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Just Another IQ test


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις




Δεν πιστεύω πως κάτι τόσο πολύπλευρο και περίπλοκο όπως η νοημοσύνη είναι μετρήσιμο,τουλάχιστον κατά αυτόν τον τρόπο, δείτε όμως αυτό το τέστακι αν ψάχνετε τρόπο να περάσετε λιγα λεπτά από την ώρα σας..


Ύστερα από THC+Μπύρες :



Your IQ score is 131


Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.'


Νηφάλιος :


Your IQ score is 136


This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.


Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.



Μαλακίες βασικά.


Your IQ score is 127


This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.


Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.




  • Super Moderators

Δεν πιστεύω στην ακρίβεια αυτών των 'test'. Ιδίως όταν αρκετά από αυτά (όπως το συγκεκριμένο) στηρίζονται και στη γλωσσική επάρκεια ξένης γλώσσας.


Παρ' όλα αυτά...


Your IQ score is 133


This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.


Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.

Δεν πιστεύω στην ακρίβεια αυτών των 'test'. Ιδίως όταν αρκετά από αυτά (όπως το συγκεκριμένο) στηρίζονται και στη γλωσσική επάρκεια ξένης γλώσσας.





Ακριβώς. Εκτός από αυτό, το σκορ βγαίνει συγκριτικά με όσους άλλους έλαβαν μέρος σε αυτό. : This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. :

Ειναι ανοητο να κανει γλωσσολογικες ερωτησεις.


Εντάξει ρε παιδιά δεν το έφτιαξαν για Έλληνες το συγκεκριμένο.


nick[;1602523''] Εκτός από αυτό, το σκορ βγαίνει συγκριτικά με όσους άλλους έλαβαν μέρος σε αυτό.


Τα IQ test αυτό το πράγμα κάνουν. Σε συγκρίνουν με νόρμες.

Your IQ score is 135


This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.


Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns ? both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction ? especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.


Τι θα γίνει ρε παιδιά, καναν σκάρτο βγάζει αυτό εδώ; :mrgreen:

Εντάξει ρε παιδιά δεν το έφτιαξαν για Έλληνες το συγκεκριμένο.


Ενταξει δικιο εχεις, αλλα μου την εσπασε γιατι απανταγα σωστα(ετσι νομιζω δλδ!) στα υπολοιπα!:-D

  • Super Moderators
Τι θα γίνει ρε παιδιά, καναν σκάρτο βγάζει αυτό εδώ; :mrgreen:


Από το παρόν forum, λίγο δύσκολο. :-D


Congratulations, Manolis!

Your IQ score is 135


Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. κτλ κτλ


Έπρεπε να σου λέει και ποιές κάνεις λάθος όμως στο τέλος !


Πολυ γλειψιμο εχει πεσει.


Your IQ score is 131


This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.


Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.


You scored 122 on Tickle's IQ test


You've got a very experiential way of learning and a strong mathematical mind. You're able to whittle even the most complex situation down to comprehensible component parts. In short, you have mastered the art and science of precision. That's what makes you a Precision Processor.


To κεφάλι μου πάει να σπάσει βραδιάτικα...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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