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Ρε παιδια μηπως ξερει καποιος αν το championship manager 03-04 παιζεται online γιατι το θελω για δωρο??? ειχα ξαναρωτησει και δεν ειχα παρει απαντηση... δεν μπορει να μην ξερει κανεις τιποτα... αν καποιος ξερει το οτιδηποτε ας το πει παρακαλω..


Καλο και αυτο αλλα αυτο που ρωτησα ηταν συγκεκριμενο.. μηπως ξερει καποιος??? παντως migf1 σε ευχαριστω

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Σύμφωνα με αυτό εδώ:

Championship Manager 03/04 (PC)

Thirdly you can play a multi-player game across a network. This option requires multiple PCʼs and can accommodate multiple players (not necessarily one per PC as you can combine option two above with this option). The PCʼs must be networked together and all have Championship Manager installed on them, although only one copy of the game is needed. A networked game allows managers to search for players at the same time, reducing the time spent waiting for other players to pick their team. A single computer will host the game (this PC needs to insert the CD to start the game). Once the game has been loaded, other PCʼs on the network can join the game and become managers. As mentioned this method of playing a multiplayer game is much quicker than the second option described above and still maintains the competitive edge. Sadly it loses the social aspect of option two (unless the networked PCʼs are in the same room) and it is still done in phases, so you canʼt proceed with the game until all players are ready (which can be frustrating if you are having to wait for someone to search for players when you want to continue). I used to play across a network a lot when I was at University, as a lot of my housemates liked the game too.


The final option is to play a multi-player game across the Internet. I must admit that I have never done this myself but I would imagine that it works in the same way as playing across a network it just uses the Internet as the network. Considering the amount of data used in the game and the fact that a single PC hosts the game I guess you need a fast Internet connection (broadband etc) to consider playing the game in this way.




F.T.R. το παιχνίδι δεν το έχω και δε μπορώ να επιβεβαιώσω τίποτα από τα παραπάνω.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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