Blackjim Δημοσ. 18 Μαΐου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 18 Μαΐου 2007 More news at 23/6 ? Neues Winning Eleven (PES) wird am 23.06.07 enthüllt 18.05.07 - Konami wird einen neuen Teil der Fußballspielserie Winning Eleven (dt. 'Pro Evolution Soccer') am 23.06.07 auf der '26th New Generation World Hobby Fair' vorstellen. Das teilt Konami auf seiner Website mit; die Veranstaltung wird bis zum 24.06.07 in Makuhari Messe, Tokyo, ausgetragen.
ProEvoFan Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 tora molis eida oti anoiksame topic... mi ksexname oti i konami ftiaxnei k to MGS4!! poli vasiko to theoro..dioti exoun dev kits poluuuuuuuu kairo tora k doulevoun..prospatho apla na doso mia eksigish sti diolosi peri kaliterou..thelo na po oti poli pithano na doulevoun perissotero kairo aposo nomizounme to pes6 de me epeise oti skotothikan k sth to vraso ego tetoio exclusive..epaiza sto pc to pes6 k mou fainotan kalitero k pio diaskedastiko...
Blackjim Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 ProEvoFan , proswpika apo autous perimenw pali ta xeirotera... Tosa xronia mas exoun sinithisei sta idia kai sta idia. Kathe persi kai kalytera :p From the forum of GameWave ( ola rumors pros to paron ) Chinese Translation:1. Konami considering a patch to update PES6 to PES7. 2. PES7 plays basically the same as PES6. (this cant be too good...) 3. Crossing is harder. In PES6 only speed mattered. In PES7 power, balance, dribbling, etc will be counted. 4. Players will turn slower and some players will have a slight pause in movement after turning (? unsure) 5. Defence AI improved. Slide tackling more effective. In PES6 attackers seemed to have the advantage against defence, this is balanced out in PES7. 6. More tricks and feints in PES7. 7. Passing accuracy decreased but one touch passing speed is increased. 8. Refs will make bad calls. example: mistakes on offside calls. 9. If players injured or tackled, players will argue with the ref for cards, etc. (not 100% sure on this one either) 10. more kits, faces, etc. (maybe 3rd kits?) this is just a very rough translation. ill try and get a better one when i have time. ***************** or another translation ***************** Guys i read it a couple of times and this is the general idea i got from each point thanks to vanished's translation. These might not be accurate of course but i did the best i could from what i could understand. Tell me what you guys think and if there are any other ideas you have then we could make a perfect one with everyones best ideas. 1. The PC Version of PES6 will be upgradeable to PES7 by downloading a patch from an authorized website. 2. The game will have less exaggerated dribbling precision i.e. The dribbling precision of players has been reduced/tweaked slightly in order to become more realistic. 3. When attacking, speed and acceleration are no longer the breakthrough determining factors, with strength and the balanced state of the player as well as the dribbling precision all contributing to the player's breakthrough success ratio with the ball. 4. If a player stops or changes his movement to turn during a dribble it will affect his movement continuity, anxiety (?) and affect turning speed etc. making him more likely to lose control/possession of the ball. 5. Enhanced the defensive abilities of Wing players in order to get back and support defense, not fully understood yet. 6. Increased gaudy (tasteless flashy) movements of players i.e. exaggerated goalkeeper dives when saving a shot. 7. The accuracy of passing has been slightly weakened, but passing speed is now quicker. 8. Referee decisions are now more controversial, less likely to assign penalties and inaccurate offside decisions. 9. ????????? 10. Other changes include changes to additional clothing (hair & sweat band, accessories?), increased member expression (facial?) and network optimization.
teofross Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 Ρε παιδια καλα ολα αυτα.Το κακομοιρο το animation αραγε θα το φτιαξει ποτε η κοναμι να φενονται οι παικτες να τρεχουνε και να κεινουνται ρεαλιστικα και οχι ρομποτικα σαν παιχνιδι του 2000? Αυτο περιμενω πιο πολυ απο οτι αλλο γιατι γενικα ειναι τρομερο παιχνιδακι αλλα με αυτην την κινηση των παικτων την ολιγο ψευτικη χανει πολυ...
Blackjim Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 Now Konami in Sweden have confirmed there to be 7 nordic teams in PES7. Source: affirmed number Scandinavian law in Pro Evolution Soccer 7Groin 2007-05-21 110400:: of erik Now had Konami in Sweden affirmed for ourselves that the am arriving be with it " seven Scandinavian law" in PES7. With mind on that Djurgården, Rosenborg and FC Copenhagen each with in PES6 is the thus believable only four second law. Under ours rundringning in April so is Hammer and AIK weather ( neither this ors that layers from PES6 is with again is yet affirmed of Konami). IN such case residue two second law. Wes am arriving know more about this within short. Followings size of PES7 was acknowledging " as the appears now": PS2, PS3, 360, PC, DS and PSP. Possibly none Wii- version thus? More universal data if PES7 am arriving unless formerly reveal the 23 Jun on a hobbymässa in Tokyo. This under German spelsajten Gamefront.
ProEvoFan Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 ProEvoFan , proswpika apo autous perimenw pali ta xeirotera... Tosa xronia mas exoun sinithisei sta idia kai sta idia. Kathe persi kai kalytera :p ayto ksanapes to! ego pisteva oti me ton erxomo ton next gen konsolon tha ekanan ena neo game...nea animation pou tha stirizontan se kalitera grafika k aftoi mou evgalan to pes6..k mono pou me ekanan na paizo fifa07 gia kana 3mino leei polla.. xaxaxxa...
Blackjim Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 ayto ksanapes to! ego pisteva oti me ton erxomo ton next gen konsolon tha ekanan ena neo game...nea animation pou tha stirizontan se kalitera grafika k aftoi mou evgalan to pes6..k mono pou me ekanan na paizo fifa07 gia kana 3mino leei polla.. xaxaxxa... akrivws.Ki egw gia kana 2mino eixa kollisei me UCL + NBA 2k To kako einai oti ta atoma pou asxolountai poly me WE/PES , einai parallila ( se megalo i mikro vathmo ) kai PS fanboys. Kai twra pou einai na peksei se PS3 exoume akousei tis apisteutes prosdokies... se vathmo vlakeias ( 18GB to PES7 ... ). Gi auto eite pistevw tha exoume tin idia kotsana , apla ligo veltiwmeni ( aka PES 6.x ) eite ontws mporei na exoume kati poly kalo ( makari ). Wait and see... :-?
Blackjim Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 21 Μαΐου 2007 De kserw kata poso einai new auto to traileraki ( oxi in-game fysika ) Alla etsi theloume to mellontiko WE/PES :mrgreen:
Blackjim Δημοσ. 23 Μαΐου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 23 Μαΐου 2007 Famitsu saw WE11 on PS3 ? Quotation11 に勝つ最初デモで現在の昨日 PS3 および Wii のビデオゲームの famitsu のジャーナリスト. このニュースは famitsu によって私に今日確認した. それらはゲームおよび映像についてのリリース情報の次の版である. PS3 ゲームは音声部分なしに現在 19.2GB BDROM である. JON KABIRA は 4 月の論評のための録音を完了した. プレーヤーのための新しい改良された次の物理学の制御機構. ソニーはゲーム (210,000,000 円) の融資を助ける. Gia osous de katalavan , translation - Yesterday, the journalists of Famitsu could see a demonstration of versions PS3 and Wii. - Today, one should be entitled to a small article on the site of Famitsu (perhaps with images). - Without counting the sound, Blu-Ray of WE11 on PS3 would make 19,2GB. - Jon Kabira already recorded the comments in April. - The new physics of the players was improved and modifies their control and the gameplay. - SONY would have helped to finance the production of the play (at a rate of 210,000,000 Yen)!! (210.000.000 Yens = 1.533.000 ? !!!) link :-?:neutral::-? 'H peftei xontro doulema i ontws tha trivoume ta matia mas...
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 23 Μαΐου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Μαΐου 2007 19,2ΚΒ Without counting the sound???:???: :-?:neutral::-? 'H peftei xontro doulema i ontws tha trivoume ta matia mas... οντως ενα απο τα 2 συμβαινει...:razz:
Daredevil Δημοσ. 23 Μαΐου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Μαΐου 2007 lol giati dld sas fainete periergo? kai sthn ps2 epoxh to pro evo 1 me to 2 htan h nyxta me thn mera. Oi an8rwpoi eixan 2 xronia na 3anagrapsoun kommatia kwdika kai na kanoun tune up alla
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 23 Μαΐου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Μαΐου 2007 lol giati dld sas fainete periergo? kai sthn ps2 epoxh to pro evo 1 me to 2 htan h nyxta me thn mera. Oi an8rwpoi eixan 2 xronia na 3anagrapsoun kommatia kwdika kai na kanoun tune up alla δεν ειναι καθολου περιεργο(για μενα τουλαχιστον),αλλωστε οπως ειπες το we5 με το we6 στην ps2 εποχη ηταν η μερα με την νυχτα. Απλα δεν περιμενα να βαλουν τοσα χρηματα και να ειναι τοσο μεγαλο το game. Με λιγα λογια ισως να ξεπερασει και τις αυξημενες προσδοκιες που εχω για τα επομενα pes. ιδωμεν...
Blackjim Δημοσ. 23 Μαΐου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 23 Μαΐου 2007 lol giati dld sas fainete periergo? kai sthn ps2 epoxh to pro evo 1 me to 2 htan h nyxta me thn mera. Oi an8rwpoi eixan 2 xronia na 3anagrapsoun kommatia kwdika kai na kanoun tune up allaMera me nyxta!?? Mpa, de nomizw. Sigoura fainotan se ola kalytero to 2 , alla siga tin terastia diafora... Variemai na psaxnw screens ktl alla thymamai oti itan mikri i diafora. Opws kathe PES x / PES x+1 :mrgreen: Dld esena sou fainetai logiko to we11 = 20+ GB , etsi? :-? Kai to budget na einai 1,5+ M ? ... :???: Episis, to "eixan 2 xronia ktl" den polystekei. 26/8/2006 Q: The visual upgrades for the Xbox 360 that we noticed – the facial features are fantastic' date=' but the rest of it – the stadiums and the fans in the seats seem like more of a high-res Xbox version. Is this a new graphical engine, or is this a high-res Xbox version for the 360?[/b'] Seabass: Since it was next-gen we canʼt really make use of the old-gen materials, meaning we did create new things from scratch. In years to come with PS3, maybe Windows Vista, next-gen machines to come, we still think that thereʼs more space to expand the graphical aspects. Because of my graphics staff working hard, what you see in the 360 version is a kind of real renewed models and everything. Q: So with the PlayStation 3 version we can expect to see the visuals take a larger step? Seabass: Donʼt get us a wrong, weʼre not going to create another engine for the PS3, weʼre probably going to use the next-gen engine. But the advances we did for PES 3 to PES 4 to PES 5 – Winning Eleven 7, to 8, to 9 – that kind of upgrade weʼll do for the PS3. Persi ton avgousto akomi elege oti autin einai i next-gen engine ktl ktl. Kai na allakse gnwmi , kai na tou dwsan 10m ? na kanei neo super-wow game sto PS3 , eixe kati ligotero apo ena xrono na to doulepsei. Efoson opws lene auto pou eidame sto 360 itan proxeiro , kai tha doume nea mixani ktl ktl ktl :twisted: Symperasma : ( dialekste ) a) Persi ton avgousto elege p@p@ries , na flomwsei tous pantes kai na poulisei to pes6 , enw sta adyta tis KONAMI douleve astamatita gia na parousiasei fetos to aristourgima sto polyagapimeno tou PS3 , me new engine , trelo gameplay , ola ta licences ktl ktl ktl :mrgreen: Auta pou elege persi to kalokairi itan alitheia , ara , kai fetos tha doume tin , ligo veltiwmeni isws , persini patata ( aka pes6 ) kai tha pesei treli apogoitefsi se olous , kyriws sta pes/sony fanboys :twisted::twisted::twisted: :mrgreen:
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