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The official *Pro Evolution Soccer 2008* topic || Next-gen version ( PS3/X360 )


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Isws methavrio loipon exoume episima kapoia info... :D


Μηπως ολα αυτα εχουν σχεση με το event ''sony gamers day'' που διαρκει μεχρι αυριο?

μηπως βγει τιποτα εκει θελω να πω.

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Μηπως ολα αυτα εχουν σχεση με το event ''sony gamers day'' που διαρκει μεχρι αυριο?

μηπως βγει τιποτα εκει θελω να πω.

etsi fainetai


Yeah like Thomas says it all looks reasonable. What interests me is the date. You see 17th is also the date that Sony release all info on their current Gamers Day show to the public, along with a PSN update. Coincidence? Maybe it is, because I cant see Konami announcing WE at a US show.
;) ;)

Ναι το ειδα τωρα πριν λιγο στο evo-web.

για να δουμε...

Παντως για να βγουν πληροφοριες πριν τελειωσει το event λιγο δυσκολο,διοτι δεν εχει βγει γενικοτερα κανενα νεο μεχρι στιγμης για καποιο game.


Pro Evo finally scores equaliser with licences


Among reading through i come to Pro Evo and the following was on there,


All international teams fully licence, F.A premier League licence, German League licence and international cup competitions licenced.


it also stated the its was to be released on Wii, PSP, DS, 360, ps2, PC and PS3. strangely the PS3 version was listed as Pro Evolution Soccer 7 '1st team edition' and had alot more features and modes listed than any other version.




1on ) oxi kai equaliser. To fifa exei sxedon oles tis omades. To PES edw anaferoune oti apla pire Premier , Bundesliga kai ethnikes. Kamia lower division , kamia apo "other teams" ( px argentini , portogalia , ktl ktl ).


2on ) Tin adeia gia tin Premier kseroume apo persi oti mporei na tin exei mono ena paixnidi ( opws tha eides kai sto evo-web PDS13 :mrgreen: ).

De kserw an akyrwthike auto , alla myrizei moufa...



Perhaps where he says "F.A. Premier League license" he's referring to the two teams with the licenses, but (if you can explain away this one then I might believe it)...


There's only two things that could have happened here:


1) There was a similar thing to this in a magazine that was an April Fool, saying PES7 had all the Premiership teams in (but it was later confirmed by the magazine to be an April Fools joke). The guy could have read that and thought it was for real.


2) The Premiership license is an exclusive license, meaning it can only be purchased by one party (but you are permitted to license up to, and ONLY, two Premiership teams without this license). For this to be true, this ruling would have had to have been abolished, and I would have thought it would have got massive publicity if it had.


Look at the guy's details (click his username, "withintheranks"). His previous "submissions" make him seem like a customer and not someone who works behind the scenes, and his previous "comments" make him sound like a bit of a nutter (he goes on about hating Xbox 360 fanboys, often in caps, when he's obviously a Sony fanboy himself). The article also has incorrect spellings and the "read more" button directs you to Game.co.uk, which has no such story.


You're mad if you trust this guy.


He says "international competitions licensed" - how can that be true? The World Cup can't be licensed, because FIFA would never allow that, and EA produce a UEFA game as well as a FIFA game, meaning UEFA would never allow that. What other "international competitions" are there that aren't run by FIFA or UEFA?

Proswpika symfwnw me autin tin apopsi. :???:




Anyway , sigoura kalo neo einai. Makari na pame se full licences kai ola. Apla ligo prosoxi me to hype giati polloi PES/PS fan psaxnoun eukairia se kati tetoia :P

( ok , ta eipame 100 fores. To WE11/PES7 logika tha sxediastei sto PS3 prwta , isws einai ekei kalytero ktl ktl . Apla ta news styl "3 times better" ktl ap'oti fainetai olo kai anametadidontai me titlous "Can PES be better on PS3?" kai kataligoume me moufes eidiseis apo pantou... :???: )


καλα μη με φατε:razz:

Απλα το βρηκα και το ποσταρα,τωρα αν λεει βλακειες το αρθρο,δεν το ξερω.

δεν εχω γνωμη και για το site να πω την αληθεια.

Άρα σύμφωνα με τον δεύτερο νόμο της θερμοδυναμικής καταλήγουμε στο συμπέρασμα πώς







Pantws auto me ta size einai poly moufa thema.


Dld , OLA ta games sto 360 einai ~7,5GB. Mexri kai to tetris dld. De kserw giati alla etsi ta kanoun.

Ara kai to PES7 tha einai oso einai ola ta games sto PS3 ( 18 gb pou lene i oso einai telos pantwn ),

Thelw na pw pws to size sto diskaki den leei apolytws tpt.

px To tetris einai 7,5gb kai den aksizei oute miso giga... :P


Re pou ftanoume gia ena podosfairaki...

Sto evo-web steilame enan apo to Hong-Kong na paei na agorasei to periodiko na doume ti p@p@ries leei mesa :P :p :P



anamenoume scans loipon ( ? )


lol σοβαρα?μπηκα λιγο σημερα και εχασα εξελιξεις χαχα:-D


translation tou scan

ok, on the left side where Nakamura's shown:

(Before i talk about the new stuff, I must first report about the reliability of the news. It's very unlikely for any news to be leaked out until a month or maybe even the day before the game is released. With still around 4 months to go, many foreign sites and forums already have some news and info on the new WE. Someone has posted on those forums an interview of the WE maker with the European PES3 magazine. It talked about adding 13 lisenced leagues, which include Tukish league and the Isrealian league. Also the internet can support 2 on 2 battles. BUT, these has all been confirmed as FRAUD (oh bull, thx for making me read and translate that...idiots!) This time, the news on WE 11 is out, but I can't be sure if it's 100% real or not. But in all those news, there are some that's more believable and start to be wide spread. So here, i like to diagnose them with all of you

* AFTER ALL THAT BS...we go on to the new stuff*

*WE 11 should be out before september!!


NEW ONE (WE11 is out on many platforms)

Believability: 99.99%

Info: The manager of the English area, Pete Stone, has said that PES 7 will be out on many platforms, that includes PS3, XBOX360, PS2, PSP and PC

Editor's note: It can always be confirmed that there will be a PC, PSP version. the question is will there be a PS2 or XBOX260 version, and wioll they be released at the same time. Will it be like the old games where PS versions come first?

As we all know, WE is made on PS as base, so usually there is specialty for PS versions. Many people believe that PS3 will actually come first to help save the PS3 crisis. And if there is PS3, unless there are contract bundles, there will for sure be an XBOX360 version that can possibly match PS3's version.

Now will there be WE11 for PS2? Even though it has been said that WE10 should be the last on PS2, but seeing how the PS3 has been sold, i believe that if there are both PS2 and PS3 versions, the PS2 version will sell better...so Konami can't let such a chance go.


NEW TWO (WE11 should be out before September

Believability: 90%

Info: PES7 (european WE11) should be out by October

Editor's Note: PS2's WE10, was out on April, 06. It has been over a year already and many other versions has been out to get money. But all WE versions has a gap of a year and 3 months or so, so being out by October is possible. (total BS here)

And so if PES7 is to be out by October, WE11 has a high porbability of being released by August. That's because PES series is usually 2-3 months behind WE.


NEW Three (Newly added mis-called offsides)

Believability: 85%

Info: The refs can have a chance of not calling or calling the wrong offsides to add more character

Editor's Note: It's possible that in a match there are miscalls and the wrong calls. But in Winning Eleven, the calls are always spot on and that can make some players mad. Compared to the truth, the difference in referee's character is on when to blow the final whistle and offside calls. Even though this can infuriate many players, but at the same time, it can be more realistic.


NEW FOUR (Main attack flow should be from the middle for WE11)

Believability: 80%

Info: Attacking from the sides and goals from crosses and headers will be more difficult for this game. The game will be more on skill, dribble, positioning. Speed will be reduced for this game.

Editor's Note: I personally like the reduction of crosses and headers, I believe this can increase the uses of different strategies, or methods to attack and makes the game more dimentional. But i believe that the Type 4 cross types won't be highly affected, so for people who still like the cross and head method, they can start practising this type of cross


NEW FIVE (Maintains WE10's dribbling control)

Believability: 85%

Info: the flexibility of dribbling and ball controls of WE10 will be brought forth onto WE11

Editor's Note: In WE9, the dribbling and ball control was hard to use and in WE10, many people loved the dribbling and ball control of the players. Therefore, in WE11, they might want to keep that flexibility and ease in dribbling as people love it. PLUS, it makes the game faster and more interesting.


NEW 6 (New move! Ronaldo's famous ball feint, "Turning of the Clock"?????)

Info: The game will add in many new moves and feints, but for sure there will be Ronaldo's famous feint.

Believability: 80%

Editor's Note: It is a must for new games to add in new moves and feints. Ronaldo's famous feint is more of an unstable feint, which is harder to catch than the old step-overs. It is quite likely that they will add in this move. But i personally think that it is more likey to add in C. Ronaldo's special moves and feints. Simply cause C. Ronaldo's popularity and fame is higher than Ronaldo's and it can bring in more fans to the game.


NEW SEVEN (Player dribble, and quick stop, then turn will have some delay time)

Believability: 70%

Info: The player's tendency and ability to dribble, quickly stop, then turn will be decreased. When the player turns, there will be a small stall time, you won't be able to quickly increase their speed and run away, but that also depends on the ratings of the player.


Other newly added Elements (the box of red)

Passing accuracy to decrease but speed to increase (80%) - This addition can make the game more real and increase the speed

Increase new jerseys, balls, expressions, online play (99%) - This is a must add, so total BS

Support 5.1 sound system, increase the live atmosphere feel (99%) - WEX already supports 5.1, there's no way that WE11 won't support it

Increase Celebration and Injury animations (CG) (99%) - For sure this will be added, total BS again


SPECIAL NEW (PC version of PES7 will be downloaded as a patch)

Believability: 40%

Info: PC Version of PES7 will be a paid service type. It will be an add-on for PES6 and Konami's website will let you d/l it

Editor's Note: I personally believe that this is false. That's because PES6 is like WE10, the PC version is just a little better in graphics than the PS2, and the screen can be changed to 2048x1536. It is possible for them to do that, but I don't think that they will do that. Plus, there are rumours of WEX (XBOX360 game) will be out on PC as PES2007. So I doubt PES7 for PC will be a patch/add-on for PC PES 2006.

opws fainetai to periodiko auto einai gnwsto gia ta fake news pou vazei... :(


Vrikan fainetai eukairia gia diafimisi :P


Apo vdomada vgainei to neo famitsu. Isws exei ekei nea...





貫徹多平台化! - Multi Platformed

「弱能防守」不再!AI徹底改良,防守意識大增 - Poor Defense is gone, AI has been completely changed and their Defensive mentality has increased

更趨真實化!盤扭動作大洗牌 - IT's more realistic! Dribbling animations completely changed!

單對單攔截、越位陷阱效果優化 - 1 on 1 tackles and Offside Traps have better results

力保不LAG!重點強化網上對戰穩定性 - No Lag!! Strengthening online battles and their stability

PS3另一《WE》新作搶閘推出! - Another WE on PS3 will be out!

真正支援全高清,容量突破18GB! - Full support of HD, Storage is over 18GB!



Mallon pali apla speculation.


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