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Nvidia partners ready with 8600 GTS


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Samples almost out


The first reviews are scheduled for the Tuesday, 17th of April but the samples are out as we speak. A lot of Nvidia partners already got the Geforce 8600 GTS cards and starting to distribute them under the veil of NDA. Officially there won't be any reviews till that day but you never know who might get the card without a signature.


ATI will come roughly a month later at least that will be the date when you see its answer to a mainstream market in the stores.



Nvidia is quite happy about its 80 nanometre parts and it ruled this market for years. We will be very surprised if ATI steals Nvidia's mojo but ATI's sub $200 is this time at 65 nanometre and will end up clocked faster.



Graphzilla is ready, and DAAMIT partners are soon to follow for this new fight.


Ante Na Doume Ti Tha Doume Kai Me To 8600...


An Kai Oso Peftoun Oi Arithmoi Peftoun Kai Oi Elpides Tou Gamer gia peretero apolausi...


po-po akouste silipsi ideas pou ekana 2:42...


fantazeste i karta grafikon na itan se thesi na se akousi kai me to pou ekove kana kare sto game na tis patouses ena kantili kai na estrone???


xa-xa tha ixe akousi ta 7 euaggelia!!!

Ante Na Doume Ti Tha Doume Kai Me To 8600...


An Kai Oso Peftoun Oi Arithmoi Peftoun Kai Oi Elpides Tou Gamer gia peretero apolausi...


po-po akouste silipsi ideas pou ekana 2:42...


fantazeste i karta grafikon na itan se thesi na se akousi kai me to pou ekove kana kare sto game na tis patouses ena kantili kai na estrone???


xa-xa tha ixe akousi ta 7 euaggelia!!!



Xοντρικά περίπου οι μισές επιδόσεις μιας 8800GTX στο τσακίρ κέφι. ΄Οσο αφορά τα MIMD clusters είναι μια 8800 κομμένη στη μέση και όσο αφορά τα ROP partitions το 1/3. Με τιμή γύρω στα $200 μια χαρά θα τα πάει και από ότι ξέρω δεν έχει και πολλά να ανησυχήσει όσων αφορά τον ακυκλοφόρητο άμεσο ανταγωνισμό.

ante na bgei tin perimeno kairo tin 8600....kai an kani kai 200 pou leei o Ailuros mai xara tha mou katsi :mrgreen:


Δυσκολο να κοστισει ελλαδα πανω απο 210 ευρω,μετα θα ειναι πολυ κοντα στην 8800gts.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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