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The official *Pro Evolution Soccer 2008* topic || Next-gen version ( PS3/X360 )


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Kapoia nea pou akousa prin apo ligo , apo ena podcast apo atoma pou ( proswpika to pistevw ) exoun contacts mesa stin KONAMI Europe.

( http://www.zshare.net/audio/2297491f83aa78/ )


- this year , PES is released before WE

- PES7 is being in development for 18 months

- Major improvement in graphics/gameplay ( milisan gia diafora nice surprises pou prepei na perimenoume )

- KONAMI Tokyo studio is not supposed to release any info until the game is gone gold

- PES6 on x360 was 6 months of development!!! ( eipan oti itan poly viastiko ktl. e mpam ekane outws i allws )


kai to kalytero neo itan...

- press info will be released NEXT WEEK!!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


de kserw an tha einai ekeino to show sto Tokyo stis 23/6 , alla eipan pws 99% tha doume screenshots kai info tin epomeni vdomada!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Ta paidia akougontai reliable , an kai me tosa fake pou vlepoume kai akoume , kratame mikro kalathi :P

Ypomoni mia vdomada loipon na doume.

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αντε να δουμε...:)

Ελπιζω να εχουμε κανα νεο επιτελους!!:???:







ti na peis twra...


O idios typos egrapse oti tin pempti tha apodeixtei oti exei to real PES7... :-?


Thelw na epimenw ( kai na elpisw ) oti einai fake ( an kai poly doulemeno fake :P ).

Krataw mia pisini omws , giati den mporw na pw oti den tha to perimena na einai pali ta idia sk@t@ to pes7.


Pantws mia skepsi gia to in-game screenshot : Italy - France apo to pes6/x360 ( prosekste to puma sortsaki tou ... Toni pou exei tin mpala ;) )


Εμενα μου φαινεται fake.

Αλλα,υπαρχει περιπτωση να μπορει καποιος να κανει κατι τετοιο?(δεν ξερω για αυτο ρωταω)


Για τον Toni εχεις δικιο,αλλα δεν βλεπω τον Μπαρτεζ...

Θα μου πεις..εβαλε τον Κουπέ....:)


Τεσπα,θα δουμε.


Oriste to next gen pro pou perimenan kapoioi sto ps3 :mrgreen:







Konami Unveils Pro Evo 2008

First screens and info point to the most realistic footie game yet.


Konami has lifted the lid on the first details for the next Pro Evo game and has promised that it will be "the closest simulation of real football to date." Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (working title) will be released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, PS2, PSP and DS later this year and boasts what Konami is calling "a revolution in player artificial intelligence" -- dubbed Teamvision, which enables the opposition to learn your style of player and adapt their tactics accordingly.


According to Konami, Teamvision will totally change the way PES fans play the game, because the adaptive AI forces players to constantly rethink their tactics. So, for example, if you prefer to run the ball down the wing and knock in a cross to a tall centre forward like Peter Crouch, your opponent will quickly change their tactics to close down the wide players and mark your hitmen more heavily. Similarly, if your favoured method of defence is to protect the back four with a sweeper -- then the other team will quickly pick up on this and change their attackers to take advantage of your formation.


Naturally the effectiveness of an opponent's change in tactics depends on the team they're playing as: strong international and club squads will be able to counter your tactics faster and more effectively than less skilled clubs, although players will still notice the change in their opponents play if they resort to using the same channels of attack. Likewise, powerful teams can also punish lazy tactical play to devastating effect, so if you lose the ball in your half to Robbie Keane there's a good chance he'll score. However, lose out to a less proficient striker and the odds of them converting the shot are less favourable.


The improved AI changes the way the game is played almost on every level, forcing players to take a much wider view of the game and real use the full width and breadth of their team. As such the pitch scanner plays a much bigger part in the game because it enables players to pick out openings in the defence (if they're skilled enough, obviously) and thread a ball through to an advancing attacker.


Teamvision affects set-plays as well as free play too. Cheap free kicks are a thing of the past because the opposing defence will close down runs faster, which prevents players from passing a ball into the box and tapping a shot in from short range. Naturally there are times when you will scorean easy goal, whether it's from a well-worked passing move or a fizzing direct free kick, but the enchanced AI now means players must think more if they want to consistantly win.


Other improvements promised for PES 2008 includes improved greater close control, so there's more scope for skilled dribbling, tricks and neat inter-player passing moves. Setting up a free-kick isn't quick as restrictive either, whether you're defending or attacking. You can change the number of players in the wall if you're defending or, if you're on the attacking, plan runs more intricately and position specific target men for the kicker to aim for.


However, the most noticeable improvement PES 2008 will offer over its predecessors (apart from Teamvision of course) is the graphics. Konami promises it will be a true next-gen experience, so there will be proper facial animations, shirt pulling and kits that flow and crease as the players run around. Watermarks from sweat and rain appear as the game continues too, bringing the player that bit closer to the action than ever before. All next-gen versions will feature a fully functional edit mode too -- something that was sorely lacking from last year's 360 version of PES 6 -- so players can create there own team and or edit existing ones. As yet there's no word on which licensed teams will feature or indeed what online modes we can expect.


"We have taken a long hard look at what has made the Pro Evolution Soccer series so popular, and where we want to take it next," commented Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka, creator of the series and Producer of PES 2008. "With the new Teamvision AI system, we truly believe that we have elevated the game to a new level. The movement of players off the ball, coupled with the total control given to the player, creates the closest simulation of real football to date. We really hope everyone enjoys our evolution. I promise it will be worth the wait." We certainly hope so.


We'll bring you more information on PES 2008 in the coming weeks. For now feast on these screenshots.




thanx priv






Oriste to next gen pro pou perimenan kapoioi sto ps3 :mrgreen:


Konami Unveils Pro Evo 2008

First screens and info point to the most realistic footie game yet.


"We have taken a long hard look at what has made the Pro Evolution Soccer series so popular, and where we want to take it next," commented Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka, creator of the series and Producer of PES 2008. "With the new Teamvision AI system, we truly believe that we have elevated the game to a new level. The movement of players off the ball, coupled with the total control given to the player, creates the closest simulation of real football to date. We really hope everyone enjoys our evolution. I promise it will be worth the wait." We certainly hope so.

:lol: :lol:

Min akouw tetoia me "worth the wait"... Erxontai asximes skepseis :twisted:



Auta einai ta super-next-gen grafika apo to ypertato-mixanima PS3? Siga ta avga.

H mixani tou pes6 sto 360 einai , ena vima parapera. PDS13 , diafwneis? :lol: :P


Μα καλα τωρα περιμενατε απο τη Konami να φτιαξει τα super duper γραφικα που θα μας αφηνανε αφωνους;


Απο hype παντως καλα το πανε...φαινεται οτι η στενη τους συνεργασια με την $ony ολα αυτα τα χρονια αρχιζει να φερνει αποτελεσματα!:mrgreen:

Oriste to next gen pro pou perimenan kapoioi sto ps3 :mrgreen:


Περιμενες πως και πως να το πεις αυτο ε?


H mixani tou pes6 sto 360 einai , ena vima parapera. PDS13 , diafwneis? :lol: :P


Εντωμεταξυ ,ημουνα στα παραπανω topic και εχασα τις εξελιξεις:-D

Blackjim εχουν πει επισημα οτι θα ειναι το next-gen pro?


Αν ναι,τοτε θα ειναι.


Μια χαρα βλεπω τα γραφικα.Δεν περιμενα καλυτερα.

Δες τα γραφικα του πρωτου pes για Ps2 και θα καταλαβεις τι εννοω;)


Η βασικη διαφορα που θα το κανει να ειναι next-gen το παιχνιδι ειναι το gameplay.


Eeeee , ase mas re PDS.

Otan sou lega oti i mixani tou pes6@360 einai to "next-gen" tous, mou leges arloumpes oti perimeneis trela pramata. Twra pou vlepeis oti einai i oloidia mou les "Μια χαρα βλεπω τα γραφικα.Δεν περιμενα καλυτερα." ???


Oles oi moufes loipon peri "lefta apo SONY" , "18 mines development se nea engine" , ">18GB disc-size" ktl , menoun na tis xairontai ta SONY fanboys. :-?


De kserw gia to gameplay , kai an de to doume kai to paiksoume de mporoume na sxoliasoume. Alla ta grafika ( se sxesi me to hype pou eixame ) einai metria ews idia patata me to 360 , opws legame... :(



To preview apo to IGN , ypothetw pws einai press release apo KONAMI US ( vlepe Pro Evo 2008 ;) ).

Na doume mipws exoume kai press info apo KONAMI UK , Tokyo.


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