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Windows Vista - Recycle Bin


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Kalimera se olous!kai sygnomh gia ta greeklish!

Edo kai kapoies ores eimai antimetopos me mia patatia pou ekana sto laptop mou.Kathos esvina kati arxeia apo to desktop esvisa mazi kai to eikonidio tou recycle bin.Kserei kaneis pos mporo na to epanafero anodyna kai xoris na xreiastei na kano kapoio system restore h kati pio epodyno?


malista an kai epeksa liggo me ayto pou proteines file mou den vrika kati tetoio opos mou proteines!Allos kserei kati sxetiko?

malista an kai epeksa liggo me ayto pou proteines file mou den vrika kati tetoio opos mou proteines!Allos kserei kati sxetiko?


epsaxa ligo sto google k vrika se ena forum

tin parakatw lisi


HERE IS THE FIX FOR THIS PROBLEM: right click on desktop, got to

ʽpersonalizeʼ, then in the left column click ʽchange desktop iconsʼ.

Afterwards, click on the ʽrecycle bin emptyʼ icon and change it with the icon

that shows the recycle bin full…and do the same for the ʽrecycle bin fullʼ

icon. Click apply. Now when the recycle bin is full it will show empty and

when empty it will show full. Go back and change them to the normal icons as

they should be and it will solve the problem


den xreiazonte ola ta ipoloipa.apla pas ekei pou leei o filos pio pano.......

right click on desktop>>personalize>>then in the left column click>>change desktop icons>>

....kai tsekareis tin epilogi Recycle Bin patas apply ok kai eisai etoimos.


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