ts00ts00 Δημοσ. 23 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Απριλίου 2007 http://files.filefront.com//;7238124;/ To katebazoume, wraia ola auta . . To thema einai, pws to bazoume ?
Moderators GhostRiderLSOV Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2007 Moderators Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2007 Κοίτα στο "instructions".
Moderators GhostRiderLSOV Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2007 Moderators Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2007 Κατέβασα το αρχείο από το Filefront (χωρίς να έχω το Fifa ), το έκανα extract και ανάμεσα στα αρχεία, είχε κι ένα που λέγεται instructions. Κάτσε να τα βάλω εδώ. Τώρα το ξανακατεβάζω. edit: "1.it is largely prefered if u have never used or edited Creation Master By Rinaldo to install this patch in a clear fifa installed game. 2.moreover, as the patch is in .cmp format it is necessary to download Creation Master following this link: http://www.mysweetpatch.com/boutique/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=635 3.this programme DOES NOT WORK if u haven't installed in ur PC Microsoft .netframework programme, at least 2.0 edidion. u can find it here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=el&FamilyID=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5 4. after having installed these 2 programmes, open Creation Master. Go to the option "File", then click "Open-Auto". wait a while till the database is loaded.Then go to the option "Patch" and click "Load". then arrears the CM Patch Loader and u must click onto the "Load" tab. Import first Greek Superleague by clicking "import" and be calm without doing nothing. then go to the option "File" and click "Save". close the programme for a while. then open it again doing the same work by choosing Greek B Ethniki. repeat this proccess for the 2 other leagues. in the end import tournaments.cmp to have the Greek cup. that's it!!!!!!! thank's a lot Alex/Cheat4!!!!!!!Greek Superleague updated database is his one, without any addition. thank's my 36 friends who tested my plan. enjoy!!!!!!"
andreapaog328 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2007 Δημοσ. 25 Απριλίου 2007 Θα προσπαθήσω να το βάλω και εγώ.Manager mode παίζει ή έχει μονο αγώνες? edit: Το παιχνιδι crashαρει μόλις υπογράφω με ομάδα.???
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