. So in terms of the success or failure of a shot we donʼt script the outcome. But in terms of how we turn all those factors into error is a very complex system and it was one that we have had many iterations on because in order to get the most realistic trajectories you have to approach the problem from a realism point of view. We had to work out where the playerʼs foot would actually kick the ball from and then work back from there. So for example, if you are sprinting in one direction and you try to kick the ball to your left the chances are you are gong to strike the near side of the ball which will create a certain trajectory. The process involved trying to use the context and trying to understand how the foot would actually make contact with the ball, and therefore how that contact would affect the trajectory of the ball, and implementing this in the game One the other things we did to the game this year was to play around with the speed of the power bar. In real football you have to be very composed when you take a shot and then your chances of an accurate shot are significantly increased. We tried to transfer this composure back to the user. We went with a power bar system that is a little bit faster than it has been on FIFA in the past. If the user gets really excited because he has a really good chance, he still has to be composed on the pad to get a really good shot off. Momentum Another improvement we have made to the gameplay this year is to a playerʼs momentum. In real life as the body moves it creates momentum. Defenders will position themselves so that their momentum is advantageous to the situation. So a defender, for example, wouldnʼt sprint at Cristiano Ronaldo. He knows that Ronaldo can just change direction and then you are beaten. If a player doesnʼt manage his momentum well in real life than strikers like Ronaldo will just blow past him. In FIFA 08 we have worked with this idea of momentum so that users we have to be more aware of the momentum of their players as they are performing actions or they will over commit their defender. We didnʼt manage momentum properly in previous FIFA games so we made it a priority to correct this year. So if you were a striker and you were able to dribble past a defender, the defender would turn and catch up to you because he had a limited sense of momentum. Now we have created a more realistic acceleration curve for how players accelerate from start to sprint. What users will now experience is the balance between defending and dribbling is a lot more sophisticated. Passing We have improved passing by making it more intelligent. Our ethos here is that things that are easy for a professional football player to do should be easy for a user to do. A professional football player would not intentionally try to pass to a teammate through an opponent so we have adjusted our passing to make it more intelligent in this case, assisting the user to be able to create more fluid moves. Another example of this is in the leading that we apply to the pass. If your player is running when making the pass than the ball will lead the player and if the receiver is running, than it will lead the ball into his path so he doesnʼt have to stop. Again, this creates more fluid gameplay and build up to the play. As in FIFA 07, we also have the semi assisted and manual passing and through passing options which gives more experienced users more freedom in their passing options. Ball Physics – Reynolds Effect We felt our ball physics were pretty good so we just tweaked them this year and added a subtle change. Basically we retuned how the ball contacts with the ground and moves through the air. One of the more sophisticated concepts that we have added is the effect of turbulence on the ball trajectory. The basic idea of this is that at certain speeds, the threshold of which is denoted by something called the Reynolds number, the spin of the ball will have a reduced effect on its trajectory. If you remember the goal Roberto Carlos scored against France where he kicked it with the outside of his foot and swerved it around the wall, this was actually the Reynolds affect in action. Roberto Carlos struck the ball so hard for that first 10 yards that there was no effect of spin but once the ball got past the wall, the ball slowed down enough for the spin to take affect and the ball swerved into the goal. This is a subtle nuance but gives you an idea of the level of simulation that we are aiming to achieve. GoalKeeping We have also tried to humanize the goalkeeper this year. We have re-worked the save animations to make them more human. We felt like some of the saves didnʼt look visually realistic last year so we have re-worked them and made them a little longer to give you a better feeling of what that save felt like. We have also adjusted the way the goalie prepares for a shot. In real life when someone is about to take a shot the goalie will hop a little forward and heʼll get himself in a crouch to narrow the angle to get more spring in his reaction. Weʼve added this to the game. Weʼve also put in anticipation saves. If you are 1-on-1 with the goalie and you are really close, the goalkeeper will know he doesnʼt have time to react to your kick and then choose a save so as soon as you start to kick the ball he will spread himself big in anticipation of the shot, just try to get a piece of the ball. Collisions Everyone on the forums let us know the collision system in FIFA 07 wasnʼt very good so we have improved it so that our collisions are a lot more realistic than last year taking more account of player momentum and the concept of a playerʼs center of gravity. Player Positioning We received a lot of feedback from last yearʼs game that player positioning wasnʼt very good so we spent a lot of time working on this. We also developed more sophisticated conceptual awareness in the AI of each player which has really improved man-marking. This is called a Threat Map. Our goal with the gameplay engine rewrite was to unlock the power of the Xbox 360 for gameplay, so now each AI player views the pitch through a new threat map system, analyzing and reviewing over a 1,000 options per second. So now, rather than just marking players, or keeping zone positions, they will defend space, pushing attackers into a safer position before going in for the tackle. The Threat Map AI system analyzes the pitch for players in threatening positions so defenders will position themselves appropriately. Essentially individual players have their own brains and are capable of processing multiple things going on around them in order to behave more realistically. We have combined this with a special analysis tool which breaks down the pitch into areas that each player owns. Each player will have an idea that ʼthis is the space that I own on the fieldʽ and this will responsibility will be processed along with the Threat Map system to decide where a player should position himself on the field, when he should provide run support, where to make incisive runs. On top of that we will layer in where the defenders are so that if there is a threatening position and four defenders are already in place, than other defenders will consider this when deciding where to position themselves. These are the concepts that we have added to the intelligence of the strikers and defenders that will help them to decide where to position themselves. For example, if there is a threatening area on the pitch for an attacker to be located but no defender nearby, then the defender might choose to position himself there rather than man-marking a striker in a low threatening position. Or sometimes two defenders will mark one striker if that striker is in a very threatening position. - Gary Category: Game Development
anamenos Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Thanks BlackJim poly endiaferon. Mou arese idiaitera giati se merika simia paradexontai ta lathi. Idiaitera mou arese auto me ta ball physics pou leei oti apla ta kalitereusan apo persi giati itan idi poly kala. Mallon fetos exoun kanei e3airetiki doulia...
Blackjim Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 FIFA 08 Next Gen Producer Blog - Skill Moves Joe Booth Lead Producer Unfortunately for me unlike Leeds United players, you will actually be able to pull off skill moves on the pitch in FIFA Soccer 08. We listened to everyone writing on the community boards bemoaning the fact we didnʼt have any skill moves in FIFA 07 next-gen and we made building the feature a priority this year. Our vision this year is to deliver a really next-gen experience for skill moves and it is only through our new animation engine that we are able to provide you with a ʽbuilding blockʼ concept for creating your own skills moves. This year you have the ability to learn to execute any combination of skill moves, giving you an infinite number of potential moves to beat you defender. Aaron McHardy, our assistant producer, worked on this feature and will go into more detail below. As we developed the skill moves feature what I noticed is that everyone has developed a ʽgo-toʼ move. That is, when they are under pressure, the one move that they have really practiced and honed and will always perform. Itʼs the move they are most confident executing. For me at this moment itʼs the roll but for others on the team it is 360 turn, or ʽfakesʼ and an exit move. The other element of our game this year that has evolved through skill moves, and only made possible with our new game engine, is this notion of enabling you to express your creativity on the field. When we saw the results of people performing skill moves in our test beds we saw some pretty amazing moves and we felt like we had to find a way to enable you to share these moves with your friends. Thatʼs when we came up with the idea for uploading your video highlights. This year you will be able to show off the skills that you express in the game and the goals that you score. You can upload the highlights to our website and email them to your friends. Itʼs pretty cool. Joe Aaron McHardy Assistant Producer, Gameplay One of the things that users felt was missing from FIFA 07 after we introduced our new game engine, was the ability to perform skill moves to beat defenders, so this moved to the top of our priority list for FIFA 08. When we set out to create this feature, we looked at how skill moves have been executed in past football titles and decided that we wanted something more intuitive. Traditionally skill moves have been implemented by a couple of button presses that have triggered a canned or predetermined skill move animation. In keeping with the idea of a free ball, and the freedom to create and express your own style of play, we implemented a skill moves system where you could create almost any type of move you wanted, rather than choosing from a couple preset canned moves. This year we now enable you to take complete control of whatever skill move you want to create through using the right analog stick. We have base skill moves likes step-overs, reverse step-overs, body feints, and ball rolls as a starting point and once you are able to master these you can add more difficult moves to your repertoire and perform them in any combination. The idea behind this intuitive ʽlinkableʼ system came from the real world application of moves. When you look at a move performed by a professional player, he may step over the ball, roll it to the left and spin past a defender. Itʼs not because thatʼs all he knows how to do, but because that is what was needed for that particular situation. The next time it will likely require a different move. So if we just gave you a couple of button presses to perform a 360 degree spin we havenʼt really given you what you need to express yourself on the pitch and perform the moves necessary to break down defenses. What we have done in FIFA 08 is give you all the tools you need to beat players one-on-one. With the ʽbuilding blockʼ system that we have created you have the ability to execute moves likes step-overs, body feints, ball rolls, spins, heel flicks, chops, rainbows, etc. in any combination. We enable you to perform all of the moves that players perform in the real world but we break them down into a series of linkable smaller building blocks. Take for example Nigerian midfielder, Jay-Jay Okocha. He performs a move where he rolls the ball to the left, and follows with a step-over to the right with his left foot while exploding back to his left. This move completely throws his opponents off balance creating space for his attack. At first we thought about putting that move into the game as a specific move on the right stick but when we looked at it closer and broke it down, it was really only a ball roll, followed by a step-over and an exit. With our building block system you now have the ability to recreate moves like these and even expand on them by adding your own personal style or flair. The cool thing about the system that weʼve built is that even though there are a seemingly endless number of moves that you can do, the controls are very intuitive and actually quite easy to pick up. For example, if you want to perform a right foot step-over you make a sweeping, arcing motion with the right stick in the same fashion that you would if you were swinging your foot around the ball. So if you are on the field and visualize a move or series of moves you want to make we now have an intuitive system to perform them. On top of the base system of fakes and feints, we have developed what we call ʽexit movesʼ. If you are on the field and perform a step-over you may fake out the defender, but if you donʼt go anywhere you are not going to beat him. Beating players on the field comes from a change of pace. After a step-over, reverse step-over or body feint, if you release the left trigger and move the left stick you will perform an exit move. Youʼll explode out of the skill move back into dribbling in an instant – heading off in the direction of the left stick. The combination of base moves and advanced moves plus the added depth of exit moves multiplies the number of possible skill moves exponentially. In addition to simple base moves we have also put in some of the major moves that you see players around the world perform. For example, we have the move that Cristiano Ronaldo performs where he ʽchopsʼ the ball behind his standing leg while on a full sprint, or the Blanco hop where he picks the ball up with both feet and jumps forward, or Ronaldinho doing his flip flop where he touches the ball to the outside and then the inside with the same foot in an instant. You have controls for all these as well as many more on the right analog stick. Of course not all the players in the game can do all the moves. The more agile, and the better of a dribbler the player is in the real world, the more moves he will be able to do in our game. In previous FIFA games the rainbow has traditionally been one of the easier moves to execute. It was, in my opinion, way too easy and therefore way too effective. In real life it is one of the most difficult moves in football to pull off, especially on the run in a match situation. This year we have broken the rainbow down into two building blocks youʼll need to master in order to perform it. If you pull back and forward on the right stick youʼll flick the ball up into the air, but you need to flick the right stick forward again at just the right time in order to heel it successfully over your head. If you flick to early the ball may go behind you and you wonʼt complete the rainbow, and if you flick too late you may hit it into your back, or not even make contact at all. Itʼs up to you to get the timing perfect so the ball will sail over your head, and itʼs up to you to practice these moves to know the right situation to use them on the field. Another thing we focused on this year is the gameplay balance. When you create something like skill moves that are designed to break down defenses and create space for yourself, you have to make sure these moves are not too powerful. It wouldnʼt be authentic to the game if you can just dribble from one end of the pitch to the other any time you receive the ball with a good player, so we donʼt want it to be that easy in our game. These moves are easy to learn but will be difficult to master, just like in real life. To be a very good player, and dribbler, it takes practice to get things right. In our game itʼs easy to be able to trigger the skill moves but it is up to you to learn the time and place to use them in order to perfect the art of beating defenders. Weʼve studied the real-world moves to understand the different scenarios when these moves are performed and how they are executed. There is a major timing element to successfully using skill moves. You have to learn which move is right for which situation. If you are going to pull off a move too close to the defender youʼll get tackled. If you perform it too far away you wonʼt get by him and heʼll continue to mark you the same way. It is up to you to use these moves at the right time to create space for your attack. I think my favorite part about this feature is the creative element, and the fact that almost any move is possible. Football is a game of expression and creativity, and the thing Iʼm most excited about is the addition of video upload so that you can capture your moves and show them off to the world. From your instant replay you can hit Y and upload a section of your video straight from the game to our website. I know people are going to pull off some great moves and I canʼt wait to see all the crazy videos. For me thatʼs going to be the most fun. Aaron Mono me auta pou diavazw ws twra gia to Fifa08 , eimai etoimos na akoumpisw ta 70? xwris kan na dw to demo. Oi anthrwpoi exoun strwthei kai exoun liwsei gia na vgaloun ena pragmatiko football sim... Makari ola auta na ta doume ontws balanced sto paixnidi.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 koita black ka8e xrono bgazoun kai 1-2 features kai ta ek8eiazoun bla bla, an den deis to paixnidi mhn to agoraseis
Blackjim Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 koita black ka8e xrono bgazoun kai 1-2 features kai ta ek8eiazoun bla bla, an den deis to paixnidi mhn to agoraseisE den einai kai akrivws etsi... Sto 2006 World Cup thymasai na exoume toso analysi kai posts me combo moves?To agorasa tote giati apla den eixe allo podosfairaki sto x360 , kai itan mia moufa kai misi. Alla den eida tosa pramata na lene re sy. De milame gia sxolia tou typou "new animations" , "more realistic than before" ktl. Edw sou kanei analysi to ti troxia pairnei i mpala sto sout , ti factor pairnei yp opsin kai vlepeis kai monos sou ti douleia kanane me to dribbling system. Sigoura , perimenw pws kai pws to demo , apla lew pws proswpika san kapoion pou endiaferetai na agorasei ena podosfairaki , mou deixnoun oti kanoun sovarotati douleia kai kathontai kai mou to analyoun gia na eksigisoun kapoia pramata. En antithesi me kati allous kyrious stin Iapwnia pou oute kan 2 pramata de vgainoun na poune ( ti na poune vevaia , 2-3 teaks kanoun kai to poulane san neo paixnidi kathe xrono... ). Perimenoume to hands-on
teofross Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Τελικα αυτο που λεγανε καπιοι για demo στις κονσολες 6 Σεπτ ισως ειναι αληθεια σχετικα με το παρακατω site.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 E den einai kai akrivws etsi... Sto 2006 World Cup thymasai na exoume toso analysi kai posts me combo moves?To agorasa tote giati apla den eixe allo podosfairaki sto x360 , kai itan mia moufa kai misi. Alla den eida tosa pramata na lene re sy. De milame gia sxolia tou typou "new animations" , "more realistic than before" ktl. Edw sou kanei analysi to ti troxia pairnei i mpala sto sout , ti factor pairnei yp opsin kai vlepeis kai monos sou ti douleia kanane me to dribbling system. Sigoura , perimenw pws kai pws to demo , apla lew pws proswpika san kapoion pou endiaferetai na agorasei ena podosfairaki , mou deixnoun oti kanoun sovarotati douleia kai kathontai kai mou to analyoun gia na eksigisoun kapoia pramata. En antithesi me kati allous kyrious stin Iapwnia pou oute kan 2 pramata de vgainoun na poune ( ti na poune vevaia , 2-3 teaks kanoun kai to poulane san neo paixnidi kathe xrono... ). Perimenoume to hands-on ti na sou pw egw ka8e xrono diabazw kati tetraselida se periodika poso wraies einai oi kainouries triples, to free passing, 8ymamai tote pou eixan balei thn dynamh sthn pasa eidika... klp klp twra ti na sou pw isws fetos na einai diaforetika alla den to pisteyw px den exw dei pou8ena na milane gia thn monadikothta ka8e podosfairisth, dld h diafora tou kalou me tou kakou podosfairisth na mhn einai mono sthn taxythta...
wanderer Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 kai. gia eksakrivosi..
wanderer Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 episis tha thela na po pos edo kai arketo kairo parakoloutho ayto to forum gia fifa 08 kai to antistoixo tou insomnia gia to pro 2008..arketa endiaferonta pragmata exo diavasei kai merika ta opoia kalitera na min ta simantiko einai pos arketoi taytizontai me to proion.kanena provlima auto einai omos to stoixeio pou tha prepei na se kanei pio apititiko kai oxi na xamiloneis ton pixi ton prosdokion sou kai ton apitiseon sou...(anaferomai safos kai se fifa kai se pro..)..ksekinisa me fifa argotera kateliksa sto pro panta omos zitousa parapano kai apo to ena kai apo to allo,ftasame sena simeio pou ta dio ayta paixnidia kontrarizontai pleon se xbox360 kai ps3 ,,olos aytos o xamos pou ginetai ginetai gia tin diki mas ikanopoiisi,kalo einai loipon otan den mas aresei kati apla na min xoloskame.kai kati teleutaio kali i kontra metaksi fifa kai pro alla toti gia fetos i sony simfonise me ea kai fifa gia to wfcg, semena os katanaloti kai os gamer kati mou leei...
Blackjim Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 kai kati teleutaio kali i kontra metaksi fifa kai pro alla toti gia fetos i sony simfonise me ea kai fifa gia to wfcg, semena os katanaloti kai os gamer kati mou leei...To opoio simainei? :-?
wanderer Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 den thelo na pareksigithei i kouventa se oti exei na kanei me ton "polemo konsolon'' ,to skeftomai kathara apo tin pleyra tis sony.giati den mporei ena paixnidi to opoio anedeikse kai anadeixthike meso sony(pro),na erxetai tora i sony stin proti face to face anametrisi fifa kai pro kai na simfonei se diagonismo me tin ea..ayto thelo na po den mporo na to peraso san kati ameliteo...tora o kathenas mporei na to parei opos thelei i kai na min to parei ipopsin katholou... p.s (blackjim kaneis kali douleia me to olo searching keep up)
wanderer Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 mia erotisi..otan vgei to demo fifa 08,lene pos vgainei sto xbox live marketplace kai apo kei to katevazeis ..pos tha mporousa na to katevaso dedoumenou oti den nomizo na iparxei xbox live stin ellada....
teofross Δημοσ. 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 mia erotisi..otan vgei to demo fifa 08,lene pos vgainei sto xbox live marketplace kai apo kei to katevazeis ..pos tha mporousa na to katevaso dedoumenou oti den nomizo na iparxei xbox live stin ellada.... Φιλε μου μπορεις να χρησιμοποιησεις live sthn Ελλαδα εστω και αν οχι επισημα.Με το που αγοραζεις κονσολα εχεις αυτοματος 1 μηνα gold συνδρομη που μολις λυξει εξακολουθει να ισχυει σαν silver.Βαζεις στοιχεια πχ αλλης χωρας και συνδεεσαι οκ.Τουλαχιστον ετσι ηταν στο παρελθον και ετσι πεζανε ολοι.Τωρα αν τελευταια κατι αλλαξε μετα τα updates και δεν γεινεται πια αυτο δεν το γνωριζω.Ας πουνε και τα υπολοιπα παιδια αν ξερουν και εχει αλλαξει κατι.
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