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The official *Pro Evolution Soccer 2008* topic || Next-gen version ( PS3/X360 )


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Δεν νομιζω οτι συγκριση υπαρχει στα 2 games.Ενας απλος gamer που δεν ξερει αν παιξει 5 λεπτα προ και 5 λεπτα φιφα.Θα πει:Τι πατατα ειναι το προ.Ειναι σαν παιχνιδακι.Για το φιφα θα πει πωπω:Simulation,σαν κανονικο παιχνιδι. Και πολυ απλα αυτο οφειλεται στα γραφικα αλλα και στο motion capturing παικτων ,τρεξιμο κλπ.εκει υστερει το προ.Συμφωνο απολυτα στο οτι στα τελευταια φιφα εχουν κατι το πλαστικο και λιγο ψευτικο αλλα ακομα και ετσι ρε παιδια μην εθελοτυφλουμε,ειναι πολυ καλα τα γραφικα του.Παντως αν ο ιδιος ανθρωπος ασχοληθει για καμια βδομαδα θα το κελισει το φιφα και δεν θα το ξαναβαλει και μετα θα παιζει ατελειωτα προ διοτι το gameplay ειναι μπροστα πολυ καθως και το τρομερα συμαντικο πιστευω ΑΙ αλλα ΚΑΙ ο βαθμος δυσκολιας του να κερδιζεις στο προ διοτι στο φιφα ειναι λιγο της πλακας σαν να ειναι για μικρα παιδια που δεν ξερουν να παιζουν.Να δουμε βεβαια με τα νεα releazes τι θα γινει

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Sorry alla an den yparxei kapoia super mystikh ekdosh gia ps3 sta ypogeia ths Konami den blepw me to pro2008 na xekina kamia nea genia. Apo osa diabazoume milame aplws gia mia kalyterh kai poio plhres ekdosh alla sigoura oxi kati to tromero se sxesh me to 6 gia na dikaiologhsoume atakes tou styl "h nea genia xekina me to pro2008"


Δεν χρειαζεται να περιμενουμε μια super εκδοση για Ps3.Και να υπαρξει αυτη,εγω δεν περιμενω καλυτερα γραφικα.

Εγω περιμενω ενα pes που θα ειναι η βαση για τα επομενα.Μπορει η ''βαση'' να ειναι απλα ενα καλο προ(οπως ηταν και το πρωτο προ εβο για ps2) χωρις να εντυπωσιαζει αλλα θα εχει αλλαγες πανω στις οποιες θα δουλεψουν στα επομενα.


Kai fysika den milaw mono gia grafika alla synolika olo to paketo.


Αφου μονο εικονες εχουμε δει,πως μιλας για ολο το πακετο:???:...


Εγω ξερω οτι σε οσους φιλους μου εχω βαλει το patched PES στο PC με 512x256 textures και ολα τα συναφη, εχουν παθει την πλακα της ζωης τους..


Τους βαζω και κανα moufa και Uefa CL στο 360 να τα δουν να μου πουν την γνωμη τους , μου λενε .. μμ ωραιο.. δεν βαζεις τωρα το προ στο pc να μην καθυστερουμε κιολας; :lol:


Αφου μονο εικονες εχουμε δει,πως μιλας για ολο το πακετο:???:...


Se ayto edw to topic exoun dw8ei arketes plhrofories gia to 2008 apo atoma pou to exoun dokimasei, pera apo to trailer, opote mboreis na bgaleis kapoia symberasmata.


ego theoro oti to game sto ps3 de to deixnoun akomh polu apla giati den exei oloklirothei sto vathmo pou exei oloklirothei sto xbox...

prin kapoio kairo eixame diavasei oti gia to ps3 to game ftiaxthke apthn arxh...gameplay k ola..parolo pou elegan perisi oti to game sto 360 einai i vash...fanhke oti den tous arese opos se polu kosmo...tora ti exoun kanei de ksero alla perimeno na do sthn lipsia ti tha deiksoun...1080p exoun pei k 60fps..gia na doume konami....


dyskola na doume kati super duper mono sto ps3... exei to xavale tou pantos..


PS: ti egine eskasan oi eidikes dynameis tou insomnia k sto pro thread k zontanepsame? :???:


re petran rikse kana diavasma pio prin na deis..afou den asxoleise me pro asto..giati vlepo pou paei i douleia k edo...


k den exoume dei mono 4 eikones edo k 2 mhnes..exoume dei para polles..oxi aoti ayto leei kati apla to anafero...


PES7, the next real football game of the next generation?


It's the first time ever for the japanese version of PES: winning eleven, to not be released earlier than other versions, we have to say that with the movement to the next gen games, a new war begins. We still remember the arrival of the PES series to the ps2 that made a big impact for all the years of the ps2 lifespan, it will probably be the same for the ps3. But with FIFA trying to return furiously. The battle wasn't won in advance with the very average version on the xbox360, but it let the developers to concentrate on the online play (PC too) which will be, we know for certain, focused on during the next versions.


Evolution or revolution: About the graphics there is a big question mark, what we know for sure is that the graphics won't be as stunning as they used to be when we first moved from the psone to the ps2. The change will be all around the pitch, with stadiums full of details, more player animations, and most players will have very close attention to their details.


According to the developers, the players will move and act like they are in reality, the runs of Cristiano Ronaldo, the ball control of Kaka, the accelerations of Ronaldinho, etc. Luckily it's impossible not to know the players from the way they look in the game. With the powerful processor of the ps3 and the work done on the AI, most the scripted play will disappear and the characteristics of the players will be refined. We can expect the shot of Thierry Henry will have a precise trajectory but that's the case with special players, and it's the general way of the players' reactions that will make the game revolutionary. With a new "foot plant": foot to earth collisions the players won't look like they're sliding across the field. On the ps2, we had the players only moving in 8 directions, now on the ps3 we have double that, so we expect that the analogue stick will be decesive in gameplay. But there won't be any radical changes to the gameplay, after all why changing a winning team?


The processor of the ps2 used to make calculations to provide a chance factor to the game. It took in consideration the stats of the player adding a coefficient of the environment (defenders, position) and makes its calculations by luck like throwing a dice. With the new Sony console and its new processor, it will have the capacity of making more complicated calculations and more rational ones that will depend on the player mentality, how much your team is pressing on the other team and the overall teamwork of the players.


Interview with Seabass:we had the chance to meet the master himself and ask him a few questions.


According to you, what will next-gen really improve?


For me, what really matters is the ability of players playing against eachother. from this point of view, The future consoles will be revolutionary. The introduction of online play was a major set forward to our genre, not needing to be physically there to compete will change the way we play and even the way we develop games.


From your point of view, what's the most important thing for a football simulation?


From my point of view, the most important thing is the feeling of realism, the gamers should feel that they're immersed. we always try to add new animations, but we were limited by the capacity of the ps2 processor as we insist on the fluidity of the game. Now we'll take advantage that next-gen gives us.


What are the most important aspects of the game that should be enhanced to make the gameplay even better?


There are always lots of things to enhance,even though we're globally satisfied with the overall product we have to offer every year. What really catches my attention is the liberty of players. With the ps2 we were limited by the capcity of the ps2 procesor so we had many scripts for the game stays and acts fluid. We had to adjust the game speed to not to notice any slowdowns. With the ps3's processor we have limited to the maximum the number of scripts, so that the choices the gamers do will affect how the game is playing. In the near future, we'll do games that will depend entirely on the players' choices and it will affect online play the most.


What are you most proud of in this installment of PES?


We are very proud the game is where it is today, and that millions around the world appreciate what we do. We care about gameplay the most since we started our little project long ago, and we make football first next to anything else and we'll continue through that road as long as we can. I enjoy in particular the different reactions the players experience during playing the game. It's the Europeans who react the most, they don't hesitate to jump off their seats to scream "goal!!", also the Japanese forums credit us too much, things like that make us strong enough to carry on.


What's your ultimate goal that you try to get to with the PES series?


I am dreaming of setting up 11vs11 games, that you will only be able to control 1 player through the game and put his talents for the sake of the whole team. Also to make a player adopt the role of the referee. Luckily all that can be done through online play. I don't know if it's going to be popular among gamers. But that's what i want to accomplish, gamers come online to practice together, make a strong squad and try to take on other teams. (laughs)





From French Playstation Magazine


- 15 stadiums

- A lot Players have real likeness (example Mavuba hair or Toulalan grey hair on the side)

- You can change the design of the grass (finally edit stadium ?)

- Great gameplay

- In France real supporters fans for Lyon and maybe Marseille and Paris

- The database of PES2008 finish the 31 August

- Balls from Adidas, Nike, Puma and Reebok :mrgreen::mrgreen:

- 59 songs of jazz, rock, pop editable

- You can edit faces like in Virtua Tennis and with a USB webcam.




Λοιπόν σχόλια για τα παραπάνω στοιχεία


- 15 stadiums - Περίμενα περισσότερα αλλά δεν πειράζει την παλεύουμε

- A lot Players have real likeness (example Mavuba hair or Toulalan grey hair on the side) - Πάρα πολύ καλό

- You can change the design of the grass (finally edit stadium ?) Θεϊκό!

- Great gameplay - Εννοείται πως θα έχει

- In France real supporters fans for Lyon and maybe Marseille and Paris - Τέλειο

- The database of PES2008 finish the 31 August - Επιτέλους up to date

- Balls from Adidas, Nike, Puma and Reebok - Τρέλα

- 59 songs of jazz, rock, pop editable - Επιτέλους

- You can edit faces like in Virtua Tennis and with a USB webcam. - Αντε γειά η φάση...


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