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Global Agenda {MMOFPS}


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Global Agenda




Independent developer Hi-Rez Studios announced their debut title Global Agenda, a mission-based action MMORPG using Unreal Engine 3, set in a near future world of espionage and tactical covert operations.


Global Agenda has been in development for over two years by a team of industry veterans. It features fast-paced ranged and close combat, RPG-style character progression, solo or cooperative team missions, and competitive play on a massive scale between player-created agencies.


A departure from the traditional online settings of high fantasy, outer space, or military, Global Agenda is set on 22nd century Earth. An invisible war is fought not with armies, but with elite teams of highly trained and well-equipped special agents, where technology is a race, knowledge is power, and everyone has an agenda.


"We want to provide players an engaging, next-generation tactical combat experience, but within the context of a single, evolving, massively multiplayer online world where actions have consequences", says Todd Harris, COO of Hi-Rez Studios. "Player-created agencies, with the right strategy and skill, can have a very real impact on each other and the world itself."


Key Planned Features


  • Create, extensively customize, and develop an agent character that is unique within the world. Protect your secret identity through covert activity while increasing your skills and influence.
  • Join a player-created agency, compete in a technology race for advanced weaponry, and advance your own agenda.
  • Engage in solo, co-op, and team objective-based missions against non-player and other player-created agencies.
  • Experience a dynamic world of espionage and intrigue, where in-game events and locations are influenced by the actions of players and agencies.



Global Agenda: Exclusive Interview, First Details


Todd Harris, the Executive Producer of Global Agenda, has taken the time to answer our questions as they finally reveal their futuristic spy MMORPG to the world at large. This article represents some of the first concrete information available online about the game, who also debuted their trailer across the web today...






  • Απαντ. 30
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση
  • 2 χρόνια αργότερα...

Global Agenda To Be Unveiled At E3


Hi-Rez Studios has announced that they will be hitting E3 2009 with a playable demo of their "Spy-Fi" MMO, Global Agenda. The upcoming title is built on the Unreal Engine 3, and promises fast-paced combat set in Earth's near future. Technology and player-driven conflict with RPG style character progression, and shooter oriented action. Global Agenda is currently in closed alpha.


"Global Agenda is very different than the typical MMO”, said Todd Harris, Executive Producer. “The intense mission combat and team-based tactics are best experienced rather than merely explained. We’re excited to bring Global Agenda to the show for hands-on demonstrations, accompanied by one-on-one conversations with members of the game development team.”


The Hi-Rez Studios exhibit will be located in the South Hall, Booth 2630. Visitors will have chance to play Global Agenda and meet with its developers.



  • 7 μήνες μετά...
  • 3 μήνες μετά...
  • 11 μήνες μετά...
  • Moderators

Well, όσο είδα:


Μέχρι το lvl 14 περίπου, έχει PvE περιοχή (μια έρημο) και κάνεις quests.

Μετά δεν έχει. :P

Ξεκινάς PvE (Coop 4 ατόμων ή solo από lvl 20 και μετά) και PvP διαφόρων ειδών.

Τα όπλα έχουν το ίδιο base damage, δλδ ghost sword [common/uncommon/rare/epic] έχει το ίδιο damage, attack rate, κλπ. Απλά το common δεν έχει modifier, το uncommon 1, το rare 2 και το epic 3 και φυσικά διαφορετικό design.


Tα όπλα και οι στολές μου άρεσαν, οι classes θυμίζουν πολύ TF2 in space και οκ, αν και δεν είναι κάτι τρελό, μου κρατάει το ενδιαφέρον.


Αλλά στο chat και ειδικά στο VoIP του παιχνιδιού (το οποίο δουλεύει μια χαρά), έχεις τον κάθε ένα "you guys suck" (θα έλεγαν "my team", αλλά δεν είναι global στο PvP :P) ή τον άλλον που μίλαγε "you guys are sooo good, j/k (jay kay) και το "jay kay" το είχε πει καμιά 2-3 φορές και όταν ζήταγα βοήθεια "don't complain!".

Ε, VoIP off forevah από μένα λοιπόν. :P


PS. Παίζω Recon (πιο συγκεκριμένα Snipercon όπως τους λένε για PvE και Meleecon για PvP :)). Κάποια στιγμή μάλλον θα δω και τα άλλα classes γιατί υπάρχουν κάποια achievements που δίνουν χαρούμενα helmets αν τα κάνεις με όλα τα classes.



Θα βάλω και τίποτα screenshots το απόγευμα.

  • Moderators

Έγώ :P :



Βγάζοντας pics από μάχη, αλλά πάντα ξέχναγα το κουμπί να το πατήσω (είναι και μακριά το F9)



To πιο "ΤΥΦΛΩΘΗΚΑ!" από τα dyes... :P



Και... ο Freddie; :P



Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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