sh4dow Δημοσ. 10 Ιουλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 10 Ιουλίου 2001 exei kaneis problima me 80gb western digital se win2k giati molis paei na diavasei to skliro auto mesa apo tin ekkinisi ton windows mou bgazei blue screen kai lathoi...<P>(PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA)<P>to allo problima einai me mia sound blaster 128 pci, kai to raduga (v3) se win98se ellinika. otan patao tis kiliomenes rabdous ston ensomatomeno exporer mou bgazei bombo (zszzsssssZZsssZzzszsz zzsszz zsszz)<P>gia to proto mou fenete problimatikos o hd, afou to idio montelo douleuei sosta sto idio box.<BR>gia to deutero reumata nomizo oti einai...<P>eseis ti lete???<P>ps: otan kobei frames se video divx mesa apo win2k ti mporei na ftaiei?
Melven Δημοσ. 10 Ιουλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 10 Ιουλίου 2001 (katarxas me to allo provlima pou ekane restart synexeia (opos kai mena) vrikes lysi???)<BR>loipon gia to PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA pigene sto google kai valto copy paste kai 8a pareis arketes selides,vasika milane gia RAM apo oti eida sta grigora,des kai c.episis trava kai microsoft kai akolou8a ta hardware troubleshooters.oso gia to deytero to eixe kai enas filos alla palia kai de 8imamai an ekane tpt(oute pios htane de 8imamai...)<BR>
Melven Δημοσ. 10 Ιουλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 10 Ιουλίου 2001 episis vrika kai ayto <BR>0x00000050 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA AFD.SYS<P>Occurs under heavy use of WinSock applications due to bug in Windows NT 4.0.<BR> <BR>sto <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <BR>gamei to site e ,molis to vrika.<BR>de ksero an voi8isa.<BR>
sh4dow Δημοσ. 10 Ιουλίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 10 Ιουλίου 2001 thnx melven, mnimi einai alla i cashe mnimi tou sklirou! (pisteuo) aplos ean kapoios to eixe lysei kapos... tespa to lathos itan sto ntoskernel.exe kai einai kathara problima siskeuis (afou fenete apo to programma pou eixe to problima).<P>oxi kai tipota allo alla i texniki boitheia tis argei na steilei apantisi.<BR>mazeutikan polles erotiseis kai den proftenoun lene.... telos panton<P>oso gia to problima pou eixa, lythike dia mageias...<BR>afou ekana 3-4 fores installation ta win2k mazi me service pack.<P>tora exo kratisei backup to leitourgiko, min krasharei (600mb).
Melven Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2001 Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2001 <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sh4dow:<BR><STRONG><BR>oso gia to problima pou eixa, lythike dia mageias...<P>.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>mipos mporeis na mou steileis ligo kai se mena apo ayti ti mageia????? kai ego 3 fores mporei kai parapano exo format kai install alla i mageia de leei na xtupisei ti porta mou....packet.<BR>ehehehe
sh4dow Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2001 Μέλος Δημοσ. 11 Ιουλίου 2001 Dear x,<P>Thank you for giving us a chance to answer your question.<P>The problem your encountering is related to the operating system. <BR>You may need to install the latest service pack for your windows 2000 operating system. You can find<BR>this service pack on the Microsoft website at the following address:<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <P><BR>There is a known issue with VIA chipsets and Windows 2000.<BR>If you are using a mother board with VIA chipset installed please read the following information:<P>The Microsoft knowledgebase article Q272586 specifically states that "Windows 2000 does not <BR>completely support the VIA chipset and does not know how to correctly query the status of IDE <BR>channels." It goes on to list 686A, 686B and 596 chipsets as being the issue. Since these stems are <BR>experiencing the problems with Windows 2000 (and only Windows 2000; keep in mind that 9x works fine <BR>on these same systems) it would seem to indicate that this is where the problem lies.<P>VIA's updated IDE busmastering drivers do improve compatibility with Windows 2000, and are highly <BR>recommended if you are seeing any issues.<P>If I can be of further assistance, please notify me.<P>Kind Regards,<P>Theresa W.<BR>Customer Service and Support<BR>Western Digital <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <P>Please provide us with your feedback on our response to you for this case at <P>Original Message Follows:<BR>------------------------<P>Form Message<P>Form Subject: Technical Support<BR>Product Type: IDE<BR>Key Word: PC Support<BR>Sub Key Word: Windows 2000 Support<BR>Question: Operating System Errors<BR>Form Message: i have a:<BR>p3 700mhz<BR>256mb ram<BR>1hd 80g maxtor<BR>1hd 20g western digital<BR>win2k sp2 (eng) in the 20gb<BR>sblive 5.1 platinum<BR>S3 367 gcard<BR>motherboard is abit (sorry no model available)<BR>AHA-2944UW scsii card with 2 plextor cd-roms.<P>the problem is with a hard disk, a 80gb western digital hd.<P>i installed it in my box, it can see it ok, but when win2k boots, and after logging in, when it <BR>search for the drives it show me a blue screen with the following error:<P>PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA<BR>Address 8044EF1E base at 80400000, DateStamp 3ad7ad60 - ntoskernel.exe<P>the same hd works fine in win98/me, and one other same model/size works fine in the same box with <BR>win2k.<P>i also looked inside admin messages and i saw that the above error cause by a bugtrap function or <BR>something like that.<P>i believe the problem is the hd, but i need a second opinion or a solution if you can give me one.<P>thanx anyway...<P><BR>--- comments ---<P>kai meta mou les oti oi gynaikes kybernoun....<BR>mallon den katalabe oti egrapsa win2k service pack 2 kai oti to idio montelo sklirou douleuei sto idio mixanima...<P>tora fteo na tous skilobriso???<P>anyway tha do to update gia via chipset (an kai den nomizo...) kai ean, leo, ean den doulepsei tha tous skotiso ta arx**** i mallon ta m***** :):)8)<P><BR>ps: to esteila, kai tin xteftilisa.<BR>mono taxytita reply ebala kalo ponto (5), se ola ta alla to xamilotero, 1.<BR>ean eixe miden miden tha ebaza, an oxi mion...<P>kai ean exete aporia ti isan:<BR>PROMPTNESS - taxytita reply<BR>PROFESSIONALISM - ean autos pou to esteile einai gnostis (pou den itan)<BR>HELPFULNESS - ean me boithise (ooouuu para poly, afou me ekane na gyrizo askopa)<BR>QUALITY - na min to sizitiso auto fenete mono tou....<P>oute pou koitaxe na dei oi abit (SE6 Abit FC-PGA Socket i815 UDMA100 ATX) ti chipset exoun... aplos esteile mia lisi kai ean epiane :I na tin apolisoun reeeeeeeee!!!!<p>[ 10-07-2001: Message edited by: sh4dow ]
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