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Χασίς - Πληροφορίες & Βοήθεια


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Κοιτα που για λιγο πηγα να γελασω με το "Κανει χρηση μπαφος" (πως λεμε γκαλαπαγκος...).Λιγο πηγα να σε καταλαβω τον πανικο σου.Λιγο απο ολα.Αλλα τελικα...αντε κανε μια τουμπα παλικαρι μου.Μπαφος με παπα? καραλολ σημερα...

Καλως ηρθες στο φορουμ.Και να θυμασαι οτι δεν χρειαζονται τετοια πραγματα για να τραβηξεις την προσοχη.

  • Απαντ. 100
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Κοιτα που για λιγο πηγα να γελασω με το "Κανει χρηση μπαφος" (πως λεμε γκαλαπαγκος...).Λιγο πηγα να σε καταλαβω τον πανικο σου.Λιγο απο ολα.Αλλα τελικα...αντε κανε μια τουμπα παλικαρι μου.Μπαφος με παπα? καραλολ σημερα...


Πολύ ευγενικό εκ μέρους σου να ειρωνεύεσαι


Μάθε πως αυτά που δεν ξέρεις εσύ τα ξέρουν κάποιοι άλλοι




Γνωρίζει κανείς κάποιον που να κάνει τσιγαριλίκια και να μην καπνίζει?

Πρώτα έρχεται το απλό κάπνισμα και μετά το χασίς....

Επειδή ειπώθηκε αρκετές φορές ότι θα ήταν χειρώτερο να κάπνιζε παρά να κάνει χασίς και μου φάνηκε Η αρχικουλαμάρα...


Nαι γνωρίζω. Είναι μειοψηφία αλλά υπάρχει.


Οσο για αξιοπιστες πηγες και το τι κανει η δεν κανει το χασις.. :





10 Things every parent should know about marijuana




1 Q. What is Marijuana?


A. "Marijuana" refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis

plant [1], which contain the non-narcotic chemical THC at various

potencies. It is smoked or eaten to produce the feeling of being

"high." The different strains of this herb produce different sensual

effects, ranging from sedative to stimulant.


2 Q. Who Uses Marijuana?


A. There is no simple profile of a typical marijuana user. It has been

used for 1000s of years for medical, social, and religious reasons

and for relaxation [2]. Several of our Presidents [3] are believed

to have smoked it. One out of every five Americans say they have

tried it. And it is still popular among artists, writers, musicians,

activists, lawyers, inventors, working people, etc.


3 Q. How Long Have People Been Using Marijuana?


A. Marijuana has been used since ancient times [4]. While field hands

and working people have often smoked the raw plant, aristocrats

historically prefer hashish [5] made from the cured flowers of the

plant. It was not seen as a problem until a calculated disinformation

[sic] campaign was launched in the 1930s [6], and the first American

laws against using it were passed [7].


4 Q. Is Marijuana Addictive?


A. No, it is not [8]. Most users are moderate consumers who smoke it

socially to relax. We now know that 10% of our population have

"addictive personalities" and they are neither more nor less

likely to overindulge in cannabis than in anything else. On a

relative scale, marijuana is less habit forming than either sugar

or chocolate but more so than anchovies. Sociologists report a general

pattern of marijuana use that peaks in the early adult years, followed

by a period of levelling off and then a gradual reduction in use [9].


5 Q. Has Anyone Ever Died From Smoking Marijuana?


A. No; not one single case, not ever. THC is one of the few chemicals for

which there is no known toxic amount [10]. The federal agency NIDA says

that autopsies reveal that 75 people per year are high on marijuana

when they die: this does not mean that marijuana caused or was even a

factor in their deaths. The chart below compares the number of deaths

attributable to selected substances in a typical year:


Tobacco...............................340,000 - 395,000

Alcohol (excluding crime/accidents).............125,000+

Drug Overdose (prescription)............24,000 - 27,000

Drug Overdose (illegal)...................3,800 - 5,200



*Source: U.S. Government Bureau of Mortality Statistics, 1987


6 Q. Does Marijuana Lead to Crime and/or Hard Drugs?


A. No [11]. The only crime most marijuana users commit is that they use

marijuana. And, while many people who abuse dangerous drugs also smoke

marijuana, the old "stepping stone" theory is now discredited, since

virtually all of them started out "using" legal drugs like sugar,

coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.


7 Q. Does Marijuana Make People Violent?


A. No. In fact, Federal Bureau of Narcotics director Harry Anslinger once

told Congress just the opposite - that it leads to non-violence and

pacifism [12]. If he was telling the truth (which he and key federal

agencies have not often done regarding marijuana), then re-legalizing

marijuana should be considered as one way to curb violence in our

cities. The simple fact is that marijuana does not change your basic

personality. The government says that over 20 million Americans still

smoke it, probably including some of the nicest people you know.


8 Q. How Does Marijuana Affect Your Health?


A. Smoking anything is not healthy, but marijuana is less dangerous than

tobacco and people smoke less of it at a time. This health risk can

be avoided by eating the plant instead of smoking it [13], or can be

reduced by smoking smaller amounts of stronger marijuana. There is

no proof that marijuana causes serious health or sexual problems [14]

but, like alcohol, its use by children or adolescents is discouraged.

Cannabis is a medicinal herb that has hundreds of proven, valuable

theraputic uses - from stress reduction to glaucoma to asthma to

cancer therapy, etc. [15].


9 Q. What About All Those Scary Statistics and Studies?


A. Most were prepared as scare tactics for the government by Dr. Gabriel

Nahas, and were so biased and unscientific that Nahas was fired by

the National Institute of Health [16] and finally renounced his own

studies as meaningless [17]. For one experiment, he suffocated monkeys

for five minutes at a time, using proportionately more smoke than the

average user inhales in an entire lifetime [18]. The other studies

that claim sensational health risks are also suspect, since they lack

controls and produce results which cannot be replicated or

independently verified [19].


10 Q. What Can I Do About Marijuana?


A. No independent government panel that has studied marijuana has ever

recommended jail for users [20]. Concerned persons should therefore

ask their legislators to re-legalize and tax this plant, subject to

age limits and regulations similar to those on alcohol and tobacco.


Τέσπα το κλειδί για όλα τα drugs είναι μια σωστή/υγιής νοοτροπία. Την οποία πολλοί χρήστες δεν έχουν και σε αυτό φταίνε πολλά (σε μεγάλο βαθμό και οι ίδιοι).


Το σημαντικό θα είναι να μην επηρεάζουν αρνητικά τη ζωή κάποιου και να μην κολλάει εκει. (Δηλαδή δεν κάνω τίποτα όλη μερα απλά αράζω και πίνω ουσίες).

Κατα τα αλλα δεν θα ηθελα για παρα πολλους λογους να έχω εναν γιο 14-15 χρονων που πινει, αλλα αν στα 18 του εβρισκα χορτο στο γραφειο του θα το εστριβα να το πιουμε παρεου κ να τα πουμε.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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